Trader Tier Reward System

7 days to die trader tier reward system, 7 days to die trader, 7 days to die quests, 7 days to die skill points

This 7 Days to Die mod adds skill points as reward for completing each tier of the trader quests, making the trader quests more worth the risks for early game. The skill points you receive are for after completing each Tier, not after each quest.

There are many mods that increase the number of skill points per level, but this mod is more balanced than other mods. We need more skill points in the game, but earning them must be a little more balanced.

  • Tier 1 = 3 Skill Points
  • Tier 2 = 4 Skill Points
  • Tier 3 = 5 Skill Points
  • Tier 4 = 5 Skill Points
  • Tier 5 = 6 Skill Points
  • Tier 6 = 8 Skill Points

Low Progression Variant

  • Tier 1 = 1 Skill Points
  • Tier 2 = 1 Skill Points
  • Tier 3 = 2 Skill Points
  • Tier 4 = 2 Skill Points
  • Tier 5 = 3 Skill Points
  • Tier 6 = 4 Skill Points

Mid Progression Variant

  • Tier 1 =2 Skill Points
  • Tier 2 = 2 Skill Points
  • Tier 3 = 3 Skill Points
  • Tier 4 = 4 Skill Points
  • Tier 5 = 4 Skill Points
  • Tier 6 = 6 Skill Points

For Games Already in Progress

If you do not wish to restart your world, and have already completed some Tier quests for the trader, type the following lines into the game console (Press F1 in-game)

For each tier that you completed:

  • givequest quest_tier1complete
  • givequest quest_tier2complete
  • givequest quest_tier3complete
  • givequest quest_tier4complete
  • givequest quest_tier5complete
  • givequest quest_tier6complete

Then go talk to any trader. You’ll get all the rewards including the skill points.

Download for A19
Download for A18
Download Low Progression Variant for A18
Download Mid Progression Variant for A18

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: EpicSpire

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Purple Spudz
Purple Spudz
March 29, 2022 5:47 pm

alpha 18 no longer available

September 25, 2021 5:11 pm

Как сделать начисление очков за каждое задание?