“NO TRADER” Workaround

7 days to die no trader workaround, 7 days to die maps, 7 days to die biomes, 7 days to die trader

Sometimes on RWG map, you will notice that the game doesn’t redirect you to a trader after the tutorial quest and indicate “NO TRADER”. This is because the game filter the biomes, allowing only the traders from the Pine forest biome to be part of the quest. If like me, for whatever reason, your Pine forest biome don’t contain a trader, you can remove this filter.

Now the trader quest will redirect you to any biome where there is a trader, the closest one, except Wasteland.

I provided a 2nd version without filter, if the closest trader is in Wasteland, you will be redirected to this one, unlike the other version who will redirect you anywhere else.

These screenshots has been taken on the same map, each with different version, I included a preview of the original file and the lines modified.

7 days to die no trader workaround additional screenshot 1

7 days to die no trader workaround additional screenshot 2

Simply extract the archive and place the folder in your Mods folder.

Download No Wasteland
Download Wasteland allowed

Credits: Loner

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April 1, 2022 4:33 am

The wasteland allowed files are still “no longer exist” according to the link on this page.
I will use the no wasteland in the mean time to try it out.
Thanks for the mod!! It is appreciated.

August 1, 2022 10:14 pm
Reply to  James

Here’s a link for the Wasteland version , completely forgot about this tweak sorry guys. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KvFEC5-E3mvcJSDoPxWs0Sj8YcZPWBY8/view?usp=sharing

I’m gonna ask to change the link in the description.

January 12, 2022 12:04 am

The wasteland allowed files no longer exist according to the link on this page