7 days to die 7dvr

Flat to VR modification for the PC version of 7 Days to Die! Supports full motion controls and 6DOF.

Have you ever wanted to truly feel like you were surviving in a zombie apocalypse? Do you long to huddle in a dirty basement by torchlight while something makes horrible noises and bangs on the door above? This might be the mod for you. For more up to date information and discussion please join the 7D forums in the discord.

  • It has 6DOF tracking
  • It has motion controls AND left handed support
  • It has physical melee combat (or you can use triggers–you do you!)
  • It has in game settings menu for VR
  • It has first person vehicle controls (and child lock seat belts for the gyrocopter if desired)
  • It has the ability to customize your grip/hold on any item saved to your copy of the game
  • It has smooth turn, snap turn, roomscale turn
  • It has the ability to move in the direction of your headset or the direction of your controller
  • It has the ability to dance and watch your arms, legs, or shadow mirror your actions!!!
  • It has the ability to see your other friend in VR wave to you
  • It has bugs you have never seen or ever thought possible in 7D2D!!!
  • It does NOT have 2 handed bows or real working scopes… TBD in future
  • It does NOT have a ton of other features we still want to add! Look for continued updates in the future!

Supports play between flat screen players and VR. Client side only for mod install… no server alterations required (EAC must be off though)
Flat screen players can install the mod to see the VR players arm movements!
Flat screen players also benefit from enhanced draw distance if there is FPS to spare.

Current supported version is 7 Days to Die 1.0!!!
Translations for our added content in Polish by a real human (thanks Kondiq) and into German and Russian by ChatGPT

7 days to die 7dvr additional screenshot 1

7 days to die 7dvr additional screenshot 2

Installation and troubleshooting guide can be found here.


Mod is 100% free to use. Enjoy a great game in a whole new way. If you would like to support us and help us develop the mod more, please consider donating! (Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee)

Credits: Kaaliba, Necro

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Scarlet ice
Scarlet ice
October 29, 2024 4:28 pm

Holy moly…How the hell did you do it!!This could be the best mod ever.

September 4, 2024 4:16 pm

This looks awesome, how the hell did you get it to run so smoothly and what PC specs and VR equipment you used to test it (mostly because I’m worried about my PC exploding lol)

hieu nguyen
hieu nguyen
August 9, 2024 11:53 am

OK im try it!

August 2, 2024 11:12 am

Wow what a legend. Can’t wait to try it!