Pine Forest Storm Season

7 days to die pine forest storm season, 7 days to die biomes, 7 days to die weather

This mod is for the Storm Lovers!

Simple mod for changes the chance to storm to 50% increased the wind intensity a bit and the density of the rain a lot in Pine Forest.

Doesn’t seem to effect Solar Panels. They seem to work on set “day time”.

7 days to die pine forest storm season additional screenshot 1

7 days to die pine forest storm season additional screenshot 2

A21 Stable

Please Leave Comments and bugs in the support link.

Mod offered “as is” and should be loaded with new games like most mods. This mod only requires server side. Enjoy!


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Daddy Jack

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Joseph Stone
Joseph Stone
December 1, 2023 7:05 pm

Does this work for any other bioems besides Pine forest?