Super Prison Max (1.2)

7 days to die super prison max, 7 days to die prefab

big tier 5 poi. definitely have ammo stocked up because it is an extensive POI. it takes me just under an in-game day to complete. i would still say that it is shorter than the skyscraper_1 vanilla poi though so not too long.

even as it’s creator i enjoy playing again though so im excited to see what the community thinks!

Copy the folder into your mods folder to install it.

7 days to die super prison max additional screenshot 4

7 days to die super prison max additional screenshot 1

7 days to die super prison max additional screenshot 2

7 days to die super prison max additional screenshot 3

1.0 ready
– major renovations from the old Super_prison_max A21
– added ‘wandering’ zombies

changelog 1.1:
optimized wandering zombies

Changelog 1.3.b317:
-added a lot of new assets that came with 1.0
-updated sleeper volumes

Changelog 1.1 b4:
– added sounds that came with 1.0 update.
-made correction to basketball court

changelog 1.14.11:
– by popular demand, changed the installation process
-added formal name
-fixed a few quest bugs caused by the sound sleeper volumes


Credits: Officecats5

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September 2, 2024 8:22 pm

I have it in the “LocalPrefab” but it doesn’t pop up in the list of POIs when I turn on debug mode

December 13, 2024 7:37 pm
Reply to  Zachary

Instructions say to add to mods folder, not prefabs

September 2, 2024 7:55 pm

It’s not popping up in my game for some reason

August 10, 2024 1:37 pm

Hahaha I Love it,
only tried it solo in test but want to try the whole thing with friends.

Would you allow me to incorporate it into a public map I’ve been working on for the last month?
It’s a fully topographically correct South Africa,
I would like permission to place your Supermax alone on Roben Island to serve as a great team experience -POI.
Roben Island is famous for the prison where Nelson Mandela was incarcerated.

Have a great day!

September 2, 2024 8:23 pm
Reply to  Kana

How did you get it working?? I have everything in LocalPrefab and it doesn’t pop up at all for me in game on the map, nor is it showing up in the list of POIs

July 4, 2024 2:58 pm

não encontrei ela no mapa, criei uma pasta no servidor que tenho