Grilled Potato Mod

7 days to die grilled potato mod, 7 days to die food

Man, these potatoes suck it’s like meat but worse. I can only bake it my vegetarian only playthrough sucks! If only I could GRILL these potatoes.

YaBoyLogan is back with my 3rd mod. My skill is increasing ever so slightly, as usual email me if there are any issues and you will see me again with a craft acid mod soon.

7 days to die grilled potato mod additional screenshot


Credits: HollowAxe276

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April 26, 2024 12:03 pm

A very good idea. I hope this comes in vanilla. Thank you for the work. 🙂
Thanks also that it’s the same values as a baked potato, so it feels vanilla, and not cheating. Thumbs up! 🙂