Master Farmer

7 days to die master farmer

The mod is part of the PROJECT Z modpack. You can find all the information with a description of the project mods on the Discord server.

BlackRabbitMsk is glad to present you his new mod which significantly expands the mechanics of farming in the game
The distribution of books for studying farming has been changed. Now the basic study of seeds requires not 20 but 50 books.
The new resource “Fertilizers” is available for crafting in a concrete mixer
Added 2 new workstations:
Hydroponic station – Allows you to quickly create plants using seeds and fertilizer
Farmer’s station – Allows you to create plant seedlings (similar to regular seeds, but the ripening speed is increased). And also to carry out plant selection
In his opinion, he still managed to keep the original nerf, but the rewards themselves have become more pleasant and useful.

Enjoy the game everyone!


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: BlackRabbitMsk

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