Build an advanced version of the Junk Turret.
- (new) Updated for V1.0.
- Updated for A21.
- Updated for A20.
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Credits: War3zuk
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
From looking at XML files:
This mod adds 3 *new* “HD …” turret types and does not touch the original “junk turret”, so title is misleading. New turrets come in 9mm, 7.62mm, and .50 calibers and have recipes to make them and ammo for them (regular rounds do not work).
Turrets have extended yaw and pitch, larger magazines, better durability, and shoot farther.
Turrets and ammo are unlocked through skill progression, but there is no active turret number increase in progression (vanilla numbers).
Considering higher damage and increased yaw, one of those will have double or above firepower over vanilla junk turret, so maybe you do not even need more active ones.
Do love these turrets is there any way you can give them a custom model to make them look more like their icon? And is new custom sounds a possibility?
Dude you need to update your descriptions to actually DESCRIBE what these mods do.
So far any time iv seen these mods without a description its an instant “not downloading this” because I don’t want to figure it out myself.
Can you give a little more description about the turret what makes it advance
can 4 turret active ?