Dude Where’s My Car (Dedicated Server)
Clients type /dudewheresmycar in chat to list all owned vehicle positions Dedicated Server only(server side install only, clients don’t install the mod) Clients:type ‘/dudewheresmycar’ in …
Top Community Mods
McTaco’s 7 Days to Die Mods
Clients type /dudewheresmycar in chat to list all owned vehicle positions Dedicated Server only(server side install only, clients don’t install the mod) Clients:type ‘/dudewheresmycar’ in …
V2 fixed and reliable Dedicated Server only(server side install only, clients don’t install the mod) Clients:type/dudewheresmydroneor type/dronein game chat to learn drone location. Tired of …
Increase variation of zombies and animals. Now network synced! Settings.XML for precise control of settings Increase variation of zombies and animals (combined into single mod …
Dedicated servers only This mod makes use of the Markers feature on dedicated servers webmap. The mod will auto-locate your world folder, and save folder, …
Craft a turret for each ammo type.Damage and range same as the ammo type DOWNLOAD (17 KB) Credits: McTaco
Majora’s Mask Moon, have fun must be installed client side. DOWNLOAD (94 KB) Credits: McTaco
This mod randomizes command names to prevent cheaters from abusing the in game mechanics like debug menu, creative menu, admin items, and kill commands. Dedicated …
Vehicles are way too heavy to pickup. This mod removes the ability to pick up vehicles. 0-Score has this ability, but I wanted to pack …
Are you unable to join a server? Tired of ‘Network Timeout’ messages? Tired of ‘Server Closed Connection’ messages? Does your server run a large map …
Honk the horn, have a good time. Applies to all vehicles, including modded vehicles. Changelog New sounds added DOWNLOAD (4 MB) Credits: McTaco