TechFreqs Shared Spike Trap XP Mod

TechFreq’s Shared Spike Trap XP Mod Description:
This mod for 7 Days to Die allows players to gain XP from enemy zombies and most hostile animals killed by wooden or iron spike traps. The XP distribution is proximity-based, meaning that if a player is near the traps when a kill occurs, they will receive XP—now rocking configurable , 150 XP per kill & 30m radius file.

Current Functionality:
If a lone wolf’s near the spike traps, they bag 150 XP per kill—easy peasy! If a squad’s hanging out, everyone within the 20m radius scores their share—fair and square, no favoritism here! Too far? No XP for you—keeps it local and legit. Zombie dogs, bears, and other nasties? They drop XP too—tested and silky smooth! Logs confirm we all get XP when we’re close, and we actually see it—tooltip included for that sweet victory vibe!

Current Status:
✅ Basic XP system shines at 150 XP per kill
✅ Multiplayer XP sharing is perfect—all nearby players cash in the same amount within distance
✅ Enemy animals like zombie dogs and bears grant XP, no glitches
✅ Flawlessly shares XP within 20m—clean, reliable, and spam-free
✅ Tooltip pops up for local players—“Gained 150 XP from spike trap kill!”

If a single player is near the spike traps, they receive XP (100 XP per kill).
If multiple players are nearby, the mod attempts to determine who to send the XP to,but if not in distance of the spike traps no xp will be givens
If a player is far away, it will show in logs upon entity kill and determine whether or not they should recieve it
When two players are present, the logs indicate XP is awarded to both,

Improve logging and feedback so each player gets clear confirmation of earned XP in LOGs via F1
Fixed XP inconsistencies
anything else that needs adjustments…

Download the mod files, Extract Mod files.Place them in your Mods directory of your 7 Days to Die
Client Side only, so no server hassle!
make sure harmony mod is preinstalled
Turn OFF EAC (Easy AntiCheat) As i’m unaware of it working with it on or off.
No further setup needed. Enjoy!

By using this mod, you acknowledge that TechFreq isn’t responsible for any issues, crashes, or zombie uprisings it might spark. Use at your own risk—back up your game files before jumping in! Made with love for version 1.0+ (tested on recent builds—older ones? Untested territory!).Don’t forget to support me by listening to a song or two or several! I’d very much appreciate it and any feedback for the mod as well—I’m new to the modding scene and owe a huge shoutout to Grok (xAI) for helping me craft this with next-to-no modding chops!
Use at your own risk. Please backup your game files i highly advise before installing any type of mod.
Thanks for downloading and enjoy!
Made with love for the game and version v1.3 and v1.2(b27) not sure if compatibility will work with older versions of the game.

Don’t forget to support me by listening to a song or two or several! I’d very much appreciate it and any feedback for the mod aswell as im new to the moding scene and thanks to ChatGPT for helping me create the mod aswell with very little modding knowledge.

Copyright-Free Music:
For royalty-free music to use in your projects, visit my website: – and or
Spotify at TechFreq featuring the album ‘ Spatial Recognition ‘
Cheers! Arizona Gang Go WildCats!

p.s dont mind the 10,000 xp, i have my loot abundance to 1 million percent for a debug world, using another mod called extended game settings, for testing.. ill upload more pics later for default xp value.. and functionality but this is a tough project as it is aswell.. but just to put that out there.

AS FOR V2 changes for 1.2 or v2.0
All Nearby Players: The foreach loop checks every player and awards XP to each one within PROXIMITY_RADIUS (10 meters).
Not Global: If no players are within range, no XP is awarded (no global fallback).
Proximity-Based: Only players close to the trap get XP.
Example Scenario:
Spike trap at (0,0,0) kills a zombie
Player A at (5,0,0) (5m away) gets 100 XP
Player B at (8,0,0) (8m away) gets 100 XP
Player C at (15,0,0) (15m away) gets nothing
All players beyond 10m get nothing
If a spike trap kills a “zombieSoldier” at (0,0,0):
Player “Bob” at 5m: [TechFreqsSharedSpikeTrapXPMod] Bob gained 100 XP for killing zombieSoldier (Distance: 5.0m)
Player “Alice” at 8m: [TechFreqsSharedSpikeTrapXPMod] Alice gained 100 XP for killing zombieSoldier (Distance: 8.0m)
Summary: [TechFreqsSharedSpikeTrapXPMod] Shared 100 XP with 2 player(s) near trap for killing zombieSoldier.
If no players are nearby: [TechFreqsSharedSpikeTrapXPMod] No players within 10m of trap that killed zombieSoldier.
Still awards XP to all players within 10 meters.
No global XP distribution.
Now includes the entity name (zombie or animal) in the debug logs, like your original code.

AS FOR V3 Changes for 1.3 or v3.0
Adding a config.json for adjustable radius and XP is an easy win for flexibility.
Land Claim Block Radius ALIKE DISTANCE : matchign the range to the land claim block’s distance
(default is 41×41 meters in 7 Days to Die, centered on the block, so ~20.5m radius). This would cover all traps in your claimed area nicely.
but default to Proximity Radius of 20 meter distance and 100xp amount but with V3 its changed to 30m and 150xp but up to you!

AS FOR V4 Changes for v4.0:
Verification:- All Nearby Players: The foreach loop checks every player and awards XP to each one within PROXIMITY_RADIUS (default 30m—close to land claim’s ~20.5m if you tweak it!).- Not Global: No players in range? No XP—keeps it tight and local.

Proximity-Based: Only trap heroes nearby get the goods! Example Scenario:Spike trap at (0,0,0) kills a zombie:- Player A at (5,0,0) (5m away) gets 150 XP- Player B at (15,0,0) (15m away) gets 150 XP- Player C at (25,0,0) (25m away) gets nada All players beyond 20m get zilch—simple and sweet!If a spike trap kills a “zombieBoe” at (0,0,0):- Player “TechFreq” at 5m: [TechFreqsSharedSpikeTrapXPMod] Awarded 150 XP to TechFreq (Distance: 5.0m)- Player “Queenserenity__” at 15m: [TechFreqsSharedSpikeTrapXPMod] Awarded 150 XP to Queenserenity__ (Distance: 15.0m)- Summary: [TechFreqsSharedSpikeTrapXPMod] Shared 150 XP with 2 player(s) for zombieBoeIf no one’s nearby:
Silence—no log clutter!
Verification:- Awards XP to all players within 20m—tested and golden across non-dedicated and dedicated servers!- No global XP nonsense—only the close crew scores.- Logs are lean—only confirmed kills and XP awards, plus entity names for that extra flavor!- Config.json keeps it flexible—default 20m radius and 150 XP, but tweak it to match land claim size (20.5m) or go wild!- Dedicated server tested—works like a charm with just the client mod installed!

7 days to die techfreqs shared spike trap xp mod additional screenshot 1

7 days to die techfreqs shared spike trap xp mod additional screenshot 2


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Credits: TechFreq

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