This was LittleRedSonja’s first mod for 7 days to die. She made it for personal use while she walked her first steps in the game (dying a lot 😋), but she decided to share it with you.
This mod is intended to add and improve decorations for your base. She will be adding new stuff that she find nice or interesting, and she is open for requests or suggestions 🥰
In version 1.0.0, the first version of the mod, she added one of her favorite lights in the game: Made the End Table Lamps a powerable light source, to light your base with a warm and nice looking light. This was the first thing she modded in the game 🥰.
But after that she has learned more and have added LOTS of nice cozy decorations for your base 💜, from decorative vehicles, more lights or cute umbrellas to “Steve the Zombie”, custom nice secure storage or one million different doors. And much MUCH more. Both as pickupable items in the world and craftable stuff in the workbench.
There is a lot of cozy content, too much to add everything here in this first post, but if you are curious scroll down and check the content in all the updates so far.
She also document all the additions in the “Changelog.txt” and add some nice pictures showing the new stuff in a folder included in the mod files.
If you like to decorate your base with nice and cozy items then you might enjoy this mod. She is sure you will find something you like inside it.
And if you have suggestions, or want something in particular to be added to the mod, let her know! She is always open to suggestions and happy to help people create beautiful places in 7 days to die 💜.
She hope you enjoy it, and if you find issues or have suggestions let her know 💜
UPDATE 1.3.2
- Added missing icon in recipe list for the Miscellaneous Wood Safe Storage.
- Makes the Hydroponics Variable Helper craftable, so now you can loot it from POI and also craft it.
- Adds Refrigerators as a safe lockable storage with BIG capacity. Craftable as a variant helper, so you can choose between different models.
- Adds compatibility with Ramos UI.
- Adds compatibility with the next versions of SMX.
A small update adding some requested stuff, fixing a small icon, and adding present and future compatibility with some popular UI. Only the main file required update, the “No Power add-on” is unchanged and you can keep using the current version.
She hope you like it and let her know if you have suggestions or find issues! 🥰
Previous Updates
UPDATE 1.3.1
- Small fix for recipe for neon lights when used together with gns beautiful bases. Thank you MrSigma42 for reporting the problem 💜
UPDATE 1.3.0
Finally! LittleRedSonja is updating her Fancy Home Deco mod, with “only” a 2 month delay, yej! 😅. Sorry for the delay, it’s been a lot of stuff going on, but she hope you enjoy the update 💜.
It always makes her happy to come back to this mod and update it with more nice and fun stuff 😊.
- Added new lights and lamps, desk lamps, standing lamps, ceiling lamps, wall lamps and a powerable chandelier. All craftable, and some of them pickupable too in the world.
- Neon lights can be picked up by salvaging with any salvage tool, and used as powered lights. Can also be crafted in the workbench
- Hydroponics can be picked up by salvaging with any salvage tool, used as powered lights, and repaired.
- Added craftable rope variants that you can use as a ladder.
- Added more posters as pickupable.
- Added many more ad & sale signs as pickupable.
- Added a lot more new secure storage alternatives, in many different color variantes, all of them compatible with most versions of “craft from containers”. Armor racks, gun racks, drawers, foot lockers, ammunition boxes, books and book piles, vending machines.
- Added miscellanea wood storage variants, paintable, lockable and with big storage capacity (bookshelfs, cupboards, cabinets and nightstand).
- Added rug bear and big bear statue as pickupable and they can be repaired. You have also a small chance to get a rug bear if you harvest a bear with a butcher tool.
- Custom modular tents, Restroom signs and Bulleting Boards can now be repaired.
- Reduced crafting times a little.
- Greatly improved the localization file.
- Improved progression.xml, to make it cleaner, more consistent and improve mod compatibility. Remember that you can unlock all the lights from the start if you want by installing the “NO POWER” Add-On.
- Fixed getting double items when salvaging some of the deco items whith high level Salvage Operations. Thank you SylveonoevlyS for reporting it.
- Improved compatibility when using together with “FNS loot all things”. Now you can get the piano and the IV Stand decos if you destroy those blocks.
Have fun, and let her know if you find issues, or if you have suggestions! 🥰
UPDATE 1.2.1 (NO POWER ADD-ON only, no changes in main mod)
Small Fix for the NO POWER ADD – ON (main mod is unchanged). She finally could reproduce this on her end and fix it 😊.
- Fixes a glitch where, in certain situations and depending on what other mods you have installed, all recipes in the electrician skill tree could be unlocked. This should not happen any more.
You only need to download the update if you are using the Add-On and this glitch could be problematic for you.
She will also release an update for the main mod soon, but she did not want to wait to release this fix 💜.
UPDATE 1.2.1
A very small update, no new content just bug fix and some small adjustments. A bigger update for the mod she will release at the end of this month, with new nice content, but she wanted to fix this as soon as possible 😊
- Fixed a problem where the localized texts were not working in some servers, for multiplayer. If you were playing on a server and you were seeing ugly code names for items and blocks instead of the nice names and descriptions, this update is relevant for you. Thank you very much to stealthcold for the big help finding the problem.
- Adjusted the selling price of some items to better fit in the “Shopping Time!” mod.
So, if any of those 2 fixes are relevant for you, download this updated version. Otherwise you can wait for the next update with new content 💜.
UPDATE 1.2.0
- Adds compatibility with “Craft From Containers” mod for all LittleRedSonja’s custom storage. IMPORTANT WARNING IF YOU UPDATE IN AN EXISTING SAVE FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION OF THE MOD: Please empty all your custom storage before updating, otherwise you will loose its contents. This is because she had to rework the containers for compatibility with “Crafting from Containers”. After you update you have to REPLACE THE CONTAINER WITH A NEW ONE OR PICK IT BACK INTO YOUR INVENTORY for the compatibility to work. To pick up the container you can use her “grab your storage” mod, or simply destroy the container and place a new one. If this sounds too complicated simply stay in version 1.1.0 and update to 1.2.0 when you start a new game.
- Adds the requested “Bathroom signs” and “Bulletin Board” as pickupable. You will get a variant helper so you can choose what variants to place back home.
- Fix: Colored variants of the “Exterior House Door” can no longer be upgraded more than one time.
She hope you enjoy the compatibility with “Craft from containers” she was not aware it was such a popular request, but here it is, and any new storage she might add in the future will also be compatible of course. 💜
One important thing, and she is repeating her self, but this is important: Remember to empty all the custom containers before updating or you will lose its contents. After updating replace the containers with the new ones for the compatibility to work. This only applies if you update into version 1.2.0 from previous versions of her mod in an existing save, otherwise you do not need to do anything when updating or installing.
DOWNLOAD Fancy Home Deco for V1 (122 KB)
DOWNLOAD NO POWER ADD-ON for V1 (Removes the power consumption from all her lights, mutes the annoying sounds from generator, battery bank and solar panel, and removes the skill level requirement to craft some of the lights. For maximum coziness! 😄. It is and optional add-on, install like any other mod. Requires the main mod.) (73 KB)
Alpha 21
DOWNLOAD Fancy Home Deco for A21 (5,5 MB)
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: LittleRedSonja
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Hy Sonja..your mod is perfect…but one question,can you put file/mod where we can pick up all stuff in the world?
Do you really want to have everything pickupable? I think it could be really annoying to have the “E” interaction popping up all the time for every block in the game 😅.
Thank you so much. ^^
Thanks you, I hope you have fun! 💜
Oh, I forgot the “o shit drops”
Yes of course, I will include them in the soon coming next update. I thought I already have all those included, thank you for reporting the missing ones! 💜
Love your work, thank you…Can you make the posters for sugar butts, covert cats, rock busters. They are the only ones missing from vending machines…thx
Please upload the file to another file downloading site.
The one you uploaded too is impossibly slow, like unbearable.. it should not take 53 minutes for 5.5mb’s!
Hi! Sorry, it seems simfileshare has problems sometimes and the download can be slow then. Usually it fixes itself after a short time, and usually it downloads pretty fast. Anyway, I am planning on sharing my mods in GitLab too, but I need first to upload all the files and set the site for it to work properly. When I add the mods to gitlab I will share the link so it can be added here on 7daystodiemods too (I hope) so there will be an additional mirror for download.
Hello, I see from STYX mods he had mods name “Working Power Lamps” but it’s available for A21. Would you like to make in happen in this V1.0 or latest version? Please.
I have already some powered lamps included in the mod, and I will keep adding more in future updates, quite a few are already included in dev build for the next update, probably by the end of the month.
I hope that works for you! 💜
Thank you. ^^
ahoj bolo by mozne vytvorit neznicitelne bloky na stavbu a vlastnym nastrojom na znicenie ? ano existuje tu mod lenze nie je aktualny a obsahuje chyby a autor nic nerobi pre opravu 🙁 a ty mas super mody o ktore sa staras aby fungovali 🙂
I am using google to translate you message to English, so I just want to make sure I understand you right. You wonder if it is possible to make custom blocks to build that can only be destroyed with a certain custom tool?
Hi, yes, I use the “BEDROCK-admin Blocks Upgraded Version” mod, but it contains errors that the author does not even respond to and have not been fixed. So, would it be possible to create something like that from you 🙂 , but with more doors and a tool for destroying blocks that could only be used by admin 🙂 . Your mods are great.
Thanks 💜.
I will take a look at that mod you mention and see if I can make something similar, thank you for the suggestion 🥰
Hello Sonya
Can you perhaps bring in new textures for painting? Your mod is super good, thanks for that and for the work.
Thank you, I am happy that you like it! 💜
New textures for painting I might consider, but it would be as an optional add-on, since adding new textures for painting would require custom assets, meaning it could not be “server-side”.
In the meantime you can check for example “Pyro Paints”, that is a nice mod that adds a lot of new textures to paint, and it is 100% compatible with all my mods.
Can you bring back the chandelier? please.
Hi! For some reason I thought the chandelier was already craftable, but if it is not sure, I will add it in the next update, thank you for the suggestion 💜.
thanks too ^^
I can’t find its recipe in 1.0 for chandelier.
Yeah, it seems it is not craftable, so I will add it as a power able light in the next update 💜
Enjoying the mod but an issue I am having is the items are all pink in the UI until crafted. So the items once placed are fine but they are all pink in the crafting menu and inv. Any idea how to fix?
Hi! If you mean the purple-pinkish color of the icons it is an intended change to make them easier to spot and distinguish from the vanilla items. Do not worry, there is nothing wrong hehe. I was using a more yellow-orange before but that seemed to be problematic for colour-blind people and I want my mod to be easy and accessible for everybody. Another alternative I am considering is to color the names of the items but leave the color of the icon itself as vanilla. Let me know what you think in the comments 💜
wow, my tents have been added 🙂 🙂 only one small fault, they cannot be repaired when damaged and have a low durability, it would be possible to increase it to say from 250 to 500 or more, or they would be upgradeable as blocks 🙂
That is a good idea, I will add the possibility to repair and increase the HP in the next update 🥰
Unfortunately, I’ll probably stop playing the game 🙁 , the game started to freeze for some unknown reason, the entire save is unplayable and no one knows why, whether it was caused by a game update or a mod from someone, I have no idea 🙁 but I really don’t like starting the game again after 8 times .
It always happens after about 100-115 days in the game, the game seems to be raking and nothing happens, the program stops working and no specific error is shown… and my nerves are already on the verge of collapse… -_- until they fix it so I won’t play the game until then, and that’s what my friends said too
I love your mod so much, just like the other friends I play with on our server.
Thank you so much.
Only one question we have Stevi is very very alone, he would be very happy about a girlfriend or friends =)
Thank you! I am happy that you like it! 💜
Yes, he is very alone, so I might add some friends or girlfriend to make him company in next update 🥰
Can i do install on my server only server side Or must have server and client?
EAC must be off?
This mod is SERVER SIDE compatible, meaning for multiplayer you only need to install it on the server.
EAC can be on or off, it does not affect how the mod works.
I hope you enjoy it! 💜
Absolutely love this mod!! I have been having trouble picking up the radio. Also, is it possible to send screenshots of items of stuff you could possibly add? Things like the sign that says ‘condemned do not enter’
Hi! Thank you! 💜
About the radio, thank you for reporting it 🥰! I did not realized but It seems it is bugged right now and can only by picked inside land claim area. I will release a fix this weekend together with a nice addition to the mod.
I do not think it is possible to add pics here, but if you want you can always post a pic of something you want me to add in the mod thread in the official forum ( Otherwise you can simply tell me what you would like to have in the mod, describe the item, and I am usually good at finding what object you mean ☺.
You’re amazing!!! You do so much for the community. your mods make me stay interested in the game. Thanks for looking into the radio. I can pick up the singular microphone and it looks good. The only thing I was looking for was the condemned sign that is yellow, smaller but it has hazard lines on it. I took over a shady shed farms house and one was sitting out front and I loved the look it gave the property but it only had about maybe 150/200hp? it broke and its been gone since 🙁 Thanks again, also is there anywhere to support you like patreon?
Thank you! 💜
I added quite a lot of new signs this update, but if the “condemned” sign was not added i will take care of it in the next update, don’t worry.
The best way to support me is using my mods, I love when I see people enjoying them, but thank you for asking anyway, it is very kind of you 🥰
hello, this is really good mod for 7 dtd, can you add weapon rack pleease, i very wanna build base with gun and armor storages
Hi thank you! 💜. I started working on an armor stand but since I discovered there was another modder working on the same I abandoned the project. I hope that one will release soon enough. Weapon rack, sure, I have sort of a “prototype” for that that needs some more testing but I hope I can add it eventually.
Thanks for the suggestions! 🥰
Love this mod!!! Finally the doors I want <3 Is there anyway it would be possible to make the recess POI lighting? I know it's available as a craftable but it doesn't light up 🙁
Thank you! 💜.
If you like doors I have a couple really nice things with doors coming in the next update 🥰.
About the recess lights yes, absolutely, I will take a look and see what I can do for the next update 😊.
Thank you for the suggestion and I hope you enjoy the mod!
hello, tks for the great mod, but I have a problem with the curtains, when I select the top half right curtain, any colour, it’s a top half left curtain that appears. The bottom half right curtain works normally. Any idea ? thanks 🙂
Hi! Yes, me and some friends have observed the same, but we have tested it and it seems to also happen in a vanilla un-moded game! So what I suspect is that it might be a vanilla issue, but I am not 100% sure. Could you please try it in a game without mods (move the mods except Harmony) out of your mods folder, and start a new fresh game in a new world and see if you observe the same. Right now I am thinking it is a vanilla issue, but I would want to be sure hehehe. Thank you! 💜
I’ve tried it without mods, the problem is indeed the same, so your intuition was right, it’s a vanilla issue, it’s a shame… Thanks for the help though, and congratulations again on all your mods ^^
Thank you! 💜
Yes, I suspect they messed that curtain when fixing the other bug, the one that added “ghost faces” to the curtains (that one was funny 😄), and named the asset in unity the wrong way, so that game object uses the wrong unity asset hehehe. I hope they will fix it soon enough.
Thank you for your answer, and enjoy the mod! 🥰
They have finally fixed the messed curtain in 1.1 b14, happy days! 💜
i thick there is a bug regarding you mod causing texture quality to degrade
I do not know how that would be possible, since this mod only adds xml to the game, and there is no way you can edit, change, upgrade or degrade in-game textures with xml only, not even on purpose, at least to my current skill level. That would be awesome actually if we could do that 😊, so let me know if you find a way to do that.
To edit game textures you need to have installed a mod that adds a DLL and/or custom unity resources (there should be a “resources” folder in the mod folder). Look for something like that.
Or perhaps the game decided to turn your settings down for some reason, there have been a couple game updates lately, maybe TFP changed something in the settings. Take a look at your settings and make sure it looks as it should.
In any case let me know if you cannot figure this out, and I will try to help 💜.
Great work! Thank you! <3
Thank you for your comment, I am happy that you are enjoying the mod 💜
THE BEST DECORATION MOD FOR 7 DAY TO DIE! i love you so so much LittleRedSonja <3
Thank you, you are very kind! 💜
I am happy that you enjoy it, and let me know if you have suggestions or find issues 😊
Hello LittleRedSonja, could the tent blocks be added? How are they military or non-military.
Sure, I will add them in the next version.
I hope you enjoy the mod 💜
This mod is something awesome for the game 🙂 4 mods that I have from you in the game are something awesome no problems, everything works great 🙂 the game is immediately more fun and beautiful 🙂
Thank you, I am happy that you are enjoying it! 🥰
Your addition “LittleRedSonja_FancyHomeDeco_v1_NO_POWER_ADDON” unfortunately opens all previously unavailable recipes, even if you lack the skill to do so. Please fix it.
If you mean the 6 lights and light variants in the mod that require electrician level 25, it is an intended effect in the add-on, not a bug. It is documented in the changelog, and mod description.
The idea behind the add-on is to make things easier and less demanding for people that do not want to worry about power requirements or skill levels, only decorate their bases in peace. The majority of players that do not want power required for the lights do not want skill level requirement to craft them either. And since you can actually pick up all those lights in the world on day one anyway (if you find them) it is not a big change. Lights do not change game balance either, it is just decoration with no other practical use.
BUT since there are also players that do want the lights to require power and to be unlocked by a skill level, that is why the main mod works like that.
The ADD-ON is optional, so that everybody can play the game and enjoy the mod the way they want.
If you mean that the add-on somehow unlocks all the previously locked recipes in the game that would be a very different thing, but I would not even know how that could happen, since the add-on can only remove changes made by the main mod and absolutely nothing else. You would need to provide a little more info 😄.
The addon unlocked all previously locked recipes in the game. Fortunately, when I removed the addon, all uncovered recipes were locked again. Maybe I have some kind of conflict with mods. Or because I’m using version b313.
Now I am very intrigued 😄.
Would you be so kind to give me a list of the mods you have installed or link a picture of your mods folder where I can see the names of the mods? If there is some kind of incompatibility with other mod I would like to know it and if possible fix it. I still do not know how what you describe could possibly happen, even when having other mods installed, so I would be very grateful if you could provide me with your mods list.
Thank you! 💜
Love your mod! I just got it today and wanted to put street lights in our little Marketplace on our server. They are beautiful!
Sadly, I can’t get them to turn on? I tried holding “e” and selecting the on/off switch, I tried just hovering pointer over the light (bottom, middle, lamp) and pressing “e”.
What am I doing wrong?
you need to supply 5 watts of power for it to turn on
Yes, like in real life, lights need to be connected to a generator or battery bank for power supply, it consumes only 5 W, so you could light all your market with very little electricity. I hope you enjoy the mod, and let me know if you fin any issues! 💜
Do you think it would be useful to add a “self-powered” version of the street light, more expensive to craft but not requiring energy? Let me know in the comments if it is something you would like to see in a next update 🥰
Love this mod, I get to be a little more creative with my builds.
Couple of requests
1: Is it possible to add the traffic barriers as pickupable?
2: More road signs please!
Thanks again for a great mod
Thank you! 💜
If you mean the plastic traffic barriers yes, I can add them in the next update. I will also take a look at the road signs and see what I can add in the next update.
Thank you for the suggestions 🥰
yes, the traffic barriers is what I mean, want to make my main base as protected as possible!
Thank you for a great little mod
Thank you!
I hope you like the barriers hehe 😄.
I could not add more road signs on time for this update, but I will add it for the next one.
This is a nice mod for base decorating and I look forward to more updates in the future. By the way, the Gurney and Hospital Bed has a sell value that I think is too much and can be exploited. Can you tweak the prices of these pickup items so that they are not used to raise funds and just used for decorations? Thank you!
Thank you, I am happy that you like the mod 💜. I will take a look at the economic value of the items and adjust it for the next update 🥰.
Found a bug (probably) on multiplayer: for some reason my friends get some error message when looking at the end table lamps on the console and they have to either logout or try to move away for it to stop showing.
Yes, thank you for commenting on it! I have already fixed it, I have tested it both in single player and multiplayer and it is working fine now. Some player have reported this in multiplayer when using other mods that could be editing something in POI lights. I am updating the mod right now, while I write this answer, so an updated version should be ready in a few minutes. I hope you enjoy it and, as always, if you find any other issues, have suggestions or questions let me know 💜
If possible would love to be able to use a Mannequin to display the armor ingame
Hi! That is a super interesting idea, I love that feature in other games such as Conan Exiles and others. Since we are still on experimental and some things in the code are going to change I will probably wait until the stable version is released, but after that I will for sure take a look into that. Thank you for your suggestion, and I hope you enjoy the mod 💜.
The mod is fantastic, really adds to building up a nice base. I understand wanting to wait for a stable. I look forward to seeing what your able to do with the idea
can you please make it where we can pick up the wooden bear statue
Oh Hi, somehow I completely missed your comment, I am very sorry. In case somebody else have the same question, I decided not to include that in my mod since the amazing “GNS Beautiful bases” mod already includes the option to pick up the bear statue, and also includes a lot of other very nice decorations for your base. It is 100% compatible with my mod, I use it myself, and I strongly recommend you to take a look. Thank you for your comment and sorry again for the SUPER late reply 💜.