100×100 wilderness tier 4 forest POI. Deadly mountain trail turned into a mystery. What happened to these people on this camp ground? All the different Biomes create 5 different versions of this POI with it’s biome variant plants/trees.
Nature inspired tier 4 forest POI where the wildlife prosper until the apocalypse corrupted the heart of Cedar Creek. Rid the sacred place of it’s infection to restore it back to it’s natural state.
All the different Biomes create 5 different versions of this POI with it’s biome variant plants/trees create a different visual experience every time.
RWG recommended but not required.
Placing in existing world works great. Some of the world’s existing trees may linger though.
Tier 4 is fun and i would say for everyone.
Infested is very difficult play at your own risk.
All non-infected animals are quest excluded, but they may still attack you.
Added new features that came with 1.0:
- Wandering sleepers
- ‘waitalive’ function that spawn another set of infected only when a certain number of zombies have been killed.
Copy the download files out of folder into: C:\Users\”yourusername”\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\LocalPrefabs
If you don’t have a “LocalPrefabs” folder you can create one.
Credits: Officecats5
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I adore these types of mods, thanks for making it!