Universal Parts

7 days to die universal parts, 7 days to die melee weapons, 7 days to die weapons, 7 days to die armor mods, 7 days to die clothing, 7 days to die tools

A little background. In the game you can often find parts from tools, weapons and armor. In the process, they accumulate, but the player cannot do anything with most of them (for example, parts from melee weapons). The player can either sell or ignore when collecting loot. And collecting them for sale is also not very convenient; when completing a tier 5+ task, they take up half of the inventory slots.

The mod is part of the Project Z mod set. You can find information about the set and a detailed description in BlackRabbitMsk’s discord.

What Does the Mod Do

Added a new resource “Universal Parts”.

Any part of a weapon, tool or armor can now be disassembled into a new resource. Parsing is subject to a base penalty of 25%. That is, if you disassemble 1 main part you will get 1 universal one, but if you disassemble 50 at once you will get only 37.

During the game, you accumulate a new resource, and if necessary, you can always create the basic spare part you need.
The creation of basic parts is tied to the crafting skill tree. That is, to create parts for armor, you need to level up the corresponding skill to lvl 50, etc.

The mod is localized in English and Russian.

If you like his mod – Like it.
Have an interesting game everyone!

7 days to die universal parts additional screenshot 1

7 days to die universal parts additional screenshot 2


  • (new) Fixed bug with parsing some parts. Current version 1.1.1
  • Fixed a bug when parsing any items was unavailable. Now all items are disassembled into universal parts. When opening a craft, the player will be able to create the ones he needs. re-uploaded the mod.


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: BlackRabbitMsk

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September 3, 2024 4:49 am

Server, Client, or both?

A Normal Guys
A Normal Guys
August 17, 2024 11:59 pm

Is it intentional that armor parts are not obtainable through UniversalParts ”items’?

August 10, 2024 4:17 am

Looks interesting