Black Wolf’s Better Loot Spawns
First of all, a massive thanks to Morph3usx and AuroraGiggleFairy for their patience and help. This mod improves the loot spawns of several VANILLA items, …
Top Community Mods
Black Wolf’s 7 Days to Die Mods
First of all, a massive thanks to Morph3usx and AuroraGiggleFairy for their patience and help. This mod improves the loot spawns of several VANILLA items, …
TIred of going through 4 birthdays while waiting for some Brass to scrap?Tired of not being able to upgrade your horde base in time because …
Makes weapons accurate when going in ADS mode and removes crosshair for a better experience. Some weapons keep the crosshair like bows and crossbows, and …
While i had originally planned to make this a vehicle mod, i simply was unable to get it to work because of how buffs get …
It feels like explosives are lacking a bit especially when you start to add enemies with healthbars ranging from 5000 to 10000 HP, this mod …
It’s a bird…? it’s a plane…? It’s a… **** ****! (only men of culture will know where this is from) I originally intended this mod …
What? You’re stuck in the wasteland and you’re afraid you might step on top of a landmine?Don’t want to get healing factor because you’re going …
This mod improves most if not all the vanilla attachments. Tired of your serrated blade mod being completely worthless?Barbed wire is just another cheap version …
After playing for a while i noticed that, despite the developers and the game encouraging it, most full armor sets are simply not worth picking …
With full permission from the original creators, i am releasing a mod that improves the handling and speed of the various flying vehicles released for …