ChugiMods-SkillPoints Ticket

7 days to die chugimods skillpoints ticket

This is the first 7DaysToDie mod that I created and it is working perfectly fine. This mod might improve in the future depends if I find a way to improve it or also you guys, if you have suggestions about this mod, let me know and I’ll think about it.

7 days to die chugimods skillpoints ticket additional screenshot 1

7 days to die chugimods skillpoints ticket additional screenshot 2


Please don’t hesitate to donate, I’ll do my best to make a server sided mods that everyone needs.

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Credits: ChugiMod

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August 20, 2024 7:46 pm

without it having a purpose, or a spawn…then its not really a mod, you just created an item…please add an option for it to spawn somewhere…maybe a super rare chance to get it in treasure chests, or high tier millitary spots

August 15, 2024 10:07 am

The book gives you a skill point only. No Xp and you can only get it in creative mode inventory.
I created this mod because of my player’s problem in my dedicated server after drinking the elixir the level and the skillpoints is not matched and so I decided to think of a solution without leveling them up.
Dont worry ill take note of that suggestion and Im on it already. Thank you for that.

August 13, 2024 6:35 pm

Am I right, is this a book that just gives skill points for leveling up? It makes no sense, because they are in the administrator’s bag. But there is a suggestion. You can make this book spawn in bookshelves with a very rare chance, while adding only one skill point.

August 14, 2024 4:13 am
Reply to  Khajiits

Yea add this to bookshelves and book piles with a very rare chance to drop and its a fire mod. Could even make the chance editable by people who use the mod and itd be even better.