Apocalypse Now Mod V3.1 Stable

7 days to die apocalypse now mod, 7 days to die overhaul mods


  • Progression Tree Overhaul
    • Added Game-Stage Difficulty Bonus
    • Added Supply Drops, You can now call Airdrops
    • 7 new Classes “Engineer, Survivalist, Hunter, Medic, Farmer, Miner and Scavenger”
    • 144 slot backpack! 24 slot crafting queue!
    • Custom UI! Food/Water bars.
    • Increased zombie spawn/respawn rate!
    • Night time is now Hell. Don’t Blame Me if you died. ;p
    • Titanium Nodes added! Can be found in the wasteland.
    • Wasteland is now radiated.
    • Disable the Zombie Rage
    • Added Pin Recipes Modlet
    • Added Active Ingredients Modlet
    • More crops! Grow Apple, Cherry, Banana, Coconut and Lemon trees, plus strawberries, cabbage, carrot, cucumber and tomatoes
    • Big list of melee weapons have been added, from Swords, Bats, Pitchforks, Maces, Frying Pan, Cleaver and more
    • Added New Custom Food/Drinks
    • Added Higher Tier Weapons and Tools
    • Added Scrap Tier Tools
    • Added 27 New item_modifiers
    • Legendary Tier weapons have been added
    • Gun parts are back
    • Added Bdubs Vehicles Modlet
    • Added 8 Maps With ZZ-Tong Prefabs and Old West Migration Prefabs
    • Added Stainless Steel, Titanium and Reinforced Titanium Blocks
    • Traders are Destructible and open all the time
    • Added New Ammo and explosives
    • Added Zombie Bosses Including the behemoth
    • The Candy is Craft-able Now
    • 8 new workstations, 2 Advanced Forges, 2 Advanced Workbenches and Advanced chemistry Station, Advanced Cement Mixer and Upgrade Bench
    • Added Research Desk

Classes Information

  • Engineer Class Training Grants you: Bicycle Chassis and Handlebars.
  • Survivalist Class Training Grants you: Cloth Armor Bundle.
  • Hunter Class Training Grants you: Hunting Rifle Bundle.
  • Medic Class Training Grants you: 4 First Aid Bandage, 2 First Aid Kit, 2 Painkillers, 2 Herbal Antibiotics and 2 Plaster Cast.
  • Farmer Class Training Grants you: Food Bundle 01.
  • Miner Class Training Grants you: Scrap Armor Bundle.
  • Scavenger Class Training Grants you: (150) 7.62mm Ammo, (150) 9mm Ammo and (150) Shotgun Shell.

Mod Credits

  1. A20-GameStage Difficulty Bonus by Bar0th
  2. Bdubs Vehicles Modlet by Bdubyah
  3. Block Buff AOE by Alter
  4. Supply Drops by Chickun/JustDoAsIDo
  5. Disable Trader Protection by Khaine
  6. 12 Slots Toolbelt by Khaine
  7. TFP Hornet by Khaine
  8. TFP Behemoths by Khaine
  9. Vehicle Damage Patch by Khaine
  10. Zombie Fall Damage by Khaine
  11. No Zombie Rage by mythix
  12. Ocb Pin Recipes 0.4.1 by ocbMaurice
  13. Items Quality Rework by KillerBunny/Bar0th
  14. Active Ingredients by Redbeard
  15. Scouts Mod by mythix
  16. SWU Farming Mod by Zeeeeeeniiiiiii
  17. Wandering Horde GameStage patch by mythix
  18. Advanced Forge and Advanced Chemistry Station by Zilox
  19. ZZTong Prefabs
  20. Old West Migration poi’s By Arramus

Version V3.1

  • Removed Christmas Update
  • Fixed lemon tree seed recipe
  • Balanced Acid recipe
  • Removed the hornet Modlet
  • Updated the Lemon Tree Modlet
  • Added a Craftable BeeHive and Craftable BirdNest “it’s unlocked with Living Off The Land Perk”
  • Added a QueenBee and HoneyComb, the Honey Comb is used to make Honey
  • Added 3 Different colors SnowMan, you can find it in the snow biome
  • Added a Recipe for the Springs
  • Lowered the Crafting times for Mechanical and Electrical parts
  • Replaced the Legendary Sword Model with a new Model “Plasma Katana”
  • Replaced Radioactive Baseball Bat Model with a new Model “Grave Digger”
  • Replaced The Scrap Iron Knife model with a new model
  • Added 2 new melee weapons “Dobber Knockers and NightMaaron Sledge”
  • Blood moon bears has a new particles
  • Added particles to Exploders Zombies. So you can see them easier
  • Radiated Terminator has a new particles
  • Added a sound for Nuclear demolition Explosion warning
  • Added a sound for Casper when he is roaming
  • Added a Hit sound for Frying pan
  • Added a death sound for the Terminator
  • Added a Hurt sound for the Terminator
  • Lowered the selling price from 35% to 20%
  • Added Ink, Ink Used to make class books
  • Each Class book Now needs 60 Generic Note, 30 paper and 1 Ink
  • Ink can be made in chemistry Stations
  • Added Exhaustion Buff, it has 5 Stages
  • You can lower the Exhaustion with drinks and some pills
  • Added Health And Stamina Death Penalty Buff “Git Gud Buff”
  • Scrap Tools have a new models including the scrap wrench
  • Radiated dogs weren’t healing at all. fixed
  • All zombies And Animals will have -10% less health or 100% more health, so it randomized.
  • Added Nuke explosives “grenades, pipe bombs and rockets”, the nuke explosives stops all the zombies ability to regen
  • Added Old West Migration poi’s By Arramus
  • Added Ocb Startup Optimizer
  • I made 10 new maps with different sizes “6k, 8k, 10k and 12k”
  • All the weak and weak rad zombies, called decaying zombies now
  • the drone now take the same type of repair kit whatever it was place down or in the toolbelt
  • When the multiplayer option “player killing” set to no killing the player wasn’t getting any radiation from the wasteland biome. Fixed
  • Changed paint recipe in the campfire and chem station
  • Screamer zombie spawns 12 zombies every time she screams (this only happens when the heat map reaches 100% in a specific chunk )
  • Inferno cop hand attack wasn’t setting players on fire. fixed
  • Adjusted quicker crafting perks. the 4 points unlocked with 4, 8, 12 and 16 general perks instead of 5, 10, 15 and 20


If you appreciate Killerbunny264’s work and you want to show support, use the Paypal/Patreon link.

If you need help, you can use this support link.

Credits: Killerbunny264

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If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.

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November 30, 2023 1:38 am

Great mod! Please update to 21
Thank you!

Kirill Efremov
Kirill Efremov
June 25, 2023 11:33 pm

will there be an update to alpha 21?

May 3, 2023 8:42 pm

Эта версия мода, превратилась в пошаговую стратегию!

March 25, 2023 3:15 pm

*Releases cool free mod
*Gives no information on how to set it up
*refuses to elaborate

March 19, 2023 2:41 am


ich versuche seit Tagen den Mod auf meinem Server zu installieren, bekomme aber nur Fehlermeldungen. Ich kann die Fehlermeldung nicht ganz lesen aber irgendwas mit “Class BlockBuffAOE not found on block BlockBuffAOETest” und “XML loader: Loading and parsing ” failed”
Hab das nur ich? gibt es da eine Lösung?

February 8, 2023 10:08 pm

Where is the world water? The map is cut off on all sides and there is no water.

January 30, 2023 6:00 pm

Hi, how do I unlock the backpack’s 144 slots? What perk/class?

Raikow Kevin
Raikow Kevin
January 22, 2023 4:26 pm

hey ihr lieben mod hersteller ich habe seit dem ich von dem chrismas auf den jetztzigen gewechselt habe probleme mit meiner welt ich komme da nicht mehr drauf gibt es da eine lösung oder problem behebung würd emich sehr freuen wenn denn einige viele stunden in dies welt gingnen

January 26, 2023 1:14 am
Reply to  Raikow Kevin

Same thing happened to us. I updated my server and then we could no longer access it. Had to start over.

January 19, 2023 3:25 am

Love this mod however, do not love the new exhaustion stuff. Especially when you die and it doesn’t reset. That should definitely happen like and other ailments/defuffs. There also should be more ways to make significant reductions in it instead of just the little 2-3% things. For sure NOT a fan of it. LOL

January 28, 2023 2:24 pm
Reply to  Gary_USMC

Yeah. The Exhaustion thing is overkill. There’s little you can do, i managed to decrease it by 1.00 using Coffee. But that is still just something i stumbled upon. I hate this function. It makes PLAYING the game unmotivating. I don’t mind the game being difficult, but don’t discourage me from playing it at all, seriously.

January 11, 2023 6:44 am

I started the game and did not get any quests to start for the classes? I just updated after the christmas update was removed

December 17, 2022 10:55 pm

Mod : Supply Drops by Chickun/JustDoAsIDo
Hi! only this mod out of all doesn’t work on alpha 20.6, don’t really know why it doesn’t work, maybe you could reply and let me know if i’m doing anything wrong? any other mods work perfectly! but i can’t find the supply drop even in creative, thanks for the reply!

November 17, 2022 11:13 am

kann die Klassen Bücher nicht lesen trotz erfüllter quest warum

October 8, 2022 8:55 am

I would love to play this mod but I think there is an issue. Perks do no show up after under the miner, farmer and scavenger classes. They do for the other classes. Is there a way to fix this?

October 2, 2022 12:14 pm

I deleted one of my class quest by accident! Is there a way to get it back?

Winter Steale
Winter Steale
October 1, 2022 4:47 pm

Would like to know how to install this mod properly since I keep getting errors and things that do not load. The Discord only has welcome channel and rules channel. There’s no support channel or way to ask for help so not sure what good it is to go there. Can anyone please offer some real help please?

October 1, 2022 7:27 am

Too many empty lots, I feel that all these empty lots were Compo pack POI’s

September 29, 2022 5:25 pm

How do u craft the class books? I’m at the point where it says craft hunter class book but I have no idea where or how to do that. Thanks in advance!!

October 1, 2022 7:24 am
Reply to  Shannon

60 blue pages for one class book, create more books, or buy, to increase in class levels. Scrap useless skill books to get Blue pages

Mountain King
Mountain King
September 12, 2022 5:27 am

Is there a trick to finding Bottles of Acid in this mod? Before you can make them, it’s next to impossible.

September 6, 2022 6:06 pm

I love the mod. Unfortunately, I keep getting a null command or error when I try to place vehicles. At this time I only can use the bike and the motorcycle. I have other vehicles made or bought but they won’t place

September 3, 2022 1:05 am

Hi , this mod is for A20.5 or A20.6?

September 2, 2022 5:45 pm

Im getting some bugs in A20.6 (installed in 20.5) has the mod been updated? (and do i need to reinstall?)

August 26, 2022 10:19 am

Getting an error when in edit mode when trying to wear a helmet, I use a helmet with a light when modding so i can see better and I am not able to equip one, dev or regular mining helmet with this mod.

August 25, 2022 3:40 am

Hello, I hope that the creator of this mod takes out that 144-slot backpack and the helicopter and the respaun of entities on the map and horde is absurd, my server gave a lot of lag but that is a great mod in terms of difficulty level

dj simon
dj simon
August 3, 2022 11:48 pm

不能养鸡 养猪 希望改进

August 3, 2022 12:18 am

I wouldn’t bother downloading this. The support link is to a Discord channel that we are apparently not allowed to post in and there are no responses from anyone when you DM. I created the Mods folder in the two directories mentioned and made sure to set my 7DtD to 20.4 Stable build. I selected one of the AN Pregen maps and launched only to get an infinite (over eleven hours) scroll of “Instance not set to reference of an object.” error.

August 3, 2022 3:01 pm
Reply to  Guy

*EDIT* The AN mod is stable for the latest Build, you only need to copy Mods folder when you extract it to the C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\ folder and MAKE SURE EAC IS NOT ACTIVE. Use the alternate launcher and make sure there is no check box next to the EAC option.

(on a personal note, the line above saying “Don’t blame me if you die”…. yeah, not quite there but close to Dark Souls difficult in the beginning.)

August 23, 2022 4:03 pm
Reply to  Guy

when you join the server , you going to find a channel called 📝server-rules
after reading the rules
you need to React With ✅
in order for all the channels to show up

November 8, 2022 7:29 am
Reply to  Guy

I had this issue for so long, couldn’t find an answer and then saw somewhere for other mods that they needed easy anti cheat (EAC) turned off. So I opened my 7 days launcher and unchecked run EAC and set to save as default before running it and it fixed the issue for me.

May 5, 2022 2:48 am

Olá boa noite,eu gostaria de desfazer os meus dois comentários sobre o mod eu disse que estava apresentando problemas. Más pesso desculpas o erro era no meu jogo corrigi o jogo e agora o mod está funcionando perfeitamente muito obrigado.

May 4, 2022 4:08 am

E não estou encontrando o minério de titânio no mapa.

May 4, 2022 4:08 am

A dificuldade tá imensa, acho que nem o Darknes Falls tá tão difícil assim, deem uma amenizada na dificuldade que aí fica legal de se jogar o mod a dificuldade das luas de sangue tá um absurdo.

May 4, 2022 3:53 am

No meu Jogo A20.3 o Jogo não carrega aparece essa informação- 2022-05-03T21:41:40 11.079 EXC FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format:nDigits == 0.

May 5, 2022 5:18 am
Reply to  Edson

the mod is for A20.4

May 4, 2022 3:27 am

não funciona no A20 não carrega o jogo

February 24, 2022 7:22 am

So, doesn’t work with A20? Loads and says welcome to Apocalypse now, but no inventory, no health and stamina bar only vanilla stuff working, also No 12 maps to choose from. Guess I will come back in a year.

July 30, 2021 1:01 am

I tried to download this mod and gitlab says the page is 404 error

July 28, 2021 5:10 pm

how to dowload the mod ?

July 14, 2021 6:00 am

Problem with some recipes already read, such as 9mm steel ammo.!

June 17, 2021 3:08 am

among all the projects there is no one to unlock the titanium, how should I unlock it?
thank you

June 11, 2021 4:13 am

I noticed that there are two seperate locations of the items in the mod. would be appreciative if someone helped me fix that.

June 10, 2021 6:46 pm

I would love to use the mod but the entire items XML wont apply aside from the food, not sure how to fix it