Welcome to Ravenhearst a place where your nightmares grow and fester and the world around you is trying to kill you at every turn. Ravenhearst is a full overhaul mod that uses the amazing 7 Days to Die and turns expectations in its head. Every aspect of the vanilla game has been tweaked or tuned to increase challenge and difficulty. Ravenhearst has often been called the mod that is not for everyone. It is best played by those that have a basic understanding of the vanilla 7 Days to Die experience, and for those looking to challenge themselves.
Below you will learn just a little bit about what they have to offer. Keep in mind that Ravenhearst, just like the actual 7 Days to Die game, is nowhere a near finished experience and it’s development is ongoing, and as such should be played with the open mind that there can be major updates that will cause save breaks and resets to your game. They pride themselves on using team of testers to thoroughly play and beg test so that they can provide you with the most solid gaming experience they can manage to put forth. But also keep in mind as with anything, things can happen. They just try to reduce these “things”.
All the Worlds a Stage
The ENTIRE game is now gamestaged. Until gamestage 5, you will see slightly weaker versions of zombies in the world, helping to bridge the gap into Ravenhearst. The incredibly talented Yakov and Redbeardt has enabled him the chance to gamestage every aspect of the game. Wilderness Spawns, Wandering Hordes, Biome Spawns, Night Time Spawns ALL of it is now set according to your gamestage. Night Terrors do not spawn pre Gamestage 50. Gamestage tiers are as follows:
- GS1 – Normal Zeds
- GS100 – Tier 2
- GS500 – Tier 3
- GS700 – Tier 4
This ensures you do not get overwhelmed and also that the challenge increases as your level increases.
The Night Bleeds
The nights in Ravenhearst are full of disgusting creatures and terrifying sounds. Night Walkers are zombies who seek blood and are faster than a normal zombie. But fear not they disappear by morning… until you grow stronger. As your gamestage increases so do the chance that they will remain in the world!
Yakov and Redbeard’s Suite of DLL Harmony Tweaks
It goes without saying that Redbeard and Yakov has been a major driving force behind Ravenhearst. They have designed a host of dll tweaks to game mechanics to increase difficulty and functionality. Here is a sampling of what They have done:
Anti Nerd Poling
No longer can you jump and place frames. You have to plan out your builds with ladders and other blocks now. More realistic and challenges people to come up with new ways of overcoming challenges.
Recipe Ingredient Limit Removal
Recipes can now have dozens of ingredients so we are no longer restricted to 5. If a recipe has more than 5 there will be an arrow below the description you can click. It will scroll through the pages of ingredients.
Blood Moon Vehicle Disabled
Their mod introduces challenges they expect players to face. Vehicles will become disabled on Horde Night. Bicycles will still work. Think of red moon and horde night like an EMP bomb, electricity is whacked during it.
Recipe Count Memory
A configurable option in their menu allows you to remember the last amount of a crafted recipe quantity. So if you made 100 wood, the next time you open it it will read 100. This can be turned off via options…
Skill Points Bonus
You will now gain 2 Skill Points every 10 levels as a boost to your perks. You can use these points just like any other and they are automatically added. So every 10 levels you have something to look forward to!
Gamma Limiter
This may cause some controversy but they have set a limit on Gamma to 75. The reason for this is they have noticed players jacking their gamma up so they can see in house and at night. Some of these pois were designed with shadowy dark corners in mind. A little gamma bump is ok but bumping to 100 defeats the work put in by our POI makers. This is till open to some editing and tuning.
Trader XP Removal
You will no longer level your Player by selling items. This is a gameplay decision made by him. He want actions to count for your level not selling to traders. Other aspects of traders are the same… for now.
Shared XP Limiter
When shared party XP first released they all assumed that it would be for questing and groups who work together. Recently it is accounting for people who do not level their weapons or skills but gain levels from party XP. This has led to complaints of tough zombies and unfair gamestages. They have hardcoded the xp sharing to 200M. The reason is gamestage related. Too many undergeared, under powered players who don’t go questing with their partners are getting killed by zombies at the gamestage when their skills are not ready.
Modified Descriptions
Now the station something is crafted in and the tool you need are automatically displayed at the end of every description. Descriptions will also display the number of slots an item has.
Airdrop Spawning
Zombies will now spawn dependent on gamestage at airdrops. You will have to fight your way to the airdrop through a horde of undead.
The Final Stand
After you finish your Class and Journal Quests, you will start a long final stand against the Undead. This includes special spawns, Blood Moons and more surprises. Do not start this undergeared!
Quest Crafting Warning
A message will display if you leave a table while crafting an item needed to complete a quest.
Reverse Rotation
QoL addition that allows you to reverse a rotation on blocks placed using LeftShift and LeftMouseClick.
Stash Backpack
The original stash backpack you know and love designed. Click “X” to lock any slot you want in your backpack and move same items to boxes with a simple click. These options save on exit unlike Vanilla.
Vehicle Pickup Disable
Realistic weights on vehicles. You can no longer pick up and store your heavy vehicles. Bicycles can be picked up. Be careful while driving and prepare to dig a vehicle out if it is stuck.
All New Game Options
You can set quest fetches to show indicators on the map, enable headshots only mode, control the size and frequency of wandering hordes, increase range zombies can see you at and enable or disable rage. These settings work on servers as well and a config.yaml file is included in the Mods/0-RHCore Folder.
POI Zombie Multiplier
Zombies will now spawn around groups of pois, making cities dangerous. You can control the multiplier in settings.
City Zombie Multiplier
Zombies will now spawn around groups of pois, making cities dangerous. You can control the multiplier in settings.
New Video Options
Field of view setting, show crosshairs, change the color of crosshairs or completely disable activation texts for a true clear Hud.
Enable/Disable Custom Font
Redbeard has selected a gorgeous font for their mod but they understand some may find it hard to read so you can no enable and disable it in options.
PermaDeath Mode
You can now enable and disable a perma death mode from the RH menu. This adds a permanent death using Wellness.
Wellness makes it’s return to 7 Days. Eat the right foods and water to increase your stats. Dying will reduce your Maxes down to 50. Build it back up by consuming better food and drink.
Active Ingredients
You can now click an ingredient in the recipe list to link you to how to make that ingredient. He has also created a fantastic transparent paper doll that pops up to let you know you have armor that needs to be repaired (below 50%).
Crop Damage
Zombies will now trample your crops and plants. So make sure you protect them at all costs.
Sphereiicore is also used as is his Take and Replace and disable trader protection. That’s right, traders are always open but no longer are invulnerable!
Living Off The Land
Farming has received an overhaul. Farm plots are now an end game goal and allow you to grow underground. Water is required for the plots to grow. The Farm Table is where you can craft seeds from crops or from seed packs you find out in the world.
They have added back in Fertilizer, the Composter and yes Turds. Fertilizer made from the compost can be used on existing crops to increase yield. When destroyed, the crop returns to an unfertilized state, to be fertilized again.
Ground farming with a hoe has been brought back! Water will now deplete as your crops grow. You can work towards an irrigation pipe system. Irrigation will prevent water from being depleted.
Multiple new crops have been added like wheat, tomatoes, lettuce and more and these crops have been integrated into recipes new and old.
Infection Matters
When you are infected it will now kill you within 3 days. You MUST find a cure for your infection. It will persist through death. If you do not find a cure it will kill you. Chewing glass no longer represents a cure. Beehives can be made once the schematic is found. Tree stumps in the world have a chance to drop honey combs which can be crafted into honey to lower infections. This zombie apocalypse is very real and very dangerous.
Too Much Too Soon
Loot has undergone a complete rebalance (and may again in future versions) so that you are not swimming in loot early game. Scavenging and exploring now matters as you hunt for the best weapons and tools. Loot lists have been readjusted so they make more sense to what you would find in them.
From My Cold Dead Hands
In the ongoing quest to preserve what they love about 7 Days, they have readded some pulled game mechanics. Parts for guns are as they were with each firearm having specific parts you need to find to assemble a weapon like frames, handles and cylinders. More returns to former mechanics loved by many is ongoing for future updates.
Progression That Means Progressing
Levelling has been slowed down quite a bit to give the old way of doing things more prominence. You need to get out there and work those quests and use those weapons. All main attributes are now Player Level dependent. Perks have been rebalanced so as not to give the appearance of a character becoming Superman by Perk 5 of everything.
Progression becomes way more exciting with the addition of unlockable recipes for every Action Skill. Every 20 levels of a skill will offer an unlock of a tool and weapon to that specific skill. So as you level and increase your Action Skills you will learn more recipes from the skill you are perfecting.
Actions Speak Louder Than Perks
Action Skills have returned. You will receive a slight bonus in stats every time you level an Action Skill. This is Learn by Doing. Use axes and picks to level Construction, Bows to level Archery, Blades to level…. well Blades. You can keep track of your Action Skills progress on the skills screen.
Quality Control
Quality has been returned to 7 Days to Die. Each tool and weapon now has a quality level. 1-1000.
Each 20th level is considered next tier and every single item has had stats attached to them so that finding new weapons and tools is no longer a boring process. Loot is exciting again! Find level 72 pickaxe, but know there are better out there. This will promote leveling as well as scavenging.
But beware. You will need to increase your main Construction Skill because every repair will cost you 100 Quality Points. Every 20 levels of Construction Skill will drop that by 20 points. So Construction Level 20 will drop the penalty to 80 QP. Const Level 40 will drop it to 60 QP Loss and so on.
Better Watch That Weapon Boy
Along with Quality returning they have Degradation returning as well! Your weapon and tool will now degrade by 100 Quality Levels each time you repair it at the start.
On top of this they have taken care of any mods that are in your item or weapon. If when repairing a weapon the quality reduction results in a lose of a mod slot any mod in that lost slot will be placed in the players inventory. Be careful to have a spare slot though as a full bag and inventory will result in the mod falling on the floor!
So how do you salvage this? By leveling Construction Tools. Each 20th level of Construction Tools after level 20 reduces that number by 20. So level 21 in Const Tools you will lose 80 Durability and so on. A true progression system.
The Home You Have Always Dreamed Of
Ravenhearst likes to pride itself on being a builders dream mod. They have added dozens of new deco items for you to craft and decorate with, a number of new player storage options, movie posters you can collect, art you can collect, TVs, holiday items, playable radios and record players as well as made previously unavailable vanilla deco items accessible for crafting in their Decor Table. They are constantly adding new items as well.
Apart from over 50 new deco blocks he has also created several new block placeholders for poi makers. From new corpses to arcade and slot machines to miscellaneous trash decos like liquor bottles and posters and potted plants, new mail box and trash can placeholders, now POI builders who wish to make RH specific pois can design them with variety in mind.
Film Buff
You will find many collectible posters in the world, ranging from movies to TV shows to art pieces. The selection is ever changing ad growing and fit perfectly in the basement of your shelter!
The backpack perk is now gone. In its place are backpacks that you can find in the world that unlocks three slots at a time to your inventory. These can be found in dressers, semis and other clothing related loot spots.
The Journal
They have introduced a quest based player journal that will take you on a questline all while teaching you the basic added mechanics of Ravenhearst. If you complete all the chapters of this journal you will receive exclusive recipes to craft some pretty cool items. The journal is not meant to be rushed through, rather it is meant to compliment your journey so do not worry too much about finishing it immediately.
Food and water have undergone a major rework. Food values have been rebalanced, new food added, animals rebalanced for their meat yields and now they give red or white meat. Water is also now contaminated and you will need to build a water filtration unit to decontaminate it before you can drink it safely.
POI Wonderland
They have added many new POIs from around the 7 Days Community to fill their world with unique buildings. From zoos to parks to airports and police stations there is always something new to find in their world!
You Have Some Red on Ya
Zombies come in many forms. They have added additional looks to zombies. Higher tiered zombies will sound and look different so you can tell them apart. Night Terrors make their return as well, with favorites such as The Butcher, The Prisoner and the Mechanic haunting the nights and preparing to drink your blood. Terrors Have Been Removed for Now But Will Return In a Future Update.
Complex Crafting
Ravenhearst has always been about more realistic crafting and this version is no exception. At start you are given a Personal Workbench. This is your hub for all things crafting. The backpack has very limited recipes, just the absolute basics. You will need to carry this table with you. It can be picked up easily by destroying it.
They have added workbenches and stations such as the Farm Table, the Armor Bench, The Ammunition Table, The Water Filtration Unit, Survival Campfire, Mechanic Bench, Research Table and the Decor Table, all with its own uses and recipes. This will help you find what you are looking for better and also spice up that basement work area.
Along with the stations, there are complex recipes such as tool heads for crafting tools, molds for forge crafting and vehicle parts. Vanilla recipes have all been changed to reflect new materials such as screws, tarps, twine and recipes like concrete and cobblestone have been made more complex.
Vehicular Homicide
They have reworked how vehicles are made completely. You will need to find engine parts and more from harvesting vehicles with the crowbar. There is now an Mechanic Bench and those are used to construct parts. You will have to build chassis from scratch using parts like car seats, alternators, sparkplugs and more.
They have also added over a dozen new vehicles for you to collect such as community favorites from bdubyah like the Box Truck and Jeep! All of these vehicles have their own unique assemblies and parts.
Barnes and Noble? Where!
All schematics now scrap into Knowledge Points, which can be used with Ink found in the world in the Research Desk to craft any missing recipes and perk books.
There is also a set of limited edition novels you can find in the world made by sinder that scraps into some paper for you to use. True collectors may find value in finding all of the novels left in the world. Some book stores or Research Facilities may have remnants of working Research Desks so make sure to search all of them.
You will notice green smoke filled areas on your journey. This represents a Tier 5 POI that is radiated.
There is no way to explore these without a hazmat suit, which can then be upgraded to an Wasteland hazmat suit that will allow you to explore the Wastelands! Inside you will find military crates and chests that house end game weapons, tools, schematics and resources that can not be found in normal areas. Do not tackle these pois too early though. They are extremely dangerous.
Ravenhearst has always been a labor of love for JaxTeller718, but it also has been a labor of love for many others as well, without whom this mod would not be possible.
Development Team
Testing Team
Dev Hall of Fame
Server Config REQUIRED for Server Owners
Server Installation Instructions for Custom Settings
In the 0-RHCore folder inside Mods you will see three .yaml files. those are your server configs (SP too) open those with notepad+ or any text editing program and edit what you desire.
Save them and upload them to the server. They should read automatically from that 0-RHCore folder on your server.
You can also start a SP instance of 7 days and configure your settings in there. They will save in your 0-RHCore folder and you can copy them directly from there and upload them to the same folder on your server.
Mod Credits
Even though Ravenhearst is written by hand and has a lot of original content, they do utilize some of the fantastic mods that are available from this amazing community.
sphereii – AnimationSDX/Zombie Transmogrifier/AnimationsSDX/Legacy Distant Terrain/Food Spoilage
FreakUK – Chicken Coop/Beehive
Guppycur – Hospital Decor/Commercial Decor /Fire Mod
xyth/sphereii/Guppycur – Creature Pack Zombies
CTVI – Treasures
BlackRabbit – Additional Firearms
Geoffrey Ruis – Wire Relays
Saminal – Expanded Deco and Storage Vanilla
ocbMaurice/Zilox – Map Icons, Crooked Deco
Oakraven/Arramus – Cooking Stations
RussianDood – Magbow
Khaine – Log Spikes
DirkillerGaming – Ground Treasures
BobbyLee298 – Vehicle Mods (edited)
Scomar – Colored Text
bdubyah – Additional Vehicles
kHzMuzik – Zombies and Food Spoilage System
arramus – Old West POIs
ZZTong – POIs
Laydor – Quartz
Ravenhearst 10.1.1b1 Hotfix 2 for 1.1b14 Stable has Released.
Server Owners – To implement their settings go inside config .yaml setting file with Notepad in 0-RHCore and change your settings and save. Then upload to your server. Please remove the .xmls you used to use.
Patch Notes 10.1.1b1 Hotfix 2
Mod Version Number: 10.1.1b1 Hotfix 2
7 Days Version Number: 1.1b14 Stable
Wipe Needed: No
- Fixed Crossbow Repeater Swapped Model
- Fixed missing video options that were added in 1.0. FSR3 – Yakov
- Fixed typo in Excavator description
- Fixed Limestone melting exploit
- Reverted some lockpick settings to vanilla
Note – For players having any issue with Sprint Locking on Controllers please navigate inside Mods folder and delete this Folder name = SprintToggleFix
Patch Notes 10.1.1b1 Hotfix
Mod Version Number: 10.1.1b1 Hotfix
7 Days Version Number: 1.1b14 Stable
Wipe Needed: No
- Performance Optimizations for Farming and Crops – Yakov
- Increased Durability on Auto Rifles and Knuckles
- Adjusted Volume Down on Sprinklers – Yakov
- Buffed Lucille (Giggity)
- Fixed Capitialization in ModInfo for Linux users
- Possible Fix for Music Combat Clip Overlap Null That Randomly Pops – Yakov
- Lowered Amount of Armor Skill Books in Loot
- Fixed Stove and Oven Repair Kits not Working
- Fixed Exploit of Coolers with Loot being given twice in Backpack
- Frozed Water can now Be Thawed in Microwaves
- Increased Damages on Scrap Tools
- Updated Score – sphereii
- Fixed High Tier Arrows and Bolts Models
- Fixed Hybrid Cam Crossbow Model
- Fixed Appliances Variant Block Shape Null
- Buffed Kukri and Katanas Stats
Note – For players having any issue with Sprint Locking on Controllers please navigate inside Mods folder and delete this Folder name = SprintToggleFix
Patch Notes 10.1.1b1
Mod Version Number: 10.1.1b1
7 Days Version Number: 1.1b14 Stable
Wipe Needed: Yes
- Fixed Server Crashing Issues With Farming Code that resulted in lag, zombie freezes and nulls – Yakov
- Fixed Smoker nulling on open
- Added Tier 5 smoke and crates to Jails R Us
- Added the Following POI
- rh_Zombite_zozoman
Patch Notes 10.1.0b13
Mod Version Number: 10.1.0b13
7 Days Version Number: 1.1b14 Stable
Wipe Needed: Yes
- Adjusted Menu Tips
- Planks now made in Table Saw
- Changed Icon On Ravenhearst Challenges
- Fixed Cash Register Hitboxes
- Items can now break if not repaired when they hit 0
- You now receive a Working Toaster when destroying an in world toaster
- Fixed Coffeemaker model offsets
- Complete Armor Stat Rework
- Adjusted Nut and Berry Bush Appearance
- Added Nut and Berry Bush to an additional sub biome of the forest
- Fixed Coffeemaker Vanilla Models
- Fixed Stone and Scrap Shovel and Pickaxe Harvesting Tags
- Added Multiple Car Paint Items
- Added OCB Crooked Deco
- Blood Moons last until dawn after day 14
- Fixed On Screen Day and Date
- Shortened Zombie Reaches
- Recycle Bins now downgrade
- Added Storage Progression
- Added Localization to New Storage Options
- Added New Storage
- Added Cans of Nuts and Berries with better stats you can craft in Campfire with an Empty Can
- More tiles will now spawn on RWG
- Model changed for Barricades
- Barricade health lowered to 150
- Fixed Icon for Taza Stone Pickaxe
- Seeds no longer scrap
- Removed Aluminum from Wasteland
- Removed Coal from Snow
- Fixed Nitrate not spawning in one Snow biome
- Added Dysentery to Moldy Bread
- Adjustments to Outdoor Night Light and Indoor Lighting for a more natural darkness
- Fixed Loading Screen Tip Localization
- Crops give an 80 percent chance of seed back
- Added New Challenges – Yakov
- Added time back to hud
- Seed Packs are now a bundle. Open for random seeds
- Removed seed pack crafting
- Farmer Class now gets schematic for Hoe
- Hoe added to loot
- Removed Grills from loot
- Sap no longer scraps
- Removed Steel and Iron Crates from Craft. Must upgrade Wooden one
- Added Wood Writeable Crate to Progression
- Moved Wood Crafts to Table Saw
- Scrap Axe no longer repairs/upgrades
- Fixed Book Reading Animations
- Removed LOTL bonus from nuts and berries
- Added New Zombies by Double G
- Added Treasures and Trinkets that you can find while digging you can sell to the traders
- Increased Leather made from Hides
- Reduced Craft Time of Dried Jerky
- Increased Brighntess of Survival Campfire, Campfire and Tanning Rack Icons
- Moved Around Vanilla Challenges to make sense for the Basic Journal Quest
- Updated Score
- Fixed nut and berry harvests
- Fixed Tags and Model on Dirty Bandage
- Added Reinforced Repair Kits for Reinforced Tools and Weapons
- Reinforced Tools are now Locked Properly
- Fixed description on Bowl of Honey
- Ammo Loot Rebalance. Less ammo found in the world
- RWG Edits – Towns and cities can now spawn in Forests
- Traders can now spawn roadside in the Wilderness
- Various scope and iron sight tweaks and fixes to better align them
- Extended Old Building Upgrading to include Aluminum and Tungsten Paths
- Added Grass Cutter
- Removed Cardio Perk as it is now integrated into Athletics
- Removed Mother Lode as it is now integrated into Construction and Mining Tools Skills
- Added Version Check to Mod Load – Yakov
- Adjusted Animal Spawning
- Added Sprint Toggling Fix
- Added Startup Optimizer – OCBMaurice
- Added Stop Fuel Waste – OCBMaurice
- Added New Map Waypoint Icons – OCBMaurice
- Adjustments to Interior Lighting
- Adjustments to Night Time Exterior Lighting
- Reduced Amount of XP Given for Harvesting, Repairing and Upgrading Blocks
- Reduced chances of perk and skill books in mailboxes
- Removed Junk Drone from loot
- Added Multiple New Vehicle Mods for Speed, Gas Consumption, Light Intensity
- Commented out Water Valve Block Model making water sounds in POIs
- Added expanded firearms. Most are vanilla values, we will need to adjust them in the future. Schematics to make them can be found in Wasteland and Tier 5 loot crates. Have not decided on weapon loot only or to allow crafting.
- Added Chance of Hazmat to Military Lockers and Army Trucks
- Adjusted backpack loot in military lockers and laundry
- Removed Sprains and Strains as Splint now heals Sprains
- Gas can no longer be drinkable
- Added Sounds to All Ravenhearst food and water
- Added proper perk bonuses to Ravenhearst medical items
- Added a Supply bundle to the starter kit so you can open the item portion at a later date
- Removed Backpacks except for one type due to way action skill works for backpack
- Updated RH Core – Yakov
- Adjusted Skill Point Rewards for Basic Questline and Challenge Redemption to 5 total down from 8
- Armor Tier Stat Fixes to Match our Quality
- Fixed Armor Display Bug creating False Stat Displays – Redbeard + Yakov
- Updated Active Ingredients – Redbeard
- Fixed Air Drop Crates Not Despawning – Yakov
- Fixed Boiled Water in Cans and Jars crafting in the Stove
- Changed Icon Type on Backpacks
- Removed Unused Craft Skill Books from Loot and Bundles
- Raised Health on All Workstations
- Increased cost to make Lockpicks
- Added Wasteland Lockpick that unlocks Tier 5 and Wasteland Crates. Craftable at Advanced Engineering 5. Lootable where Hazmat is found.
- Added Missing Perk Books to Research Desk (Fireman 7, Mining 7, Heist 3, Hunter Books, Looter Books)
- Lowered Bee Hive Timer to 120 from 180
- Changed Research Desk Ingredient to Office Chair Variant Block
- Fixed Tomato Plant Hitbox
- Vehicle Craft Skill now set to 200. Vehicle unlocks spaced put more
- Mechanic now receives 5 vehicle skill books to craft a bicycle but no bicycle parts and a Wrench
- Removed Buggy Action0 Left Click Actions from Sacks and Buckets
- Increased and balanced HP on later tier building blocks
- Increased resources needed to craft steel and concrete shape blocks
- Increased Price of Water Filter
- Removed Water Filter from craft of Dew Collector
- Waster Filter now gives Murky Water and 1 jar as a mod in Dew Collector. Still doubles speed
- Removed Water Filter from Chef Class
- Adjusted haziness to radiation – Yakov
- Updated pick up sounds for antibiotics, custom vehicles, books and magazines
- Increased Health on trees
- Fixed 1970 Refrigerator Harvest
- Improved Wellness Death Logic – Yakov
- Moved Death Wellness Buff to C# to make it more reliable switching Permadeath on and off – Yakov
- Added Carbon Fiber Crafted
- Added Resin Bottle Crafted
- Added Treasure Maps – CTVI
- Added Scrap Club, Spear and Sledgehammer
- Rebalanced Scrap Tools
- Added improved hordes game option. Off by default. – Yakov
- Added improved hordes to config yaml – Yakov
- Added Pick up Sounds to Repair Kits, Resources, Crops, Medicine, Ores, Bars
- Added Pick up Sounds to Repair Kits, Resources, Crops, Medicine, Ores, Bars
- Updated all of Bdubyah vehicles
- New Onion Plant Asset Added
- Updated Improved Hordes Localization with More Accurate Info – Yakov
- Added Torch Framework from Laydor for Performance, Lighting and Config – Yakov
- Fixed Working Gas and Charcoal Grill Models
- Removed BBQ Grill Food Recipes from Stoves
- Added and Removed Categories Needed and no Longer Needed from Grills and Stoves
- Began Adding Back Vanilla Food Hand Models
- Added More Arcade Machines
- Added Slot Machines – 50,100,500 Denominations to Craft through Final Stand Reward
- Added Arcade Machines to Craft through Final Stand Reward
- Added Berries to Spoilage
- Removed Moldy Bread from Spoiling
- Scrap Weapons Now Repair with Reinforced Repair Kit
- Wood Club Now Requires Primitive Repair Kit
- Removed Scrapping from Primitive Weapons
- Increased Random Chances of Getting Vehicle Part or Skill Books as Random Roll
- Added Frozen Water and Stew to Chef Class heated up in Microwave When Needed
- Added Craftable Freezer
- Added Fridges and Cooler to Electrician Skill
- Forging Tunnel scraps to Iron
- Added Scrollable 63 slot backpack after going insane
- Removed Old Jukebox due to deprecated Asset
- Added Lemon Tree and Lemons. Recipes and Fixes to come
- Added New Dew Collector. Place and Upgraded with 2 Tarp. Wait some time then loot the filled collector. Fix with Tarps again.
- Collapsed Dew Collectors Now have a chance for a water filter and a tarp when harvested
- Fixed sack holdtype for a few items – Yakov
- Fix vanilla issue of zombies dropping loot on despawn. Now only drops loot on kill – Yakov
- Removed Can and Jar of Insects from Spoiling
- Special Enemies will Now Start to Appear after Gamestage 250 on Blood Moons, and in the world after GS 500
- Air Drop Zombies Now run and are tiered to be more difficult and faster as gamestage increases
- Added 2 Bottles of Acid to Mechanic Class
- Tinkered With Spoilage Timers All Around to Last a Bit Longer
- Lockpick Skill Matters. Lockpicking More Difficult and Slower but buying Perks in it Makes it Better
- Added 45 and 556 ammo to ammo lootlists
- Added Water to Trail Mix
- Moved Hazmat Suit Loot to Infested Tier 4 and 5
- Replaced Nude Female Zombie
- Removed Harvestable Corpses for Performance and Balance
- Increased Rotting Flesh and Bones Given from Certain Animals
- Removed Male Nude Zombie
- Doors Now Require a Door Knob to Be repaired
- Cook those eggs boys and girls
- Updated AGFHUD
- Added Preloader – Redbeard
- Added Rain Collector. Works like a Vanilla Dew, unlocked at Workstation 90 gives infected water. For now it does NOT have a filter but it may in next update
- Added Proper Repair Kits to Class Weapon Selections
- Removed Quad Armor Pocket Mod
- Increased Craft Skill to 150-200 depending on the craft skill
- Added a new Attribute Page for Tier 5 Books
- Fixed All Action Skill Buffs (Bleed, KO)
- Removed Incorrect Storages from Advanced Engineering
- Added Painted Storage Boxes to Workstation Skill
- You now get 5 Fertilizer per Craft
- Fixed Fertilizer Sack Descriptions
- Adjusted All Ingredient Counts To Our Action Skill Levels – Jax & Yakov
- Increased Chance of Workstation Skill Magazines in Workbench and Chemistry Station
- Removed Item Variation Rolls for Stats
- Updated tagging on Axes and Tools so the custom Action Skill bonuses are tagged properly
- Stone Hammers are no longer sellable
- Storages can be picked up to tier 4 only. After they will destroy and you will need to make new ones.
- Fridges and Coolers can be Taken via 15 second delays
- Added Throwable Items and Perk
- Reduced Compost needed to make ground fertile from 10 to 7
- Reduced Fertilizer needed to fertilize crop from 5 to 4
- Fixed Bleeding Particle – Yakov
- Removed 200m Limit from Sharing Option – Yakov
- Honeycomb no longer cures Infection
- Reduced Action Skill Mailbox Loot
- Increased Tier 8 Storage to 100 slots
- Tier 8 Storage requires Forged Tungsten
- Added RWG Modifications that will force a spawn of every poi at least once on a map
- Fixed up Tier 7, 8 ,9 Storages so they flow better
- Added some Wilderness Decor
- Fixed Baton Unlock Order
- Building Supply Loot Balance
- Zombie Loot Bag Looting Adjustments
- Added New Supply Pick Ups to Final Stand Satchels and Chests
- Moved Icee to Special Drinks Category in Vending
- Removed Socket tool from Motorcycle Handlebar Craft
- Removed Propane Tank Harvest from Working Grills
- Rain Collector Now Accepts Industrial Grade Tarp Mod to Convert Infected Water to Dirty
- Fixed Tier 5 Painted Loot Container Size
- Increased Health on Night Walkers
- Fixed Loot Container cancel instant looting – Yakov
- Fixed Final Stand Bloodmoon cancelling early – Yakov
- Changed buff duration of questbloodmoon to 8 ingame hours – Yakov
- Removed loot delay from player storage – Yakov
- Fixed inconsistencies in Radios
- Fixed Tags and name of Telescopic Baton to match Proper Perks
- Renamed Pistols Skill to Handguns for Clarity
- Weapons and Tools now have the correct Ingredient Cost Increases in Recipes, including Legendary Parts
- Bow Parts and All Weapon Parts should start showing up in loot
- Concrete and Cobble stacks increased to 500
- Increased Hazmat Chance in Army Trucks
- Added Tool and Weapon Parts to all RH Tools and Weapons
- Fixed Crafting Ingredient Counts from base adds to percent adds to match vanilla increases
- Changed Chromium Ore Texture
- Added Pallets for Carbon, Chromium, Tungsten and Aluminum
- Increased Recipe for Reinforced Chain Link Fencing
- Increased Probability on 44 Ammo
- Added Mods Category to Mechanic Bench
- Added Farmer Set Health Bonuses to all RH food and veggies
- Added Station Pickup Sounds to UI
- Added Bucket Pickup Sounds to UI
- Swapped Icons for Charred Red and White Meats
- Added Missing Slot Info to Storages
- Streamlined Furniture Blocks
- Increased Toolbox, Fish Tackle and First Aid Storages in Loot
- Moved Tier 1 Storage to Workstation Skill 20
- Removed Safes from Workstation Skill, Schematic Only Now
- Removed Health Bar Option from Menu
- Updated Descriptions on Classes to reflect actual rewards
- Fixes for Some Janky Animations and Sounds on Custom Zombies that could lead to dismemberment nulls
- Removed Stone Tool Clutter from Traders and Loot
- Removed Spoilage from Can of Berries
- Removed Unneeded Farming Control Panel
- Diggie holes have a range of 5 blocks from water to seed, placing pipes in the water and putting a sprinkler on TOP of the pipe has a 10 meter range! the range is from sprinkler to crops not pipe so keep that in mind.
- Added the Following POIs
- Added Old West Migration POI Set, adds more Old West towns and POIs to tiles and biomes
- Added ZZTongs Prefab Pack which adds over 100 pois, decos and filler stamps for a lively world – ZZTong with edits by Jax
- rh_factoryraid_xtiericee
- rh_forestcamp_xtiericee
- rh_warehouse_xtiericee
- rh_junkyard_xtiericee
- rh_farm_house_Lazy_Turtle
- rh_LakeView_Lazy_Turtle
- rh_LazyCafe_Lazy_Turtle
- rh_LazyFarm_01_Lazy_Turtle
- rh_LazyShops_Lazy_Turtle
- rh_Red_Rocket_Lazy_Turtle
- rh_barricaded_house_1_Officecats5
- rh_Petting_Zoo_FluffyPanda
- rh_Red_Rocket_01_FluffyPanda
- rh_Stus_Zoo_Officecats5
- rh_super_prison_max_Officecats5
- rh_advanced_junkyard_02_Officecats5
- oldwest_store_gun_01
- oldwest_abandoned_house_01
- oldwest_abandoned_house_02
- oldwest_country_junkyard_01
- oldwest_homesteader_01_arramus
- oldwest_mixstrip_01_arramus
- oldwest_25x50_corn_01_arramus
- oldwest_rural_church_01
- rh_TheAfterLife_Duhwolf
- rh_Nuketown2024_Camabis
- rh_airstrip_SurvivorAndy
- rh_ultrascans_clinic_SurvivorAndy
- rh_woodbury_SurvivorAndy
- rh_tesko_supermarket_SurvivorAndy
- rh_malibu_club_SurvivorAndy
- rh_busty_beers_stripclub_SurvivorAndy
- rh_bigbluebox_SurvivorAndy
- rh_take_four_film_studio_SurvivorAndy
- rh_wilderness1_SurvivorAndy
- rh_wilderness2_SurvivorAndy
- rh_wilderness3_SurvivorAndy
- rh_wilderness4_SurvivorAndy
- rh_wilderness5_SurvivorAndy
- rh_Alamo_Level50Unlocked
- rh_Data_Center_Level50Unlocked
- oldwest_cran5000soda_01_arramus
- rh_Cedar_Creek_Officecats5
- rh_Club_Hotel_SG1o9
- rh_Epidemic_Playland_old_SG1o9
- rh_Harold_Fetchkick_Asylum_SG1o9
- oldwest_ekoguns_01_arramus
- oldwest_gas_station_07
- oldwest_gas_station_08
- oldwest_ranger_station_02
- oldwest_remnant_bookshop_business_03
- oldwest_remnant_mill_01
- oldwest_store_book_04
- oldwest_store_grocery_04
- oldwest_store_grocery_05
- oldwest_store_grocery_06
- oldwest_survivor_site_05
- oldwest_apper_01_arramus
- oldwest_meatloaf_01_arramus
- oldwest_ranger_station_02
- oldwest_store_book_04
- oldwest_store_grocery_05
- rh_Jails_R_Us_zozoman
Head to their Discord for bug reports, help and information. They hope you guys enjoy this edition, but remember it is still unfinished so expect issues, bugs and possibly wipes.
Contacting Him and Development Team Interaction
JaxTeller718 know a few of you have been looking for support and to have questions answered. He has been absolutely swamped with work, RL and working on RH that he does not frequently have time to be able to come forum topic and answer all questions. Your best bet is to head over to Discord and there are a number of VERY knowledgeable players and mods, himself included, that are always around to answer questions. It is a very active and great community.
Discord and Support
JaxTeller718 is not sure all of you are aware of the health struggles he has been going through for the past year. He has kept it off the forums. If you wish to read about what him and his wife shorty have gone through there is a detailed diary on their Discord in the Jax and shorty updates channel. 9 was a labor of love for him and was released despite the difficulties of maintaining a work flow. He is extremely proud of his work, and his teams work on this one.
They look to forward to hearing what you think, and to helping them to shape the best experience possible for you. His time on forums is very limited and the majority of his development team has moved to Discord only. If you would like your questions answered quickly please join their Discord. They have an amazing community of fellow RH veterans and new players alike that are always willing to help out and offer tips and advice, as well as himself and his team checking in daily.
Paypal Donation: If you appreciate his work on Ravenhearst feel free to use this link to show support. Donations go towards the acquisition of new Unity Assets as well as test servers etc, or even just a small show of appreciation with pizza! Pizza always makes smiles 😀
They also have a Patreon set up for those who wish to offer ongoing support for development. You can check that out here.
Server Hosting
Host Your Own Ravenhearst Server
Bluefang currently hosts the 7 Day version and Streamer version of Ravenhearst! Just select the Ravenhearst option that is best for you! Their setup is flexible and offers everything you need. Want to upload your OWN XML edits and mods for others to play on your server? You can do that EASILY with full FTP Access.
If you decide to rent with Bluefang using this link 5 percent of the sale will go towards adding new assets into the mod and is a great way to support its development. Bluefang is offering Ravenhearst free of any additional charges to their customers.
Ravenhearst Launcher
The Ravenhearst Launcher is currently not working.
Streamers Who Have Streamed Ravenhearst
A Huge thank you to the following for getting immersed into the world of Ravenhearst!
- Mike Pope
- Grumbul
- His IDOL has finally done a play of Ravenhearst! Please check it out.
- KnightRath
- Amazing member of their Discord community. VERY entertaining and incredibly sexy 😉
- Nightmaaron
- Ramble_on_Rose
This is an overhaul mod and as such is not intended to work well with modlets. If you use a modlet you do so at your own risk. There is a possibility your game may break or even your save. They can not troubleshoot any errors related to the use of outside modlets. There are just too many core changes to guarantee any will work well within their mod.
EAC must be disabled to play this mod.
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: JaxTeller718 and community
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Is there a custom map name for server upload or should I just run a RWG 8k for the new custom POIS?
I am unable to complete the final quest of “CombatSurvival” as I get a “No trader” at the last quest stage.
Yá no están los zombies Nemesis?
Please make a way to repair the trader store
will be a 1.0 Stable version? pleaaasee?
can i put more backpack slots?
i think this mod is not compable with extra content mods like guns vehicles ect. Is there any weaon modpack for extra content without red errors?
Hey guys, the mod is running with the newest version on each system but we have probs to start a multiplayer game. It says some parts are missing?! Is there any solution?
I am stuck on the mission combat survival:2 Hazmat Hunt, journal asks me to gather the 5 armoured hazmat pieces but no indication/map location of where to look and i don’t have the schematic to make them, journal entry says they are in an abandoned quarantine zone, is there any hints on where i am supposed to look please? i have been following the traders questline up to T7 with the hope of randomly finding amongst a POI but still no luck
They are randomly found, at least that is how I found them. loot bags, POI’s, Stashes, ect.
How can I get a research table and is there any working discord link anywhere?
Doesn’t work on my version 21.2. I have those 2 error messages :
– Failed initializing widow group NewContinueGame
– RequestedValue ‘DeathPenalty’ was not found
I can’t launch a new game. Sad 🙁
Same error for me. Just renamed my old mods folder and dropped the full Ravenhearst mod folder and get those errors and when I click New Game it comes back with: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Same errors on my side.
i delete mod ( UI_Menu-JT and ZZ_OtherModlets_R4PTRulesMenu
work game
Its not work on A21.2 b26
How can I remove the group experience limit?
Ok so i see what you did, i looked at the .dll. Is there anyway you could release just the BiomeGameStageScaling part? I could just replace your “ZombiesAll-100” with a different entity group? Are your zombie groups hardcoded?
I uploaded a mod on this site (Zolokhan’s Mod) that does the opposite of your mod – it accelerates the beginning and just throws a million zombies on you at day one and by day 35 or so you are peak and at day 49 you can declare victory and wait for the next update TFPs. If i can make biome spawning scaling it would be awesome! By week two its more ferals, week three all ferals, week for radiated ,and by week 6 its all green. I have a dream. lol
But man, very nice work on this mod, but i am most impressed by the biomeScalingSpawns and I love the permadeath part – i have been playing that way for 9 years … lots of restarts lol.
Thanks for the great mod even if you do not release a biomescaling specific one.
Unfortunately it’s a RH hard coded feature so cant release separately;) Surprising that TFP decided to add permadeath recently. but our one is alittle different using wellness.
How were you able to implement game stage based biome spawning? I have been modding the game for years and getting that was out of my reach. Is there anyway for other people to implement just that? I looked at your spawning file but i suspect you wrote some custom script in the RHcore mod or something?
Is it possible to duplicate this for other modders? The fact that biome spawns were always limited to what you could kill day one just screwed up this games entire difficulty curve. Modifying wandering horde works but I want ferals popping up in biomes also.
I like what you did with the tier zombies …. the blue effects on them look cool.
but please .. even some guidance on where the files are you modified to get gamestage biome spawning would be great.
incremental updates would be welcomed 🙂 constant downloading 2.5gb is a bit of a chore for my amazing internet connection 😉
Thank you and congratulations on the speed of the update.
So it literally says your launcher is currently not working. With that in mind, how is one supposed to be installing it? There is no clear direction anywhere I’ve checked. I even tried your YouTube installation guide from years back, however, as I feared it is beyond out of date and that process does not work (those 3 files do not show up like they used to after extraction). So I tried placing the entire folder in Mods, tried just the Mod subfolders, and so many various things to no avail. How does one install this without the launcher?
Jump onto discord if you’re having trouble https://discord.gg/ravenhearst-8-6-164501343468388353
como o mod tem muita coisa diferente do 7 days to die vannila, acho que voces deveriam aumentar um pouco mais a mochila pois fica quase impossivel looter bastante os lugares.
Concordo e Apoio!
Mesmo problema no vanilla, visto ter aumento demais os itens e o inventário é o mesmo,
Hi, first of all, this mod is incredible. I’m playing it in A21. Are supposed to be bandits? I have not seen a single one. thanks.
game freeze bug when click fish fillet recipe.
It looks like a totally D0pE work of art & I would love to play it on the new A20 version, just don’t know if its compatible
Is this mod compatible with A20.6 or even A20?
Also the progression bar “Patching Game” shows no progress at all.. The “downloading file” seems to work
In addition to this, the modlauncher says i have 7.6 installed and wanna update to 8.61. But the dowloaded mod i put in the folder is rh_86_release-main.
Hello, first of all thank you for that great game!
I would really like to run it, ran it on Mac yesterday but zombies unfortunately wouldnt move (installing this mod on OSX is a different thing, no modlauncher)
So now i installed on Windows.
I followed all steps correctly:
Clean installation with latest stable selected in beta properties, copied files to special folder, downloaded the mod and put it in the special folder. Installed the modlauncher into the special folder and run it. It asks for update. And then it just spins and spins, its over an hour now..
Any suggestions for a workaround would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
no move zombie…
never could get this mod to work
Hey, I want to thank you for making such a great engaging Overhaul! I can tell how much work you put into this, and it shows! I hope you feel better soon, if not already better, because someone who works this hard to allow other people to have fun deserves to be healthy and happy. I really appreciate it! The only addition I would make, if not already implemented is a way to craft fire extinguishers. The spreading fire hurts, but the challenge is still nice to have! ♥
Absolutely love this mod. Played 7D2D a lot before Ravenhurst, and though the game was still early Alpha, Jax and his crew have been around to bring a level of realism and challenge MadMole has feared.* I have played many versions of Ravenhurst and some of Jax’s, lesser known, hardcore mods. True quality and great community! Thanks to all RH crew, helpers, and Devs! Truly the best!!
Ravenhearst ***
I was so excited to start this mod, but cannot get the patch to update through the aops app. It just spins and spins. it’s been an hour now. Thoughts?
Same… I cannot get this to run properly. It literally ran overnight without anything happening. Not sure if its not compatible with the latest 7 days version or what…
There seems to be a massive memory leak as of this comment date, the game either crashes during loading or a minute or so after it loads in, always showing radar pre leak or low virtual memory errors in event viewer. After running for only 1 minute the game crashed having used up 28GB of virtual memory.
Most underrated 7DTD mod there is
Do I need the launcher or just the mod? Also does this work on A20?
Select Alpha 20.5 from the beta options in game properties on Steam.
Anyone else has an issue with zombies not moving? I doubt its a feature, so if anyone has any solution or a setting I didnt see, please let me know
Hi, thanks a lot for the mod!
I would like to register a problem, when facing the special monsters of 10000 dse life, when getting below 5000 the game crashes, several infinite red lines, just using ALT+F4 to close.
Thank you very much in advance.
(Google translator)
Hey. This problem should be fixed for most of them if you update. Theres still a problem with a couple of them though we’re working on.
Some of this overhaul sounds just awesome…
Some of it is also a deal breaker for me… sorry for being “that guy” (i know you said it’s not for everyone) but i’d love options
Sorry for being so ignorant, i did not realize the download included every mod of the overhaul
A20 is coming ? Or the mods is dead and stop to upgraded ?
It’s coming. ETA is about a week.
un portage en A20 est prévue?
Hello is there any plan to update for A20 please ? thanks
I have 16gb RAM and playing on high video settings. But game uses too much memory and ends up getting full in 2 mins then crashes. Sometimes it doesnt even load. I play on 8k map. How do i fix this?
у меня лаунчер не запускается при запуске белое окно висит и все
I got black screen..your new version dont work .
Where is the number of mineral stacks defined?
The number here is not reflected and it is 500
Ravenhearst_7_3 \ Data \ Config \ items.xml
Подскажите пожалуйста. Что делать с этим файлом “rh_gameoptions.xml”?
how do i install the mod? ive placed it in my mod folder but it aint working
is it server side only and will be pushed to client side from server for alpha 19.x ?
You guys are just SADIST !!!!! You must play this mod in a group or you gonna get wreck !
Thanks for this AWESOME WORK !!!!!!
почему текстуры мыльные графика на максимальной стоит а текстуры у всего кроме поверхности земли травы какие то размытые и низкого качества.как это исправить? на оригинальной игре все нормально подскажите пожалуйста
I know this is a challenging mod, but is it supposed to be completely impossible? I’m swamped by zombies 100% of the time, there’s never any time to breath or do anything after the first night they are absolutely everywhere at all times
In à18 there was a bug that will spawn endless zombies, maybe they didn’t fix it in newest version?
I don’t know how to make an armor bench. Please tell me the craft area.
me sale error, no puedo entrar a crear un mundo, ya desactive el EAC hay algo mas que se deve de hacer?
is there a link to mod included in this pack, gammalimitter mod
Bon. Petit repport concernant ce mod sur un serveur dedié :
Hyper gourmand en ram, impossible à utiliser, j’ai une machine dedié sous Debian avec 16 go de ram, ça en bouffe 12, y compris sur une petite carte avec peu de batiments, de plus, c’est tres instable. Je pense également qu’il n’est pas maintenu à jour sur pas mal de mods, ici present sur site.
Tiens d’ailleur en parlant de ce site, si j’avais un dev web regarde ce message, la bande passante du site est pire que chaotique, vous devriez peut etre envisager une solution d’hebergement plus performante non? De plus le site en lui meme manque cruelement d’outils utilisés en generale sur ce genre de site, par exemple :
-Pouvoir fouiner dans les mods par ordre de vues/telechargements
-Des DESCRIPTIONS des mods un peu plus developpées par les gens qui les posts, desfois c’est pire que minime
-Editer ses commentaire, quand on s’est gourré
-Une plateforme de communication plus dynamique en cas de besoin, Teamspeak, Discord
-Et enfin, forcer les createurs de mods à host leurs mods ailleurs que sur le site, si le site n’a pas le potentiel requis pour encaisser ces telechargements. Je pense notamment à mega.nz, qui permet de host tres facilement du contenu et en avoir des liens sans trop de restrictions.
Enfin bref ce n’est que mon avis. Je trouve ça tres dommage que le modding sur ce jeu sois contraint de parfois etre inaccessible faute du site.
i keep getting a object reference not set to an instance of an object error any tips
Hello guys, is it possible to mix Prefabs from CompoPack 42 and Prefabs from All-in-One (Darkness Falls 2.3, Ravenhearst 5.5.3, War of the Walkers 6.06) and Vanilla (they are in CompoPack nah?)?
I want generate a map with theses 3 Prefabs, but i don’t know how. WIth custom list?
And it will be working with Ravenhearst mod?
Has the newest patched stopped the mod working? Cause i put everything i think in the right place and i got console errors and the game froze.