You may now transmute Rocks into Potato…1.2 Compatible, server side (OR) client side safe.
If you enjoy my mods, then please vote for my server here.
Credits: PuffDragon
You may now transmute Rocks into Potato…1.2 Compatible, server side (OR) client side safe.
If you enjoy my mods, then please vote for my server here.
Credits: PuffDragon
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Potato? Are you serious?
Okay, if there is a mod I don’t like, I can ignore it and look at other mods, but you shouldn’t make such meaningless mods just to increase your chances of winning in the weekly giveaway (or to advertise your server). These types of crap mods will only damage your reputation.
Make your mods using your mind and logic, not your meaningless ambition.
these craft everything mods suck, flood the pages, and ruin progression and core mechanics. Can you focus on some better mods rather than cheats?