Appenius always felt like the chances of getting injured are pretty low, this simple mod is trying to fix that by decreasing the resistances against these injuries effectively increasing the chances of getting injured.
Mod is made in a way that you can adjust the chances of each injury individually.
In this version settings are:
- Fatigued, Arm/Leg sprain, Laceration, Abrasion = 50% resistance reduction
- Infection, Stun, Bleeding, Bleeding from barbed wire = unchanged
You will get infected a lot more often because of the injuries and you will bleed more often due to laceration injury.
Should be compatible with every other mod, except the ones which change same values or add new injuries (it would require patch for these).
From his testing it is compatible with mods which adds new zombies.
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: Appenius
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