This Mod Adds A Small Stacksize Increase To Arrows, Bolts, Darts, Ammo And Throwables.
Item: / Old / New /
Arrows: / 150 / 200 /
Bolts: / 150 / 200 /
9mm/.44: / 300 / 600 /
Shotgun: / 150 / 400 /
7.62: / 150 / 500 /
Rockets: / 20 / 30 /
Darts: / 500 / 1000 /
Pipebomb: / 20 / 35 /
Grenabe: / 20 / 35 /
Timedcharge: / 10 / 25 /
Dynamite: / 10 / 20 /
Molotov: / 20 / 30 /
(Does Work With IZY AIO Gun Pack. But, it Only Increases Base Game Ammo! DOES NOT WORK WITH ANY OF THE MODDED AMMO 5.56, .45 ect..)
Credits: Wraith_83
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Exploding Arrows/Bolts is changed from 75 to 100. Just realized i did not include those on the list.