Midnight’s Shocking Candy Canes

7 days to die midnights shocking candy canes

Midnight’s Shocking Candy Canes

This mod brings the Candy Club and Candy Knife back into the game adding the benefit of shock to both. At tier six, both can hold a full 6 mods. These are also stronger and hit a lot harder than their previous counterparts.

The Candy Club is in it’s own class; by adding the burning shaft mod to this weapon it not only shocks whatever you are hitting but it adds a nice burn affect to your enemies as well.

Both weapons are craftable at the work bench and locked behind progression. they will unlock the same time as the baseball bat and the hunting knife. There is no need for legendary components to craft these holiday weapons either. All you need is some polymer, some forged iron and a tiny bit of honey to add some sweetness to your weapon.

For any troubleshooting, updates or just a place to hang, you can find me in my DISCORD

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Credits: Midnight

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