ISI Craft but Do Not Place Land Claim Block Challenge

7 days to die isi craft but do not place land claim block challenge, 7 days to die quests

Removes the need to place the Land Claim Block created in the challenge. Helps prevent players from forgetting to remove Land Claim Blocks placed just to complete a challenge.

Mod must be in place before players join the world.

7 days to die isi craft but do not place land claim block challenge additional screenshot 1

7 days to die isi craft but do not place land claim block challenge additional screenshot 2

7 days to die isi craft but do not place land claim block challenge additional screenshot 3


Credits: IronSharkInc

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December 3, 2024 9:35 pm

Hello IronSharkInc you update this? I’ve always wanted to get this block out or at least ask for a legendary part to create it?