This Serverside-modlet increase the vanilla storage size from wood, iron and steel crates.
- Wood from 8×6 -> 12×10
- Iron from 8×8 -> 12×10
- Steel from 8×10 -> 12×10
Disclaimer: No clue how that looks if you increase your Backpack size.
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Credits: Solvita, The Fun Pimps
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
the only problem im having is when i upgrade the crate from forged iron to steel it gives some sort of ui stack error and deleted the items i put in the crate but aslong is i dont go over the first upgrade to forged iron its all good just cannot use the last upgrade version {forged steel}
Crashes the game when I try to open a crate. Version 1.0 EXP
then you run any ui mod or something whats change that ui window.
Add a “1-” at the foldername of the mod if its not already there.
If its, remove the “1-” and instead use a “ZZZZ-“.
If both methods not working, you run into a mod conflict