Forsaken Trail

7 days to die forsaken trail

Forsaken Trail is a complete overhaul of the game and is the successor of Gnamod. The mod focuses on wilderness survival, exploration and improving the overal survival experience. This mod changes most of the game systems in an attempt to create something unique and it does not try to hold the player’s hand that much, making it quite challenging for anyone new to it. The world mostly decides the gamestage so going into higher level POIs or biomes may not be the wisest strategy because of this. You can find any item from the first day due to the unique way loot is generated where player level and gamestage only influence the amount you find.

The mod also comes with a unique character creation system where you select your attributes, skills and background before you spawn into the game. You will begin the game with gear and technology unlocked based on these choices. This gear in addition to a number of tutorial challenges will help you survive your first day and first week.

The zombies and animals in the world are all randomized, their walk, abilities and sizes will be decided the moment they spawn and are further influence by their type. You will encounter zombies that can puke or walk on all four legs. In the more natural biomes animals are more prevalent, while near cities and destroyed areas you will see a lot more zombies. Be careful around buildings as zombies will be awake and roaming around and they have keen ears.

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The main feature of the mod is a series of custom biomes (40 in total) that are divided into 5 climate zones (Temperate, Wet, Warm, Cold and Irradiated). These come with a totally overhauled RWG that adds these features. Vanilla maps will not work with the mod, create a new one before playing.

The mod focuses on wilderness survival, overhauling food and drink and making the world far more interesting to explore.

Zombies and animals are randomized in size and behavior. Zombies in the world will only spawn once and when killed not come back. There are no night spawns, but wandering hordes are fully gamestaged.

Zombies in POIs will start to wander when the player comes close and if alerted may break out. Biome and POI tier decide gamestage of most spawns.

New resource and crafting system with quality levels up to 120. Quality is not permanent and lowers on repair, items break when not repaired.

New progression system with 5 attributes chosen on spawn via a new spawn screen. You choose a background and starting skills as well there, which decide what gear you spawn into the world with.

Crafting skills can be obtained through magazines and research papers. The research papers are unlocked via the Research perk and allow you to turn blueprints into a chance to increase your skill without the need to loot.

All firearms and bows are made up of 5 parts (the weapon and 4 mod parts). These decide how strong your weapon is and can be replaced for better parts you loot, buy or take from other weapons.

There are new challenges that are a tutorial to replace the vanilla challenges. These guide new players and give a focus for survival.

Traders are scattered in the wilderness, they do not offer any quests, instead you find bounty notes that give you a quest that can be turned in at any trader for hard cash.

Building is mostly done via blueprint blocks crafted from blueprints. These blocks usually require multiple ingredients to upgrade. The construction perk allows easier and faster construction while reducing stamina and durability use.

Character weight and inventory system allows you to use more slots from the start but also adds weight to every item. You can carry a lot of small items, but only a few fridges before being weighed down.

Many blocks in the world can be harvested from, picked up or otherwise interacted with without the need to bash them. Produce can be harvested from plants, honey searched in stumps and water can be taken directly or added to containers.


(Will be updated further in the neat future)


Forsaken Trail for 7 Days to Die v1.3

  • Updated: Updated entities and blocks to v1.3 changes
  • Fixed: Game freeze when crafting in a workstation and it would overflow/fill up slots
  • Fixed: Reworked crafting output to properly halt when no space for any output item
  • Changed: Sealed crates can be opened with a hammer and return wood/nails or scraps when broken
  • Fixed: Old chair no longer sinks into the ground
  • Fixed: Lanterns can be picked up now
  • Fixed: Entity ragdolls flying off fast and far by adding more mass to them
  • Changed: Rebalanced blueprint prices and availability at traders (now sold per piece)
  • Changed: How much blueprints are gotten from scrapping books/mags and their weight
  • Fixed: Incorrect durability and stamina use on building tools
  • Fixed: Higher level tools/weapons being worse than primitive due to high durability loss (all is the same now)
  • Fixed: Losing bowl when adding cooked water to a container
  • Fixed: Some descriptions/localization errors
  • Changed: All recipes using glue return a can now per glue used
  • Changed: Making scrap leather in campfire more efficient and returns can
  • Balance: Loot amount to match the decreased difficulty of the temperate biomes
  • Balance: Increase chance for multiple armor pieces
  • Balance: Increase chance for finding rarer workstation tools
  • Balance: Rebalance higher level weapons/firearms to not show up as often in temperate zone
  • Balance: Trader vending machines restock every 7 days now matching the trader
  • Changed: Traders sell primitive weapons now of decent quality
  • Balance: Traders have a lower chance to sell the better weapons/tools/firearms
  • Fixed: Snubnose mod models
  • Changed: Player spawn protection improved to limit instant attack if a POI is close
  • Fixed: Ovens to be properly installed in kitchens again
Previous Updates

Forsaken Trail for 7 Days to Die v1.2

  • Changed: Remove spawning in different climate zones on higher difficulties (will return as spawn choice later)
  • Changed: Reduced sound effect spam on Crispy zombies
  • Changed: Toned down initial regen on Radiant and Mutant zombies
  • Changed: Lowered base HP slightly on Radiant and Mutant zombies to make them a bit easier to kill
  • Fixed: Floating scope on Marksman rifle variants
  • Fixed: More localization and description fixes
  • Changed: Increased resource drops in Working Stiff boxes and increase chance for processed steel items
  • Fixed: Can of Meat Soup and Can of Golden Rod Tea not unlocking from tech
  • Fixed: Crossbows not getting the quality bonus from tech skills
  • Fixed: Recipes not returning buckets
  • Fixed: Recipes not giving secondary items on workbenches (does not yet fix extra output being lost)
  • Fixed: Prevent incorrectly generated maps from showing up for new games
  • Changed: Not putting in any seed will result in default name
  • Changed: Allow lanterns to be picked up
  • Changed: Allow large engines in the world to be collected
  • Fixed: Candles giving an extra different candle when broken
  • Changed: Vehicles now drop a part of their pipes as steel pipes
  • Changed: Increased chance of getting engines and batteries from vehicles
  • Fixed: Food max buff was overwriting the regeneration of the Recovery perk
  • Added: Water max buff now adds a bit of extra stamina regen
  • Changed: Food/Water loss penalties now always fill 2nd bar first
  • Changed: Any general cure now treats Fatigue, vitamins no longer insta cure it
  • Changed: Increase base buff protection for Coagulation and Tolerance
  • Changed: Rebalanced enemy hitpoints, damage and critical chances
  • Fixed: Enemies with prob 0 were still spawning (causing strong enemies to spawn incorrectly), removed all of them
  • Changed: Rebalanced spawning to be a bit less intense in the lowest gamestage
  • Fixed: Issue where adding a short barrel to single barrel shotguns caused issues (also changed the icon for short barrel mod)
  • Fixed: Sawzall should no longer cause explosive blocks to detonate
  • Fixed: Scrap items from pristine ammo to give cordite instead of gunpowder
  • Changed: Renamed Hardwood blocks to Wood blocks as there are no other wood blocks to build anymore
  • Added: Steel pipes to trader strocks
  • Fixed: Tools name title for workstation tool slots being named Basics accidentally

Forsaken Trail for 7 Days to Die v1.2

  • Changed: Decreased bleed chance against players from most sources
  • Changed: Further tuned random zombie sizes to be distributed better
  • Fixed: Broken fluid containers no longer drop the liquid items
  • Changed: Bloodmoon uses different formula for gamestage (more player level focused)
  • Fixed: Naked brutality start really starts with nothing now
  • Fixed: Issue where you could not get 2 starter attributes if you sticked with Weary Survivor
  • Fixed: Issue where choosing a new background would not reset point count display
  • Changed: Add a small amount of ore to the forest biomes of each climate zone
  • Changed: Reduced mines spawning in the world
  • Fixed: Candles and Torches can be picked up again properly
  • Fixed: Changed pathing of some blocks so zombies hopefully will not go into destroy mode all the time when inside
  • Changed: Removed attribute modifiers from most difficulty settings, adventurer only gets +1 to each, insane -1 to each
  • Changed: Improved effect of Stealth perk
  • Fixed: Bicycle challenge now only requires you to collect one
  • Changed: Reduced sound sensitivity of sleepers
  • Changed: Reduced speed bonus of higher level and special zombies
  • Changed: Reduced size of dropped arrows/bolts
  • Fixed: Localization errors
  • Added: Stealth perk level 5+ now let you walk silently over trash
  • Changed: Recipe for pockets to always use leather instead of scrap
  • Fixed: Pumpkin soup to use clean water
  • Fixed: Placing picked up lockers gave an error instead of placing

Forsaken Trail for 7 Days to Die v1.2

  • Added: Markers for starter challenge collection (wildberries, eggs, honey etc)
  • Fixed: Enemies would favor being large over small (size should be less extreme for most)
  • Fixed: Stumps regrowing incorrectly, making the disappear the 2nd harvest
  • Changed: Reduced amount of spitting zombies for normal enemies
  • Changed: Slightly reduced the speed of snakes
  • Changed: Removed undead animals from temperate and wet forests
  • Fixed: Flashlight and laser sight not working correctly on all guns
  • Fixed: Storage pack not increasing backpack slots
  • Changed: Backpack mod adds at least 4 slots
  • Changed: Rebalanced weight of ammo and components, adding weight to some ammo that had none
  • Fixed: Some typo’s and incorrect descriptions
  • Changed: Improved loot found in police cars
  • Changed: Rebalanced bounties to favor clears vs infested/restore power
  • Fixed: Restored power tool recipes to Electronics and added missing Sawzall recipe
  • Changed: Slightly increased max size of mountains in temperate zone
  • Changed: Reduced undead animals in temperate / wet cities


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Haidrgna

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If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.

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Ian (ChaseC)
Ian (ChaseC)
February 23, 2025 4:58 pm

Otherwise fine mod but it is buggy and firearms cannot even be reloaded with ammo so I can’t shoot with firearms. There is fixes still needed.

February 16, 2025 6:38 am

i cant play past day 5 or 6 and game just continuously crashes. same thing from mod launcher. get to day 5 or 6 and crashes once and wont stop

No Name
No Name
February 10, 2025 12:34 am

Spent many real hours and many in game days on this mod. This mod is really unplayable and isn’t versatile. Don’t waste your time. The mod is a bug and should be removed from existence immediately until it’s fixed.

February 7, 2025 7:44 pm

Hey there,
When I am crafting something with the character, the crafting progress advances only if I keep the crafting menu open. If I close it and continue to play, the progression stops.
Is this a feature of the mod or a bug?

k h
k h
February 7, 2025 4:45 am

there are no zombies or animals in my game. any fix?

February 6, 2025 6:56 pm

Hey man, I cant launch the mod because after creating a new random generated world, at the point when I must choose my character skills and spawn into the world, the buttons from the UI dont take change between options. Everywhere I;d press on the UI screen it would change the text blocks at the bottom of the screen.

February 8, 2025 2:25 pm
Reply to  Alex

I had this problem. I was on 7D2D 1.1. and I got a heap of errors and the same issue, I could only click the spawn button and clicking on the UI option boxes just scrolled the hints. Clicking spawn loaded the game but I died in 3 seconds from nothing. The answer for me was to update to 7D2D V1.2 stable, the ” verify install files” option did not work.

Wicked Clown
Wicked Clown
February 3, 2025 2:05 am

I get the following error when trying to start the game: – and then when I get past that, I can’t select anything, it just goes through the tips on the bottom instead.

Wicked Clown
Wicked Clown
February 4, 2025 1:25 am
Reply to  Wicked Clown

I actually figured out my issue.. I had to make a clean version of the game for this overhaul to work. I was using a previously modded version (even though I removed the mods).. once I did a clean version, everything worked.

February 3, 2025 1:46 am

When anyone tries to access the wooden writable storage it crashes our server. 3 of us playing on dedicated server and it happens to everyone. We’ll use other storage options in the meantime, but def something to look into.
Otherwise we’re having a fun time with this mod. Appreciate all the work you put into this!

February 4, 2025 2:20 pm
Reply to  Davo

Looks like Meirick reached out on the Discord for a solution and the issue is only on the dedicated server. The wooden storage seems to work fine on SP. I know you are aware and will work on it. Looking forward to a fix but will use other storage until then.

January 31, 2025 1:17 am

Whenever I start a game, it gives me an option to change some stats on the load screen. I can’t seem to click any of the arrows, though. And then once I spawn in game, I take 4 major health hits immediately, and then die. Is this a common error?

February 4, 2025 7:39 am

Happens to me too

February 7, 2025 4:43 pm
Reply to  Daniel

Same with me as well… rather annoying. wanted to try this mod out.

January 28, 2025 9:39 pm

Hi, would it be possible to have it compatible with the mods: Quickstack and Craft from container please ?

January 25, 2025 12:37 pm

How long will it take for the subsequent version to be released

Inn Wader
Inn Wader
January 22, 2025 12:58 am

Ah, so XML delimiters are breaking the comments.
Great job!
Oh well, I did my best trying to help others, but I cannot fix this world.
Back to playing my fixed game! 🙂

Inn Wader
Inn Wader
January 22, 2025 12:54 am

Regarding Worktable being destroyed on placement (for me). Sorry, I cannot edit my original post, it is “awaiting moderation”, SMH.
I have modified one value in blocks .xml and was able to place Worktable on the floor in pre-existing building.
Could be a coincidence, take it for what it’s worth:
GameDir –> Mods –> Forsaken Trail –> Config –> mods.xml –> –>
Change the “.5” to “0” and save.
It will not update value for the current game session, so start a new session for new value to take effect.

This is a great mod BTW! Kudos to author for such an original take on it!

Inn Wader
Inn Wader
January 22, 2025 12:09 am

Does anyone else experience the issue when trying to place Worktable?
I have tried to place it 3 times: on regular ground (somewhat sloped on one block), on “flattened” ground (placed and then removed two blocks that evened height for both), and on the flat undamaged floor inside pre-existing building.
Every time I finish upgrading its blueprint with the hammer, worktable appears to drop from small height and slightly to the side from intended position and then disappears, like some of the falling blocks after you destroy their support.
I would try to build a floor using new game’s blocks, but there are no generic blocks in it, just “palisade”, which does not look like a right way to go.
If there is a trick to it, please share. This issue is blocking the game’s progression, can’t do much without worktable, right?

January 13, 2025 12:22 pm

Nice mod! Thank you!

Robert j Borowczyk
Robert j Borowczyk
January 13, 2025 8:58 am

so you dont want feed back wow

Robert j Borowczyk
Robert j Borowczyk
January 13, 2025 8:00 am

mod crashed null reference error un Handled exception. no other mods just yours icrashed on load screen