Undead’s Glass Jar Mod

7 days to die undeads glass jar mod

Another Glass Jar mod that allows players to use an empty jar. Includes nearly accurate gameplay mechanics, I hope you enjoy.

Here’s what this mod features

  1. Craft Empty Water Jars through the forge
  2. Find Empty Water Jars in loot (Aimed to replicate original loot from previous versions)
  3. Make Murky Water with Snowballs and Empty Water Jars or by collecting Murky Water with the Empty Water Jars
  4. Obtain Empty Water Jars by drinking Yucca Juice, GoldenRod Tea, etc.
  5. Buy Empty Water Jars from Trader Jen
  6. This mod is also Localized for supported languages
  7. This mod has 3 versions. Server Friendly, Server + CVD (Colorblind) Friendly, and Client side

7 days to die undeads glass jar mod additional screenshot 1

7 days to die undeads glass jar mod additional screenshot 2

7 days to die undeads glass jar mod additional screenshot 3

7 days to die undeads glass jar mod additional screenshot 4

While I coded, debugged, and tested the mods myself, this mod took inspiration from other likeminded creators. I would like to give Special thanks to Gouki, nocloud4u, and Renditionzz.


Credits: UndeadxReality

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December 1, 2024 9:37 am

Hello there!

I took a look at the recipes.xml file and tested in game. I had to smelt the required materials to use them in the forge. I was able to craft the glass jars without an issue. If possible, can you please try again and post your results? If it doesn’t work again we can communicate through Discord đŸ™‚

I hope to hear back from you soon

November 30, 2024 5:59 am

Hi there!

For seom reason i cannot craft the jars in the forge. i have all i need, sand, clay, even tried it with all the extras like bellows, anvil and crucible, but i cant make it work.

You know what i do wrong there?

best regards