Remove Drone From Gameplay

7 days to die remove drone from gameplay


This mod removes drones in gameplay, You will not be found in loot and can not be crafting anymore, But it remains in Cheat Mode container.

Why do you need this mod ?
Since 7 Days to Die Alpha patch 19 – 21 drones still bugged or duplicate in multiplayer server, It makes people cheating try to dupe drones or item inside container.


  • Remove Drone in gameplay from loot and crafting.

Recommend and Installation

Please create a folder “Mods” in folder 7 Days to Die and then extract mod into a folder “Mods”
Just Install only the server side (Don’t require installation on Client)
Compatible and friendly with EAC (Don’t need to turn off)
Great helpful for Multiplayer on Public Server like PVE

DOWNLOAD from Google Drive for V1.0+ (1 KB)
Alpha 21

DOWNLOAD from Google Drive for A21.2 (1 KB)

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November 12, 2024 12:30 am

can you make a mod where it would remove vending machines ??