Quest POI Preview

7 days to die quest poi preview

It is a mod that shows the image of the (POI) or (PREFAB) when a job is requested from the merchant, once the job is obtained it will also add the image to the mission description so that your friend can also see it, this mod is created for everyone since this function only had my mod (YOUR END) and (RAMOS XUI).

Remember to have the EAC disabled and the mod has to have the server and the client.

7 days to die quest poi preview additional screenshot

Patch Notes 1.0.3

  • Updated method now supports most mods.
  • Removed unnecessary patches.
  • Added prefab preview on the right side (fades out, when starting work).
  • Added prefab name on the right side (fades out, when starting work).

Patch Notes 1.0.2

  • Now works in multiplayer
  • Its dependencies were removed, (it is no longer required).

Patch Notes 1.0.1

  • Fixed the error in multiplayer

Patch Notes 1.0.0

  • Only works for one player


  • You are not allowed to modify the code and/or use any asset without permission from the author to then be redistributed.
  • You are allowed to upload the mod to a server to play online.
  • In case of use (give credits to the mod author) (You are allowed to use the asset normally if you wish to add it to your mod review)
  • More conditions in the mod folder.


If you appreciate Djtriplexmr’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.

If you need help, you can use this support link.

Credits: Djtriplexmr

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October 25, 2024 1:25 am

This is great. Love it.

September 9, 2024 2:35 am

Can it be used with UI mods (that also shows the name of POI from the quest)?