Halloween Mod – By Mumpfy & LittleRedSonja

7 days to die halloween mod by mumpfy littleredsonja

Halloween Mod started joking around with LittleRedSonja about making something funny for halloween to take a group picture on Eko’s community server. it was just a jack o’lantern holding item they were trying to work out… just about the time when Mumpfy figured out how to fully change the armor looks and models…. and from there they got carried away. The mod adds several variants of masks, hats, helmets and full body outfits. Keep in mind some stuff works better in some player models than others, all vanilla player models heads are different in size and shape, so some stuff Mumpfy’s clip with the player head ears or nose depending on which model you use for your character. The main models he used as base were Male White 1 and Female White 2. So the masks are aligned properly to work best on those two models, but you can try on any character model and see how it looks.


Cursed Mario – Mario – Nosferatu – Catrina – Scary Bunny – Daredevil ( Male / Female) – Deadpool – Demon – Ghost (Female) – Pogo – Vendetta (Male / Female) – Big Eye
Jason (Male / Female) – Burnt – Dragon Priest (Male / Female) – Love Death Robots – Cursed Snowman – Grumpy Cat – Cute Otter – Metal – Plague Doctor
Trader rekt – Skull – Halloweeny Pumpkin


Voodoo – Wizard – Horns & Wings – Pirate – Spartan – Dredd – Mandalorian


Female Bandit – Voodoo – Catrina – Skeleton Suit – Cowboy – Cowgirl – Dr Manhattan – Knight – Skeleton – Spiderman – Han Solo – Witch – Stormtrooper

For some masks he made female and male versions trying to minimize the clipping issue. The full body outfits will change the player model body…. so say you have a female character and you choose a male full body armor the character will swap to a male body model. Also keep in mind the number of variants you can try if you combine this with other vanilla armor parts is huge so not everything was tested, and wont be tested or fixed most likely.

So basically just take it as it is, it’s a fun mod to give people the chance to have some fun with it for a while, don’t take it too seriously because he ain’t.

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LittleRedSonja did all the xml work for the mod and also she is the one who made all the cool decoration blocks, models and xmls, bench workstation and witch cauldrons variants.


Bad Boy Jason – Voodoo Doll Small – Voodoo Doll Big – Pumpking Candles – The Halloween Cat – Cute Ghost – Voodoo Skull – Scary Skeleton – Scary Gargoyle
Skulls Grave – Candelabro Light – TopHat Ghost – White Ghost – Spooky Ghost – Scary Cobweb – Witchy Cauldon Variants – Halloweeny Bench
Witchy Cauldron Variants

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This took him months of finding free models, chopping them out in parts, tweaking them, rigging, taking them into unity, animating, texturing, testing.
They are still able to use this properly thanks to Alter’s help with his voodoo code tricks.

This mod is totally free for anyone to use and enjoy, if you want to support Mumpfy’s work however you can send a donation here. Will be appreciated.


This mod, like most mods out there, would never have been possible for him to make without the constant help and guidance of the Admns and modders from Guppy’s Unofficial 7d2d Modding Server.

Thanks to everyone.

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Check more of his work here.


UPDATE 1.1.0

7 days to die halloween mod by mumpfy littleredsonja changelog screenshot 3

  • Added 2 new M1 helmets, “Col. Mumpfy” and “Lt Sonja”.
  • Added 2 new cowboy outfits, “Dark Cowboy” and “Muddy Cowboy”.
  • Added 2 new cowgirl outfits, “Calamity” and “Pearl”.
  • Added gloves to the original cowboy and cowgirl outfits.
  • Added a new witch outfit, “Fire Witch”.
  • Added a variant of the original “Black Witch” outfit without the stockings, that will look much better when used on darker skin characters.
  • Added a variant version of the Plague Mask without the hat.
  • Added invisible gloves and head armor to the Han Solo outfit, so you can enjoy extra protection and full armor bonus without ruining your look.
  • Added a 4 new cauldron variants that are much better in terms of performance. Smaller smoke column and only when cooking. The original cauldrons are still available, all included in a variant helper.
  • Added some nicer icons for gloves and boots for some outfits.
  • Cleaned and reorganized the xml files.
  • Added full built-In support for Rebirth overhaul. All the outfits are inline with Rebirth outfits in terms of stats, crafting, and progression. This has been a HUGE amount of work so LittleRedSonja really hope you like it 🙂 .

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IMPORTANT NOTE: FOR HALLOWEENY TO BE FULLY FUNCTIONAL WITH REBIRTH YOU MUST RENAME HALLOWEENY MOD FOLDER TO LOAD AFTER REBIRTH_CORE MOD. This because Rebirth_ Core mod deletes everything in the armor crafting skill so if Halloweeny loads first the edits would just be deleted by Rebirth.

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LittleRedSonja Hope you have fun, and let her know if you find problems or any issue, and if you have suggestions as well 💜

7 days to die halloween mod by mumpfy littleredsonja changelog screenshot 6

FIX + UPDATE 1.0.2

Here is the changelog for the promised Fix + Update 1.0.2:

  • Fixed some graphic glitches with some of the armors.
  • Added a short description to some of the items and blocks, clarifying where they can be crafted.
  • Added a Cyan witchy Cauldron Variant, 2 Spooky Glowing Trees as a Variant Helper, and a Spells Book that may (or may not) be important later on 😉 .
  • Added a scary sound when you interact with the Halloweeny Bench.
  • Improved the candle lights in some of the blocks.
  • Increased HP for the deco items, so they will better resist accidental hits.

They hope you like it! 🥰

7 days to die halloween mod by mumpfy littleredsonja changelog screenshot 1

If you find any other issues or have suggestions please, let them know!

Happy Halloween, have fun! 💜

7 days to die halloween mod by mumpfy littleredsonja changelog screenshot 2

UPDATE 1.0.1

  • Fixed Halloween bench now does not require Halloween cloth to craft, instead it requires normal cloth.
  • Halloween cloth will show up in a different category now, “Resources”, in the Halloween Bench, for better visibility.


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Mumpfy, LittleRedSonja

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November 19, 2024 8:19 pm

Doesn’t seem to work anymore? gives me a recipes.xml when using with df and a few other mods im using

November 20, 2024 11:33 am
Reply to  ApolloSkies

Hi! 😊

The mod works perfectly fine, with no bugs since version 1.0.1.

You have one or more mods installed that are incompatible with this, which is a very uncommon problem but it can happen, specially if you are using big overhauls such as Darkness Falls, together with other mods.

Usually one easy thing you could do to try improving compatibility is to make this mod load last. The way to do this is to rename the mod folder to something like zz_Mumfy_LittleRedSonja_Halloweeny (add zz_ before mod name) or similar, so that it goes to the bottom of your mod list. That will force the game to load our mod last, so other mods do not edit or delete the edits this mod makes in game files. That should solve the vast majority of compatibility problems, although there are situations where this will not work.
For example some mods and overhauls use c# to prevent other mods from loading, or they might remove ingredients from the game (so the recipes cannot be crafted) or they might change the progression and skill system so it is no longer possible to unlock armor or weapons. And this is the case with Darkness Falls.

For this mod and most other mods to work with Darkness Falls it is needed to add compatibility or a specific version to work together with DF, because DF overhaul introduces huge changes in the game.

I might consider adding compatibility for DF in the next update, if it is something people want to see 💜

October 19, 2024 10:42 pm

Looks great! Thank you for your effort.

October 19, 2024 11:34 pm
Reply to  Artemisia

Thank you, we are happy that you like the mod! 💜

October 19, 2024 9:37 pm

is there any way to add new faces to the game?

October 19, 2024 11:33 pm
Reply to  Ceo

There is most likely a way for that, but I do not know of any mod doing that right now.

October 19, 2024 7:39 am


October 19, 2024 3:04 pm
Reply to  Abacab62

Thank you! 💜

October 19, 2024 1:15 am

Will all of the costumes, masks, etc. have any attributes like the vanilla outfits do please? Thank you!

October 19, 2024 3:04 pm
Reply to  Cherie

Yes, every single mask and piece of armor have attributes, like the vanilla armors 🥰