RWG Bias Check

7 days to die rwg bias check

This Mod ensures all POI’s appear at least once when generating maps.

This mod in intended to assist in RWG it includes all Vanilla POI’s and some examples of how non-Vanilla POI’s can be added at the end of the list.

Just make sure to remove the “<!–>” and “<–>” at the start of the list or add the new POI’s you wish to add.

Hit me up on Twitter with any questions @MadShark85


Credits: Madshark85, Drakox

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September 15, 2024 6:44 am

will this work with poi mods?

August 10, 2024 8:27 pm

How come the xml syntax is so different, does this really work as is?
If you compare your lines to the ones in vanilla rwgmixer.xml (there are some similar lines at the end), you see that there should be an additional ” after the partial prefab name, and one after min_count= (before the number).