Highlighting of Buttons and Container States
It is just a simple modlet that gives you a colored feedback about the cointainer (untouched, empty, known) and door (locked, unlocked) states. It also …
Top Community Mods
Scomar’s 7 Days to Die Mods
It is just a simple modlet that gives you a colored feedback about the cointainer (untouched, empty, known) and door (locked, unlocked) states. It also …
An alternative HUD. UI is matched with a backpack size of 72 and also matches with 96 backpack 7 Days Version 1.0 It is just …
You will often find books and building plans in the loot that you already know. The dealer won’t give you many coins for them either. …
This Mod changes the Names of the armorpieces. It will be now shown with a armorclass shortcut in front of the name. There are following …
I have made 3 different versions of how the locked slot in your inventory is displayed. All 3 versions have the locked slot displayed in …
It’s just another visible Health-Bar. But It is a little bit smoother and comes with round corners. Inspired from AGF Health Bar, but it was …
Inspired from Ravenhearst and Darkness Falls, where you can scrap the schematics, Scomar made this mod for vanilla game to use similar mechanic. Put an …
Standard ammunition 9mm, 7.62mm and .44 (+ AP and HP) as well as shotgun shells, arrows and bolts (iron & steel) can be crafted per …
This mod adds a weapon mod for one-hit-kills at head hits. It starts with the creation of an Empty Book, which can be found in …
It is just a simple 7 Days to Die mod that gives you a colored feedback about the cointainer and door states. It shoud be …