Gopher’s Foods

7 days to die gopher's foods, 7 days to die drinks, 7 days to die food

New food mod released! Formerly known as More Cooked Foods, this mod has been updated and rebalanced for Alpha 20.



Added New Items

  • Banana
  • Egg & Cheese Sandwich

New icons for some items! (Big thanks to Recon_Reality for These New Icons!) – Listed as follows:

Chicken Nuggets, Cabbage, Hamburger & Fries Meal, Hamburger, Hot Sour Soup, Mongolian Beef, Brownie, Broccoli, Butter, Carrots, Cheese, Wontons (Cheese), Chicken Bones, Powdered Sugar, Ramen Noodles, Slice of Bread, Tomato.

Alpha 20 Version
Download Gopher’s Foods for A20
Alpha 19 Versions
Download More Cooked Foods for A19
Download No (MOD) Prefix Version for A19

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Gopher

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David Soucie
David Soucie
March 5, 2023 8:58 am

I see some things that could be improved. Drop rate being one, as to make the chinese dishes, you need lots of cabbage or broccoli, and the chocolate is broken. We have chocolate chips in the a20 version but not the chocolate for recipes. So maybe making seeds possible to that these crops can be planted and grown, or making their drop rate a good chunk better or at least scale to the tiers of Living of the Land.

December 1, 2022 5:15 pm

German: Ich würde gerne die mod im multiplayer benutzen. Ich spiele mit einem Freund der Hoster ist, aber das Essen ist nicht da. Es hieß man solle es im Spiel clientseitig und Serverseitig einfügen. Die Mod ist im Mod Ordner vom Spiel, Das ist denke ich der Client. Aber wo fügt der Hoster die Mod in den Server Client ein? In welchem Ordner findet man den eigenen Server den man Hosted?

English:I would like to use the mod in multiplayer. I’m playing with a friend who is hosting, but the food isn’t there. It was said to add it to the game client-side and server-side. The mod is in the game’s mod folder, which I think is the client. But where does the hoster add the mod to the server client? In which folder can you find your own server that you hosted?

December 1, 2022 5:16 pm
Reply to  Sharih

Das Essen kann man nicht beim Looten finden.

The food cannot be found by looting.

December 2, 2022 7:07 pm
Reply to  Sharih

Hat sich erledigt. Haben den Fehler gefunden.

October 15, 2022 12:31 am

i cant make bacon i need bacon how i make raw bacon in 7 days

christopher schwaiger
christopher schwaiger
September 12, 2022 11:11 pm

Hallo ich hab das problem das mir die werte immer überall als 0 angezeigt werden

MFG chris

October 15, 2022 12:32 am

weisst du wie man die bacons macht?

May 9, 2022 11:44 am

I think it’s a good mode, but there are some unused materials. For example, there is no way to melt chocolate, and there is no food ingredient method used for things like whipped cream or ketchup. They are usable, but only low levels of food recovery. I would appreciate it if you could fix these problems or tell me how to do it. Now I’m enjoying Alpha 20.4.

April 8, 2022 10:00 pm

Not sure if it’s intentional and a place holder for future recipes, but there are a handful of items that are looted quite a bit that do not have a USE for in a RECIPE. They are a USE item only but yet the description says that they are used to make a variety of recipes, etc, something along those lines. Normally this is fine, but they are such a low food/health item that is just seems excessive; i.e; Cat-Shup, Chocolate chips, whipping cream, Tater Tots, maybe a few others.

May 9, 2022 11:46 am
Reply to  AC

I’m having the same problem……

John Wayne
John Wayne
March 15, 2022 3:28 pm

I started using this in my single player, really cool. However when I tried to make some recipes it said I needed “Empty Water Jar” so I grabbed my “Empty Jar” and it doesn’t work. I’m using it with Darkness Falls, does DF change the jar names? Also noticed the food doesn’t have any info for stats, they all say “0”.

John Wayne
John Wayne
March 15, 2022 3:30 pm
Reply to  John Wayne

Also wanted to clarify, I’m using A20.2

James Christopher Scott
James Christopher Scott
February 21, 2022 1:02 pm

I installed the mod and it reset my character level and messed up my backpack mod i had installed

February 19, 2022 11:49 am

What Pathing should some of these Files Have?

February 24, 2022 11:21 pm
Reply to  Oshun

I don’t know if you already figured this out or not, but if you didn’t, you shall go to your 7DTD folder, Mods and there you make a folder with the mod’s name. So Gopher’sFoods_A20. Then you paste all the files into it.

February 18, 2022 11:51 am

hi there
have you considered taking a look at farmlife extended, the mod author has allowed anyone to finish it, someone did work on it, then bloated the hell out of it, with a load of additions, when all people wanted was a farming mod, for food etc. maybe you could pick up the aforementioned and give us a farming mod, where we can grow all our own food, just an idea thats all.

February 14, 2022 4:50 am

Thanks for the MOD. Side note* I ran it, pics didnt work and saw needs to be client AND server. Decided to take it off as i didnt want to trouble all users. still had some food items in my inventory, after removing mod… all personal stats and items gone. back to start.
if you remove mod, make sure to remove ALL ITEMS FIRST!

May 3, 2021 2:29 pm

Hey there. I would like to note that punching grass to get strawberries, brocolli, watermelons, etc. is a bit OP and unbalanced.

These ingredients should be harder to acquire than punching grass.

February 8, 2021 3:58 pm

would be really lovely meals to enjoy in game! BUT the text “mod” at every meal to cook is way to anoying!

January 13, 2021 11:49 am

We installed this mod on our server and all the stats for the foods are 0. Is something wrong or is this a clitch. Thank you.

December 29, 2020 9:28 am

i really like the concept of this mod, but it just makes hunger/thirst too manageable when you can punch any ole patch of grass and get watermelons, broccoli, strawberries, and lettuce in one fell swoop. is uninstalling as simple as removing the mod or do i need to restart the world? (am playing on a server with friends)

December 26, 2020 1:39 pm

U need cabbage to make a burger, my qus is there is no cabbage in the game lol. How to even craft or find a cabbage?

Em. T
Em. T
September 18, 2020 12:56 am

Shedding a little light on the icons not working: they work on my PC but not on my cousins. When I go into the UIAtlases folder on my PC, the previews show up in windows explorer, but on cousin’s UIAtlases the previews don’t show. Also on his laptop windows photo viewer can’t even open it because “file type ‘png’ is not supported” but other png’s work. Are the icons made PNG from scratch or were they converted? It might be some weird compatibility issue. I dunno

Em. T
Em. T
September 21, 2020 5:06 am
Reply to  Em. T

Okay we narrowed it down: It’s a RAM issue. Both laptop’s only had 8GB total, but in the resource monitor only had 4GB available, which was all being used by other systems.

September 8, 2020 7:20 am

How do you make the dough for the bread? I have been looking and haven’t been able to find how to make it.

November 24, 2020 10:36 pm
Reply to  Lion

The mod is good but recipes are missing, such as the one for the dough and other recipes that are incomplete with items because there are other items that do not have a recipe, I’ll see if I can repair some commands

February 11, 2020 2:01 am

Mod Creator here. I would just like to point out that more foods are going to be added to the mod eventually, so stay tuned to my modlets forum post in the 7DTD Forums!

Hunni Holmes
Hunni Holmes
August 24, 2020 9:14 pm
Reply to  Gopher

All of the modded food is invisible. I can only see the number of how many I have on the bottom left hand corner of the screen, meaning, I can see how many lettuce I have. I can use the items, I can make the items, but I can’t see the item nor can I see what ingredients I need to make the food. The icons do not show up in my bag or in the campfire. Other than that I think the mod is great. I do wish in the future you would make it so that certain items can be turned into seeds, thanks again. Please let me know how this invisafood can be fixed.

August 25, 2020 8:39 pm
Reply to  Hunni Holmes

Hi there Hunni Holmes!
Please describe to me, how you installed the mod in to the game. Thanks!

Hunni Holmes
Hunni Holmes
August 26, 2020 2:35 am
Reply to  Gopher

I put it in both the server file (on pingperfect) and on the client (pc).

Hunni Holmes
Hunni Holmes
August 26, 2020 2:43 am
Reply to  Gopher

Ok well I thought I left a reply. Did you want the path I took instead? I know I chose the correct mod folder because I’ve installed mods before and they worked just fine where they were. Should I only put this into the server mod folder? I put it in both the server and the client last time.

September 1, 2020 1:50 am
Reply to  Hunni Holmes

The mod needs to be in both the Client and Server’s mod folder. I’m not sure why the icons are not showing up. Is there a UIAtlases folder inside the mod folder?