Add Vitamin
Adds vitamins to chemistry station. Changelog DOWNLOAD (2 KB) The forum topic of the mod is here. Credits: pahbi
pahbi’s 7 Days to Die Mods
Adds vitamins to chemistry station. Changelog DOWNLOAD (2 KB) The forum topic of the mod is here. Credits: pahbi
Planted trees grow faster. Changelog DOWNLOAD (2 KB) The forum topic of the mod is here. Credits: pahbi
Create American Flagpole at workbench. DOWNLOAD (2 KB) The forum topic of the mod is here. Credits: pahbi
Reduce precipitation in all biomes. Changelog Updated for 1.0 exp. DOWNLOAD (2 KB) The forum topic of the mod is here. Credits: pahbi
Craft all books, schematics and magazines. NOTE: Appears to be fixed. Books, skill magazines and schematics should show up under the science tab on the …
Add craftable canned foods, honey and animal fat to chemistry station and craftable signs and posters to workbench. Changelog DOWNLOAD (3 KB) The forum topic …