LittleRedSonja Bad Boyz Figurines

7 days to die littleredsonja bad boyz figurines

This mod Adds a collection of 12 figurines portraying the Zombie creatures in game, and a 4 sets of 3 grouped figurines each for more compact decoration.
You can choose between “Craft + Loot” or “Loot Only” modes.

They can all be placed on top of any surface, at any height: Full blocks, 3/4 blocks, half blocks, any furniture, or anywhere else you want.

All possible rotations are allowed so you can place them however you want.

You can pick them up after being placed by pressing “E”.

All are craftable in the workbench as a Variable Helper, no skill unlock required. You can disable the ability to craft them with the “LOOT-ONLY ADDON”. You can find the ADD-ON as a separate download link in Simfileshare.

The mod includes a “Catch them All” minigame: Find all the figurines in the world, and unlock a nice reward! If you are playing with the “LOOT-ONLY ADD-ON” you will also unlock the recipe to craft them all.
The reward can only be obtained by actually finding the figurines in loot, not by crafting them.

7 days to die littleredsonja bad boyz figurines additional screenshot

A very special THANK YOU to Mumpfy, who helped LittleRedSonja to get started with Unity, as well as all the nice people in Guppy Discord.

She hope you like this mod, and let her know if you find issues or have suggestions! She will for sure be expanding it in the future and your feedback and ideas are really appreciated 💜.

Translations are always welcome, making the mod easier to use for more people always makes her happy. She will include the translation in the “Translations” pack, be very grateful, and of course credit you for it 💜.

What Are the Plans for Future Updates?

  • Add more Zombies!
  • Make variants in different fun poses.
  • Add a base to the figurines, so they look more like real “collectibles”.
  • And anything you want to see, she will consider for future updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

1- Is your mod compatible with X, Y or Z mod? : Yes, this mod is compatible with EVERY OTHER EXISTING OR FUTURE MOD for 7DTD. Even big overhauls are compatible with it.

2- Can the mod be used server side only?: No. Since it includes custom assets, the mod needs to be installed in both the server and players computer for multiplayer game. if you play solo instead of multiplayer then you install the mod as usual.

3- Will you add X, Y or Z to the mod?: She is always open to suggestions or requests 🥰.

DOWNLOAD Main File (57,9 MB)
DOWNLOAD Only Loot Add-On (498 KB)

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: LittleRedSonja

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