Neebs Gaming Boss Thick 44

7 days to die neebs gaming boss thick 44

This mod adds a Boss version of Thick 44 as requested by the community. Now we can endure even more punishment from the Zombie Man Warrior himself as he tells us we are NOBODY 🙂 And as always, being the generous guy he drops Boss Loot bags pretty often. The best chance of encountering Boss Thick is in the wasteland and in hoards but don’t be surprised if he pops up elsewhere; he’s sneaky lol. In testing he did get stuck in some POI’s due to his larger size, otherwise I saw no problems. Enjoy all 🙂

7 days to die neebs gaming boss thick 44 additional screenshot


As always thanks for your donations. While they are never required or expected, they are most definitely appreciated.

Credits: DigitalApe

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