This Mod adds a starter bundle to the game, which will be directly give out if the Player joined the World for the first time.
The Vita Starter Bundle contains the following items:
– 10x Forge Ahead Magazine
– 10x Coffee
– 10x Blueberrypie
– 1x Iron Pickaxe
– 1x Iron Shovel
– 1x Wrench
– 3x Repairkit
– 1x Startup Letter
This letter can be directly used to craft one of five diff. starter bundles
Agility, Fortitude, Intellect, Perception and Strength Bundle
Each bundle contains for that attribute depending starter weapons
Agility: Hunting Knife, 9mm Pistol, 100x 9mm Ammo
Fortitude: Iron Knuckles, AK47, 100x 762mm Ammo
Intellect: Junk Sledge, Stun Baton, Junk Drone
Perception: Iron Spear, Hunting Rifle, 100x 762mm Ammo
Strength: Baseball Bat, Double Barrel Shotgun, 100x Shotgun Shell
DOWNLOAD (3 KB) (This link goes to my cloud, where you can find all of my mods)
If you appreciate Solvita’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.
Credits: Solvita, The Fun Pimps
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.