The NPCMod is a community modding project. While initially started by Sphereii and Xyth back in A16, the team continues to grow in size every alpha. The goal of this project is to provide “Core” functionality and templates that can be reused by modders to add high functioning characters to their mods. There are 2 core modlets, both are required for this mod to work. The 0-SCore modlet contains C# code and the 0-XNPCCore contains the xml and templates.
By design this mod encourages expansion through expansion packs. Character packs focused on a entity type, for example, a 1-soldier pack or a 1-spider pack add new characters to the 0-XNPCCore. A 2-soldierfactions pack might add different factions to the 1-soldier pack, reusing those same soldier models. The sequence 0-, 1-, -2 etc. indicates there is a dependency on another modlet with a lower number prefix. Other character modders have committed to contributing additional characters that leverage this mod pack like they do to the POI (Buildings) collection called CompoPack. If you would like to join this community team, or have some features or characters to contribute, they would love to hear from you!
Current V1.0 Version: 1.2.03
Current Experimental Version:
- This mod includes a Unity Tutorial Project (available separately) containing the mods controller and templates and scripts so making new characters is easy.
- NPC characters support all vanilla character features. These include Humanoid rigging, root motion animation, collision with vehicles, rag-dolling, 100’s of animated reactions, limb decapitation and gore. These can also be retextured in xml to offer even more variety. There are some exceptions, especially on animals, which typically do not have ragdolls.
- NPCs use a new Artificial Intelligence system called UAI. Unlike zombie AI (EAI), this system allows for advanced tasks and real time decision making based on considerations. Should the NPC attack, run, loot, follow, backup to optimized weapon range? All tasks and considerations.
- Work very well as sleepers in POIs, respecting all of the POI volume properties.
- Can be setup to attack on bloodmoons!
- Spawn with vanilla or custom weapons just by editing xml.
- Can be hired, becoming loyal companions, sharing your adventures and challenges.
- Hired NPCs can be ordered to follow and stay, with full control via optional control icons.
- Animals can also be hired, though don’t accept Dukes. Try meat.
- NPCs have factions. Some like you, some don’t. Beware of bandits!
- Hostile NPCs have additional AI so they will hunt you down more than zombies can, be warned!
- No more losing your NPC. They will teleport to you if stuck, get too far away, or if configured, to your bedroll when you die.
- They will follow you on foot, keeping up with you, and if you get into a vehicle, they will hide and reappear once you exit the vehicle.
- They can heal themselves when its safe to do so, and there is a medic package for characters that can heal and mend others.
- Low maintenance, no need to feed or water these folks, but that is a feature that could be available later.
- Lifelike Idle animations while chatting and wandering were added to improve immersion. Many more will be added after initial release.
- When the player/leader crouches, so do the NPCs
- Scalable, modular architecture, so expanding character and new behaviors is much simpler.
- Customizable pathing per NPC is available for POI designers.
- Weapon Swapping! Add player weapons (not every one is supported) to NPCs storage, and use the menu to enable that weapon.
- New controller. Optimized to eliminate odd animation issues seen in A20
NPC Controls
There are craftable player commands that will control your hired NPCs as a group. You can craft these commands by typing in NPC in your crafting menu.
Tutorial Video:
There are currently three commands:
- Mode: This command is a toggle between various control modes:
- Hunting (default): In this mode your NPC swill automatically target anything that it sees as being hostile towards it or yourself. You have no control over their actions besides stay and follow.
- Full Control: In this mode the NPCs will not automatically target anything. It will behave as if all hostiles are threats and will only engage if you are hurt or if you start attacking one of the threats.
- Stop: This command is a toggle and when paired with Full Control will make your NPCs halt or resume attacking their targets. This becomes especially useful when you feel like you or your NPCs will not survive an encounter and you want them to simply follow you so you can avoid the encounter altogether. It is also useful when you wish to travel without engaging any targets.
- Help: This command is useful when you are in Full Control and want your NPCs to engage targets within 20 meters of you. If you are without ranged weapons, you want to be able to have your NPCs help you without having to either take damage or attack the hostile.
- What happened to the CreaturePacks and NPC mod?
- They have been merged, combined and obsoleted. Now that code can be natively loaded by the game, there was no reason to keep those two separated. This version is simpler to load, maintain, and has more features than either one did.
- Can I run this with EAC enable?
- NO, EAC must be turned off.
- Can I learn how to add my own characters?
- Sure, its never been easier to learn to make characters. lots of work went into simplifying the process, and scripts can do most of the work for you now. There are videos available to assist.
- I have great ideas for more features, where do i make suggestions?
- Forum thread works or on Guppy’s modding forum in the NPC-mod channel
- I found a bug! Where do i post that?
- Please provide the info requested in the bug form found below, and post it forum or on Guppy’s modding Discord under the npc-mod-bug reports
- Does this work on dedicated servers?
- It should, the current version tested well on dedi. All mods, cores and expansion packs MUST be loaded into BOTH the Dedi and all client Mods folders.
- Have a good question? Maybe you will see it listed here soon!
Known Issues
- Always use a fresh game if you update Score or NPCCore. Strange things can happen updating the cores on an existing game.
- The UI needs work, some overlapping text, Sirillion has volunteered to refresh it.
- Hired NPCs might Leroy Jenkins on aggressive animals, use the command interface to gain more control.
- Melee NPC detection of crawlers in the grass isn’t as good as ranged, but works.
- NPC ranged can sometimes not hit as well as other times. Might be debuffs accumulating.
- It’s a very complex mod, expect bugs we didn’t find yet, and please report those.
Bug Tickets
- NPCMOD-SP-0034: Hired NPCs will despawn at times (ex: using vehicles)
- NPCMOD-SP-0037: Ranged Hostile NPCs stop being able to damage you when you are close and lower than them
- NPCMOD-SP-0039: Friendly NPCs spawned in “passive” sleeper volumes will not move if hired
- NPCMOD-SP-0044: Melee NPCs can properly hit crawlers when on the road but cannot always see them when in grass
- NPCMOD-SP-0048: NPCs can talk to the player while fighting, until they are hit by an enemy
- NPCMOD-SP-0049: Setting the respawn CVar to 0 still respawns NPCs next to their leader. Possibly change SCore so CVar value of 1 would respawn them. No CVar or value of 0 would not
- NPCMOD-SP-0050: NPC ranged can sometimes not hit as well as other times. Might be debuffs accumulating.
- NPCMOD-SP-0051: NPCs will use the trader voice set at times
- NPCMOD-SP-0052: NPCs in passive sleeper volumes turn to look at the player when they’re not active
- NPCMOD-DEDI-0006: NPCs can be hired by another player after you’ve hired them – fixed
- NPCMOD-DEDI-0008: A hired NPC does not know who to focus on when two players are around them. Focus should be on the leader – fixed
- NPCMOD-DEDI-0015: NPCs no longer have the walking anim, float when walking away from you and you chat with them: Only occurs when you press “E” quickly before they enter chat action.
- NPCMOD-DEDI-0016: Hired NPCs will path to another player then path back to the leader
- NPCMOD-DEDI-0021: When you hire a dynamic spawned NPC, their spawner source is supposed to be changed to static. It seems that’s failing
Summary: (a short description of the bug)
Game Version: (V1.x.x)
Platform: (PC / Mac)
Video Settings: (Low / Medium / High / Ultra / Custom (Custom has many combinations, so just list the settings you think are relevant to the bug if any))
Game mode: (MP host / MP client / SP / Client on Dedi)
Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) Note: Do not submit a bug report until you retest your issue in a new game.
Did you validate your files? (Yes/No)
Are you using any other mods? (Yes/No) Note: Please retest without any mods loaded in a new game.
EAC off? Note: Needs to be Off.
Bug Description:
Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:
Actual result: (description of what is occurring)
Expected result: (what you expect to occur)
Turn EAC Off!
Option 1: Download and SCore using the links below. If the download is a .zip or .7z file like the is, then unpack that compressed file and place the mod found inside into your Mods folder. SCore isnt compressed, so download that folder directly. Then load as many expansion packs as desired, unpacking the file if needed. If you are using a dedicated server, you also need to load both Core modlets into your dedi server Mods folder. So copies in both the client side Mods folder and also on the server Mods folder.
Option 2: Use the modlauncher to load the 2 cores.
Here is a helpful video to get you started:
Terms of Use
1. You are allowed to use the NPCMod, its NPCCore, Unity Controller and expansion packs without any kind of direct modifications. All modifications and/or derivative works of NPCCore, controller and expansion packs are restricted to private use only unless those modifications are done in expansion mods that have a dependency on the unaltered Core mods being loaded. The mod and expansion packs contain purchased assets, including animations in the included character controller, so any derivative use of the models or controller is also contingent on purchasing those assets first.
2. You are encouraged to use the NPCMod as part of your own mod, public or private. However, you must provide credit to the community team by adding the “Powered by Score and NPCCore” logo to your mods opening screen and forum posts. (Resize as appropriate)
3. The team is not responsible for any damage, including damaged savegames, by using this mod.
Meet the Team
(Historic and Current, in no particular order)
- Sphereii: C# wizard and modding community teacher. Famous for his mod launcher and other code bits
- Xyth: Unity guy and modding community teacher. Not very famous.
- GuppyCur: Discord master and sometimes zombie maker.
- TSBX: TFP tester and previously a zombie creator
- DarkStarDragon: Active creator of NPCs, maker of great expansion packs
- Sirillion: The UI master himself, creator of screens and menus.
- FuriousRamsay: Contributor of NPCCore xml code
- Khzmusik: C# code contributor and character creator
- Mumpfy: Graphics and character retexturing guru
- Khaine: Very helpful input on mod design
- Arramus: POI/sleeper tester and designer
- Mr. Devolver: Longtime tester and advocate
- Magejosh: Tester
- GanTheGrey: Zombie maker
- EndZ Development Team: Maker of great expansion packs
And cheers to the many new NPC and Zombie makers, who are encouraged to join the team!
Xyth is sure he’s missing several others who helped along the way, please let him know whos’ been missed!
Videos That Might Be Useful
Updated Mod to 1.2.03
1.2.03 pushed. Minor update, fixed SetTargetifHurt parameters on a few entries. Save safe.
Expansion Packs
Added 1-khzmusik_Zombies and 1-khzmusik_Civilians expansion packs.
Updated Mod to 1.2.02
Pushed minor update 1.2.02 Fixed bug in UAI where hired NPCs drop into idle when between 30M away from leader and teleport distance.
Updated Mod to 1.2.01
- Converted spawning.xml for the core, birds, mechs and Darkstars soldiers.
- NPC longbow player item compatibility fixed
- updated the “cp” fire buff to conform with new TFP xml – still warnings in log to hunt down
DOWNLOAD A21 Tutorial Project (This is only needed if you want to teach yourself how to make your own characters, or vehicles, or guns etc. It is compatible with V1.0 as well, at this point there is no benefit to using the newer version of Unity.) (1,2 GB)
Stable V1.0 Releases
DOWNLOAD V1.0 NPCCore: (0-XNPCCore) (80,2 MB)
DOWNLOAD V1.0 SCore: (0-SCore) (70,9 MB)
V1.0 Expansion Packs
DOWNLOAD 1-NPCXBirdPack by Xyth (Adds birds to the sky) (4,7 MB)
DOWNLOAD A Better Life by Sphereii (Adds fishes to the water) (17,5 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksZombiez by DarkStarDragon (DarkStar’s first zombies, wasn’t gonna happen until it did.) (81 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksDinoz by DarkStarDragon (Cause who doesn’t want Dinos roaming the forests.) (18 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksPrepperz by DarkStarDragon (Made with the Preppocalypse Mod in mind, but now available as a addon pack. Features: Custom voice/sounds, animations, silenced weapons, special stats and found only in their own custom POIs. Have Fun!) (128 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksMMPack1 by DarkStarDragon (Build for Medieval Mod) (47 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksMMPack2 by DarkStarDragon (Build for Medieval Mod) (56 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksCleanerZ by DarkStarDragon (Someone needs a good cleaning.) (100 MB)
DOWNLOAD EndZ-WesternEntityPack by the EndZ Development team (Giddy up cowboy!) (1,3 GB)
DOWNLOAD EndZ-AussiePack by the EndZ Development team (41,4 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-NPCXSpiderColonyExpansionPack by Arramus (Regular, Feral, Radiated, Queen, and Mini spider types. Custom POIs (requires generating an RWG). Able to climb ladders. Spider bite toxin gives blurred vision.) (10,6 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-OaksZombieHeadHunters by Arramus (They only appear in the Wasteland all the time as they are extending NPC Mod Boss template. They will also terrorize players at night in other biomes. To match the V1.0 increase in HP for Radiated, the Head Hunters also see a slight HP increase. Nothing that an M60 can’t handle.) (43,5 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-OaksColdBloods by Arramus (More things to worry about) (23 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-khzmusik_Zombies by Khzmusik (As if you have enough zombies…) (162,8 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-khzmusik_Civilians by Khzmusik (Folks just like you, trying to survive.) (177,6 MB)
A21 Expansion Packs
DOWNLOAD 1-NPCXBirdPack by Xyth (Adds birds to the sky) (4,6 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-NPCXSpiderPack by Xyth (Adds giant spiders to hostile biomes) (10,2 MB)
DOWNLOAD 2-SummonFoxFriend by Arramus (You have a friend.) (73 KB)
DOWNLOAD 2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion by Arramus (An expansion for an expansion pack! Adds more spider variety. You need to load the cores AND the 1-NPCXSpiderPack expansion when you load this mod.) (409 KB)
DOWNLOAD 1-OaksZombieHeadHunters by Arramus (43,5 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-GansStandardZombies by GanTheGrey (Gan is back with some of his A19 favorite normal zombies.) (32,3 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-GansSpecialZombies by GanTheGrey (Like zombie oddities? Look no further…) (10,9 MB)
Coming Soon 1-khzmusik_Zombies by Khzmusik (As if you have enough zombies…)
DOWNLOAD 1-khzmusik_Civilians by Khzmusik (Folks just like you, trying to survive.) (128,3 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-khzmusik_NPC_Rogues_and_Psychos by Khzmusik (Adds “Rogue” and “Psycho” human NPCs to the game.) (84,2 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-EndZ-WesternEntityPack by the EndZ Development team (Giddy up cowboy!) (640 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-EndZ-AustrailianEntityPack by the EndZ Development team (Adds Australian animal entities.) (40,7 MB)
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: Xyth, SphereII and community
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
where do i extract the snpc folder?
Hello please help🙏🙏🙏
How can I change Riot & from enemy to friend and hire them like npc Soldiers
When I installed this mod before, I could spawn US Army soldiers as reinforcements. But when I installed it again today, I couldn’t find them in the list. I wonder what happened to them?
For another IMPORTANT!!!
The NPC and Entity SPAWN Other BIOMES!!
For ME the “EndZ-WesternEntityPack” make this phenomenom.
Because i Use these mods, forc npccore:
And there is no interruption for me v1.2(b27). All biomes, have zombies, animals, npc-s….
How did i add custom weapons from another mods for npc-s to have to use thats?
For all people who plays 1.0+ and finds this version incompatible you can download the war of the walkers mod and take the npccore and oscore on it, it works with no errors my version is 1.2 b27
“Weapon Swapping! Add player weapons (not every one is supported) to NPCs storage, and use the menu to enable that weapon.”
What’s that mean? Because for me, when i put any vanilla, or modded, weapons, tools, knives, etc etc… it’s not “appear to use” in the command menu, it’s only have the “attacker item” with which spawned.
are you planning to release this to ver 1.2 b27?
I play v1.2 on solo Navezgane, the npcs work fine…but outside of Pine Forest, all biomes are barren of zed spawns (except poi’s and random hordes). I can just walk through Gravestowne like its my house. Kinda sucks, cus good mod otherwise. Hopefully it gets sorted out
Sadly the only way to “fix” this, is to roll back to version 1.1. The modder hasnt yet fix this. No one knows if he/she is aware of this. Great mod, but its not 100% on par with the current version of the game.
For me, one of addons do this.
Cause, before i put the “EndZ-AussiePack”, “EndZ-WesternEntityPack”, “1-DarksMMPack1”, “1-DarksMMPack1”, and the “1-DarksDinoz” everything works fine, but after i put theese Addons, same happened for me, outside of Pine Forest.
seems to be a glitch in spawning. as it is spawning late game monsters at stage 1 such as irritated and huge spiders along with headhunters
Hello everyone, please help me, the E button doesn’t work, the doors don’t open, I can’t talk to the NPC
are you using a hud replacement. i had to uninstall smxhud because it caused this bug
почему у меня на версии игры 1.1
не работает кнопка E взаимодействие не с nps не двери
Works on V1,2 ?
I dismissed my npc by accident where do I find a new one. Where do they spawn at
No … not working .. at least not properly, didn’t find any zombies in other biomes, only pine forest … saddly ..
Hello, I have a problem. I installed V1.0 NPCCore: (0-XNPCCore) (80.2 MB) but when it loads, many red letters appear and it doesn’t let me do anything. Do you know why?
this mod is working perfectly in pine forest biome, once you go to the other biomes, you get no npc, or zombies spawn ANYWHERE…zombies just inside pois…thats it…
Same here, Had to revert to 1.1 as i want my NPCs (RWG map tested)
thanks so much man, I really appreciate your reply…I hope this mod gets sorted out, its a fantastic mod!
working perfectly with version 1.2!!
I play on Naezgane, and I don’t get any spawns outside Pine Forest either. Game went back to normal when I removed this mod. Such a shame, I love the NPCs and have had fun doing road trips with some. The enjoyment wore off once I realized this mod kills all biome spawns.
zeds only show in POI’s or generated hordes
Installed 1.2 version of both cores. Get no npc spawns. Same for birds
All solved, was a map that caused the problems, works on “standard” maps
Jonas, what do you mean by standard maps? im having the same problem of no zombies or npc spawns, once I move out the pine forest.
I tested first on a downloaded modded map, but, have the same problem as you with spawns only in pine forest, now on RWG map
NPCCore: (0-XNPCCore) (80,2 MB)
SCore: (0-SCore) (70,9 MB)
Not working on 1.2
yes it is working for 1.2
it sure is!
Looks like the latest patch broke some or all of this
everything is working great
edit! you were right
Hello ! How i can replace a voice in the mod for any NPC ? I have idea for create a EFT voices for raiders in “The wasteland” mod
If you want Gans Zombies (I think it’s just the standard one) working for 1.1, go to War3zuk AIO Overhaul’s modpage, go to his download page, and he has Gans Zombies available for download there, which I can verify is working for 1.1, just played a full day and fought many with no problems. Guppy’s zombies are there working for 1.1 too, so why not?
Both ZombieRekt and ZombieHuge in Gans do have a loot probability of 1, which is 100% droprate for zombo bags. If you go to the mod, go into entityclasses, go to the line property name=”LootDropProb” value=”1″/ and change it to property name=”LootDropProb” value=”.04″/ or whatever you want to be less cheaty. These are located under entity_class name=”zombieRekt” extends=”zombieRegularTemplate” and entity_class name=”zombieHugh” extends=”zombieRegularTemplate” . I personally changed the regular/feral/radiated versions to .04/.05/.06 loot drop prob.
Sorry for duplicate posts. I later changed regular/feral/radiated droprates to .04/.08/.12, I like that better. Then I noticed Gans has property name=”LootDropEntityClass” value=”EntityLootContainerStrong”/ for the feral versions but not the radiated, so I just copy and pasted that line right under property name=”LootDropProb” value=”.12″/ . Anyways, thanks for the mods!
I get an error, it takes time to deal with NPCs window dialog unknown! F1
Hello, first of all I would like to congratulate the team for their work, my problem is that all the NPCs are hostile, I have tried uninstalling all the mods and leaving only the essential ones so that it works for nothing, if an NPC appears it will try to attack me, I would appreciate it if Please fix this problem or give me a solution, thank you
Hi, I appreciate the effort to put everything together, but it also makes it incredibly difficult to figure out what some of the NPCs look like or how their mechanics perform.
The Oaks Zombie Headhunters are cool, but not at all balanced for V1.1, especially early play. They are spawning frequently in the Forest biome during the day, their aggro is ridiculously far away, total bullet sponges, and can kill lower level players in one hit. I’d run away from them, but their tracking range must seriously be like 200m+ It’s almost like the distance doesn’t matter and they have some kind of “catch up” spawn logic.
They might be a worthy addition for late game players, but until then they’re a definite uninstall.
Adding more context in case mod author wants to make adjustments: The range is closer to 100m but they track through everything (I broke LOS, got more than 100m but they were still chasing). They are being incorrectly added to normal zombie spawn pools (seems to replace the zombie with the same gait animations). They are completely missing eyes and I can see through them to objects behind the model.
I try to change the faction, but i can not communicate with them
plz, if NEW update (for subs or main mods) put a note in discrition 🙂
If you had looked at the description, you would have seen that note already. Above the download links.
its true, sorry, if i could sugest; put it in top ^^”
ps: after version*
how to chang the bandits to whiteriver, want to hire them
what is download for a21 ?
new update messing up my npc mods???
Are the NPC’s Hard to find (Darksoldierz) Or do you just have to spawn them in? Played in a world for 40 days never encountered any npc’s, went in creative the mod works but i just don’t seem to be able to find them. Not looking for a fix but it would be appreciated just want to know whatsup.
Sorry aber mit 1.0 Bekomm ich es nicht hin mit der Mod.
pressed F6 and tried to spawn a Darlene. She was there but invisible. All vanilla zombies are invisible and some are also invulnerable to any type of damage. I only had v1.0 NPCCore and v1.0 SCore installed. Removed both and I could spawn Darlene again.
Is there a way to switch the Nurse, Baker and Harley models to the new player preset models?
there is 2 buffs that come up once you hire a npc resume and hunter mode can these be hidden?
I have never had any issue with NPC mod, but this time i think i may have messed something up. I don’t see any errors, but we have not been seeing any birds or fish, darkszombies or the Oaks headhunters in the game yet… could something be missing?
How do I increase the HP and spawn rate of all NPCs?
is there a way to give npcs custom weapons
yeah. hire them and u can give them any weapon u want
why do all the npcs attack everyone? if multiple of the same npc spawn they even attack each other.
Is there any way to setup ammo consumption for the npcs?
The spiders from the spider mod extension are far too strong! They only give 750 XP and they have boss HP.
When I copy the SCore mod to my Mods folder, the game doesn’t start anymore. Stuck at the loading screen. When I remove the SCore mod from the mod folder, the game start but it will say “S Core Mod missing” at the menu screen.
Helo. In mod , when load world there is zombi with name “zombieTutorial” is bald skinny model spawn randomly, it must by from mods because vanilla dont have that model in spawn. I play on version 1.0 of game and have Npc mod plus Score, OaksColdBloods by Arramus , OaksZombieHeadHunters by Arramus , DarksPrepperz by DarkStarDragon , DarksDinoz by DarkStarDragon. I dont dont have outer expansions or zombi addons mods in world loaded. Is nothing big but this model “zombieTutorial” looking old like from older versions of game. Stay save.
Great update just pulled it off the git…awesome response time spherii!!
….and tfp broke it again…
1-DarksPrepperz by DarkStarDragon
Hi – Is there any way to lower the frequency of the random/idle comments for these npc’s? I like that they actually talk but the idle comments fire off way to often for me. Tried to edit the sound file time but don’t know what I’m doing so it didn’t work…
How do I do it?
1. baker and nurse attack me
2. They were hired first and said there was an enemy nearby and they couldn’t talk about it now.
(The enemy is referring to me.)
3. I would like to increase the NPC natural spawn rate.
Hey, i have a little problem. I rented one of the soldier guys, a sgt. He follows me, but from time to time he attacks me for no reason. Has anybody here the same problem and maybe a fix for that? Playing the newest version of the game and loaded the proper mod. Thx and greetings.
Hello everybody! please tell me how to fix the error, when Harley appears with a melee weapon, everything is fine, but when she appears with a ranged weapon, she does not have a model and it does not work
Hi all! If you get message “unexpected data” received manymanymany times, you need to do the following:
you need to make sure that you have installed SCore correctly. Inside the SphereII-Mods-master-0-SCore folder there is a 0-SCore folder. This is what you need to copy to the Mods folder and everything will be fine. As a result, the mods folder should contain the following folders: 0-SCore and 0-XNPCCore
Thx you bro! I waste 30-1h to fix this error. Skipped moment in video tutorial where autor talks about this. Very helpfull thx bro. Спасибо мужик! Парни короче у кого возникает много много красного текста, ошибка без остановки и игра не грузит тогда вам нужно обязательно вытащить папку 0-Score из папки SphereII-Mods-master-0-SCore в папку моды(mods). Так как игра не видит более 2-х папок каталога.
can i increase npc spawn rate?
Great mod but I do have a few questions.
1. The hirable NPCs are very cheap, how do I change their values? I want them to be as expensive as possible so that me and my friends won’t be able to hire a bunch and make the horde night almost become an AFK base.
2. How does the spawn of the NPC work? Are they tied to the number of wandering horde?
3. Is there a limit on how many NPCs that can be hired per player?
1. You can increase, decrease or change payment item.
open mod/config/entityclasses, search lines like this property name=HireCost value=750
For change hire currency, you can open items and change this line property name=HireCurrency value=casinoCoin
For undrstanding what you change, notice this line entity_class name=npcEmptyHandTemplate (In this example Npc without any gun can be hired for 750
2. In entitygroups you can find lines like this npcBakerClub, 0.025 where numbers is spawn chance. You can increase or decrease it. Some npc appears randomly, and some with hordes.
3. You can hire ~5 npc, but i think is no limits over here. (This numbers from my previous gameplay.
*For change hire currency, you can open items and find items name in script and use it for change this line: property name=HireCurrency value=casinoCoin
There is an issue with enemy NPCs “teleporting” into secured areas and even into trader’s areas.
Can this glitch not be fixed? I mean, it’s kinda pointless securing an area only to have NPC bad guys teleport through stone walls.
Also, can the “down” vs “dead” confusion be fixed? Hired NPCs will shoot one round at enemy NPCs and zombies and often not finish them off or just stop shooting all together until you stop and restart the game.
These are issues i’ve had, i can’t speak for anyone else…
I can’t swap the gun. i find the INF “EntityAliveSDX: UpdateWeapon() Item not found: gunNPCPistol”in the console
Fantastic mod, but it drives me mad that the NPCs keep making small noises and saying the same things over and over, esp the Raider girls make like a wheezing noise.
Hi guys, does anyone know how to solve the following bug?
There are no other mods installed.
When creating a new world, it loads every file until the “creating new character” phase starts, and I get the “object reference not set to an instance of an object error”.
Any tips?
Open the “SphereII-Mods-master-0-SCore” folder. Then cut out “0-SCore” and paste that one into your mods folder. Load the game and enjoy!
I very agree with you!good luck
Any way to have a friendly Harley Quinn I can hire while keeping the rest of the Raider Gurlz hostile?
I see the NPC names are not working except for the western ones. and even them only show 1 name. i tried to make that work but i cant seem to get there. Does anyone know how to make that work?
The best modification. I can’t play without it. I would really like to see the implementation (in order of importance):
1 – Water requirement.
2 – Need for food.
3 – Ammunition requirement.
4 – Ability to install modifications to NPCs. Head flashlight, armor plates, color dye, etc.
5 – If the NPCs do not see the zombies, they can pick up resources (stones, grass, bushes, etc.) without moving too far from the player.
6 – A separate user interface window to control the behavior of NPCs.
Anyway, thanks for the great modification. Even now this modification is the main one on my list of mods.
Yeah, Having a team of NPCs means more resource consumption and upkeep, good balance check and keeps you from over NPCing.
-NPCs use healing packs and bandages when low health, if equiped and retreat when low health.
-NPCs contract diseases
-NPCs can be equiped to use the weapons and ammo you give them, and degrade with use.
-NPCs level as well.
Basically everything the effects the player, just AI controlled.
With the npc mod installed you can not shot zombie dogs or bear with any gun you can stab them but they only seem to be taking 1-3 hp of damage per hit i tried with every gun in the game
Is there anyway to give the NPCs custom weapons?
is it possible application of chatgpt in this mod for the npc?
how do i turn friendly fire off, not interested in being blasted by friendly npcs, please assume i’m stupid i saw one comment say game options friendly fire off, but where, what file, how?
What happened to the Orcs? I cant find an download that has been updated.
great question. ive been waiting on orcs for maybe 2 years
How do I make them spawn on bloodmoons?
NPCs do nothing. No move, no atack…. nothing… they just exist… not even zombis care for them.
I love this mod, though raiders with rocket launchers on day 1 are a bit much. My question should be simple to answer tho. I am running the spiders mod and realize now that they spawn only in the wasteland and desert biomes. I currently prefer a 100% winter map and have to ask, what can I change to allow these spiders to appear in Winter/Snow biomes?
All spawned NPC’s are hostile.
What is the reason and how to change it?
IMHO the creative mod is NOT the reason. I’ve tried without CM and the NPC’s are hostile too.
Lack of money isn’t the reason too 😀 Visible gun too.
Absence of the three control buttons – not the reason.
Other mods – the same.
I’ve tried with a new map, from scratch, the same world (standard Navezgane), the same mods, and it works. Strange.
Any thougths?
game option : friendly fire off
HI… Thank you for these Mods. I was successful playing this through my host server for A20 and A21 but once A21.1 was released my server is having issues with the new SCore and NPCCore file’s… When playing through Steam I have no issues but on my hosted server I get NO LOVE. Any advice?
Hey any chance you guys can get your mod to work with the virtual reality 7DVR mod that is all the rage and the single best mod in existence for a game, next to yours? I will gladly tip 20 dollars for that or join your patreon. 🙂
The issue is as soon as I add the 0-SCore and 0-XNPCCore into my mods folder, when I go into VR with the 7DVR mod enabled as well, none of my weapons can hit anything in game, it’s as if my weapons (club or stone axe hammer) no longer have hit boxes, but enemies can still hit me.
Maybe I didn’t read something. Is it possible to install only extensions? I’m just not particularly interested in NPCs, but various mobs and zombies are very good.
I can’t command NPCs. I can not talk. They are constantly attacking me. What is the reason of this?
Hello there.
First want to say this mod is such a wonderful improviment to the game.
But for me i experience a minor bug that is bit problem. When i put the mod core that one is 0-Score to make it work, the worker Hammer or the Stone Axe to not fix the blocks or anything on the game. I don’t know but maybe its because the game is on experimental build and not yet this mod working but hopefully it get updated.
Thanks anyway and good mod.
I have the same problem. With NPC mod, right click doesn’t work (no animation or anything) and so I cannot upgrade or repair.
Hey, I got a stupid question, but is this pre-existing save friendly?
does anyone know where in the XML files I can remove the “sighing” noise the NPCs make? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t figure it out 🙁 the sound makes my skin crawl but I love this mod
NPC friend fox, told it to stay, I then went some distance to return a quest, came back only to find that the fox is gone, is this intended feature?
Is it possible to contact the mods creator with a really awesome mod idea?
NPC friend fox – bug.. plz fix
Really cool mod but there is a problem friendly NPCs you can’t kill them etc. when it bugs and when we don’t want to have them anymore it stays bugged with us it follows us everywhere even though I have a National Guards NPC and it’s just been twisting on the spot since I sent it back and it’s still linked to me and I can’t even kill it to get rid of it…
the ranged npc doesnt shot this much like a20…they prefer meele atack or do nothing i tried hunting mode…they rare attack zome zeds or raiders… much time they just standing still and get claped XD….and full control they dont atack my targets….and help dont do anything
Hired NPCs sometimes duplicate themselves for no apparent reason. Either by getting to far away or getting out of vehicles. They sometimes vanish and the arrow pointing in their direction leads to nothing. Is there a command to get rid of them.
its grate mod, but i have a question, about tracking all this Friendly NPC and Bandits like Harley and other. I hope in the future you will make some mod to track them
Please make your raider scaling with the game stage. Why I’m lv1 had I encountered a raider with a shotgun?
sorry but a village of npc is possible? like another camp with npc
Is there a way to reduce spawn rates of soldiers and raiders? Like I hardly see zombies in the wild with them enabled. I want them to be rare but like starting a new world and the first 10 npcs I come across is a soldier and the rest are raiders with submachine guns or hunting rifles. Like again I want other human characters to be rare and zombies have a higher priority in spawning. I shouldnt see a human for the first 100 npcs in my opinion other then the trader. If someone could walk me through editing the xmls to reduce their priority thatd be great thanks!
I think you need a fresh start save game. Or those odd thing will always appear.
For possibilities of spawning an npc is in config/entitygroup.xml
Value after npc name is a spawn probability of npc (ex. NpcBakerRiffle, .1)
The .1 is spawn probability
I didn’t know how to share it
I made a custom xmls files. I reduced soldier and raider spawn by 90%.
how to get like the soldiers for hire (Like in Rebirth mod)? All I see for hire are the Bakers and Nurses…I’m assuming all the other separate downloadable packs are NOT for hire and the Civilian one not ready yet.
What happened to NPC survivors or soldiers? I see they are gone from download list
Thank you for the fast work on this!!!!! Cannot live without my NPCs 🙂
Is there a way to make some hostile NPCs friendly?
Grete update for A21. and i see many new mutated zombies that gives something fresh to 7DTD.
I wonder if this mod could be updated to A21? But sadly most custom zombies cannot due to archetypes not working on them in A21. :/
yes its confirmed, but no release date yet. here the information from xyth. on last page
Awesome! 👍
i love this mod we can use in alpha21?
unfortunately nope
Hi, is it normal that my friends can’t load in my save while I am having this mod enabled? I had no problems using this mod in singleplayer but when my friend wanted to join my singleplayer world he couldn’t load in even though he can join my singleplayer save whenever I take the NPC mods out of the Mods folder. We’re trying to enjoy the mod at the same time on my save but it won’t let him join, it always gives him some sort of error or hes just stuck in the loading screen. Any help is appreciated!
Add the friendly Harley Quinn that was in the old version.
> Great mod! game dont feel as lonely as before lol
> I get so many free assists during early game from unhired NPCs and some great challenging moments with the Bandit / Raider NPCs
Can Be Improved:
> NPC movements are mostly awkward / abnormal tho, i.e. they shoot and spin around while shooting (hilarious but fun to look at), especially those bandits/raiders. Is it possible to code them to be a bit calm? maybe slightly stealthy when they approach you / zombies / wild animals i.e. they should try to hide, crouch, wait etc
> NPC move around too much like they are on a mission or something lol they need to calm down, sit and sip some water or maybe eat.
> NPCs can see zombies from quite a distance and charge em kamikaze style (btw, their guns are too loud lol but yet it doesn’t attract any zombies). NPCs without weapons should flee instead of fighting.
– – – I have encountered an NPC army with a rocket launcher shooting at homes because it somehow detected some zombies in it (bruh almost killed me as i was in that same house)
> NPCs went missing after a certain distance away from you
> Inaccurate sound distancing i.e. you can clearly hear them getting hurt like they are next to you but they are nowhere near you (also the sighing from female NPC is creepy)
> NPCs clothing too jovial in a post-apocalyptic world. No backpacks?
I love this mod tho hopefully it gets better!
Any of these mods I try to play with, it comes back with a NullExceptionReference
Red Errors on newest steam version.
Soldiers Really Kills The Gaming. Have to turn the Volume ALL The way Down Because Their Guns are so Loud. Can You Tone Those Guns Down, Please? That is the Only Complaint on This end. Mod Works Fantastic Otherwise.
Ok, so I have the Soldiers installed, is there a way to decrease the spawns? there is literaly more soldiers than zombies and kinda no point in playing at that point.
Does anyone know how to remove the “sighing” sound? I love this mod so much. The only things is the talking and sighing is too frequent. I was able to delete the talking but I still can’t figure out how to stop them from sighing so frequently. I am a huge fan of mods so I should probably start learning xml…
Hi peeps been playing 7d2d for a couple of weeks now and love NPC
I have a suggestion as i’m a single player guy i find that i have so much food and weapons, would it be able that the NPC’s you control need to eat a certain amount daily and have the ability to give them weapons i wish them to use with the ammo
for those who have red errors. look where it is right now to install mods. the installation location has changed. also in mod 0-xnpccore rename the file physicsbodyes to physicsbodyes_1 for example . so that the bodies are not dublecated.
So, found out how to modify NPC HP and DR…
Why does it take more than 2 magazines of point-blank AK ammo to kill a single raider with nothing but headshots?
Why do I need power armor in order to survive this without being annihilated in a single burst of weapons fire at range?
We tested removing all NPC DR, so on HP alone, bargain basement raiders are OP.
This isn’t balanced gameplay.
Can i turn all npc of mod to enemy? and how?
why do they not spawn when im playing normal survival
I installed this mod using the mod launcher, when i interact with the traders, no menu appears. do i have to enable something in the configs or is this just an issue i have to deal with.
idk if you have any other mods installed, but they conflicted with mine too and i wasnt a big fan of the new UI of the traders when i installed this mod. so i deleted the “XUi” folder. the path is :\0-XNPCCore\Config\”XUi” and it returned me to the vanilla. and fixed it so another menu mod i had worked with it
Where do I install the expansion pack npcs? I just extracted their folders into the mod folder and im not finding them.
How this mods works ? Do I need to download the main mod first ? If yes, please tell which one will be ?
I tried to start up a new game with this on, and only 2 expansion packs, but the debug says that XML failed to load and parse blocks.xml, and above that in yellow it says WRN XML patch for blocks.xml from mod 0-XNPCcore did not apply, (then it lists the line of code from the file, line 3). I did download both cores and 2 expansion packs as mentioned before. If anyone knows if I didn’t download something right, or if there’s some other issue causing this, let me know.
with this mod (both cores) it doesnt want to load into a world or make a new one sadly for 20.5
same here, all NPCs attack me upon spawning, I don’t know where went wrong.
hello there is a way to lower the life bar to the npc
hola, soy yo otra vez, quisiera saber como podria curar al lobito, gracias de antemano
Hello, do you know how I could increase the life of the friendly wolf a little?
hello I wanted to ask if in this update the npc when they kill share the experience with the users and the other have a button to pass the things from the inventory to the npc all together as we do with the storage chests
Hey not sure if this is right place but got great idea for your awesome mod
Would be great if npc have like gangs simple as changing there colour blue,green,yellow or something they have there own poi and you can pick one to join they have there own traders and stuff exclusive rewards for completing there quest which is like kill other colour get ammo from enemy base and then for step further have in game map colours have there own teritory need take them all over can call it conquest
So I find the mod fine but the NPCs kinda just walk into spikes and traps so it ruins defenses unless you build a wall to block them in the first place but like.. Thought the npcs simply wouldn’t wanna walk into a pit of spikes like the zombies consider..
Is there a way to disable default npc’s? Harley, baker, etc. ?
Hello, I installed just the npc files and the core (not the zombies and other creatures) and i see NPCs and i can spawn them but when i speak to them i have no options to hire them, i tried with almost every NPC, What can i do?
is there a way to quick drop from inventory and quick gather from their inventory
So I saw that it can be set for them to attack during a horde night. I’m not seeing options for that in the files. Were you meaning to get your NPCs to fight for you? If so, is there a way to get a certain percentage of horde night mobs to be hostile NPCs?
It’s a very good mod! But I got some suggestion for you guys:
1. More model for friendly NPC, not only Baker and Nurse
2. Make players can hurt friendly NPC too, that’s more realistic
3. Make lootbag dropping frequency higher, will make more sense
4. Remove rocket launcher from NPC/officers etc. , it’s so annoying that they blasting everywhere, one time they even destroy one side of my house, which pissed me off, it doesn’t make any sense that they carry rocket around with unlimited ammo but can’t hurt them self
5. For reason it becomes buggy after about 30-40 minutes of playing and I don’t know why, too many NPC spawning maybe?
That’s been said, still a very good mod tho, very enjoy it so far 🙂
Con las nuevas actualizaciones y yo sigo en Alpha. 20.2 los npc y zombies dejaron de aparecer, ¿Forzosamente tengo que actualizarme a alpha20.3?
I get attacked by the NPCs all the time. I can’t recruit any of them. Did I not notice something?
Are you sure they are NPC, not bandit?
I get this message unexpected data received. the server is running an incompatible version or it is necessary to install modifications
i also am getting this, did you find a solution?
Just a reminder, if you want help getting this mod to work, post your questions on the official forum or on Guppy’s modding discord. No support is given here.
Great mod
But a companion suddenly died
are the friendly NPCs supposed to be invincible?
Nice Mod…To bad that the hired npcs teleport after you and you cant let them at your base ….the stay here or wander around here does not work if you leav them they will teleport after you
/Mods/0-SCore/SCore.pdb cannot be uploaded to dedicated server. (Gportal)
Have the same Issue… any help here ?
Can someone who is a modder take on the challenge of adding radiation zones? Like in the DF mod there are zones that are readioactive, what I would really enjoy also is a yellow mist instead of just the same grey fog. Just to add a new depth of environmental biohazard.
With this mod enabled I get no entities spawning, including vanilla animals/zombies. Any help?
Yeah, this seems to either do nothing or remove every npc except traders for me. Very fickle mod at the moment.
i try the game to start normal and with modlauncher , but i got every time errors and the game crash.
XNPCCORE and SCore is in mod foulder.
The authors of this mod are happy to help with any issues you are having, but they don’t stop by this site very often. The mod support is handled on the official forums.
Well its day 5 and not One of the soldiers or raiders appears but some new zombies with tutorial name appears why the all other npc does not appear? They spawn normal and have normal ai if spawned in debugmode
DOESN’T WORK AT ALL!! Am i missing something here?! Do i revert back to A18, A19?!?! When i make a new game its just a regular no modded game!!
Definitely works, I have been using it for a while now
Good day
i have tried the mods ingame it keeps on giving errors, with other 54mods include and without
tried all the maps same error
but the game does not crash only errors
system is on ultra
downloaded the core files and dragged/pasted onto my mod file but i get red errors codes when running the game and my game crash….
i also get errors
Your core Config folder should be at this path:
YourDrive:\YourSteamLocation\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SCore\Config
I searched for the health bar I want to erase, but I can’t find it
DarkStarDragon links NOT WORKING
Can we still get the wandering random npc? I liked finding the Cook fighting zombies and whisper that thing like hiring or controling dont really want it any way to get the wandering npc?
yes they can be made to not be hireable. Jsut dont ask me how at the moment…but they definitely can.
I cant download the SCore: (0-SCore).
The downgit links (SCore file and Xyth’s expansion files) won’t let me download for some reason. They either get stuck during the download or don’t start at all and stay at 0. Maybe I’m the only one?
I retract the first comment, it works now.
Buenas no entiendo algo, descargue el 0-XNPCCore, 0-score es suficiente para ver npc? entendi bastante poco al ver tantos enlaces y el spherell-mods tiene tantas cosas que extraer que me dejo mas perdido aun, que necesito para tener npc normales bandidos o cualquier cosa que agregue el mod? soy nuevo descargando mods de forma tan individual, normalmente usaba darkness fall y age of oblivion y solo era descargar, extraer y ya funcionaba todo, aca veo que las carpetas tienen otra carpeta con el mismo nombre extra por algun motivo y luego ya el contenido haciendo que tenga que extraer y luego abrir el archivo extraido y ponerlo en mods enves de extraer sin mas, y al ver que el mod permite modificar y agregar mobs, no tengo entedido si estoy descargando la herramienta o lo que trae el mod en si…