V2 fixed and reliable
Dedicated Server only
(server side install only, clients don’t install the mod)
or type
in game chat to learn drone location.
Tired of helping clients find their lost drone?
Like Tacos?
We have the mod for you!
super secret command: /dronefix in case of emergencies
Credits: McTaco
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Mod does not work on Ded. Server. Installed on ded. Server and got kicked upon login. Screen shows “FindMyDrone v1.2.27.1 missing” and server log shows “[Auth] CustomVersion authorization failed …”
there is actually a bug with this mod unrelated to your issue. Please discontinue use until the update is out.
This is a server side only mod, so you only install it on the dedi server.
EAC must be disabled.
I tested this myself and it works fine alone, you may have a mod conflict. what other mods are you using with it?
This shouldn’t conflict with any other mods, as its not even using Harmony, just watchinig chat messages and running custom code that reads data from the base game.
Currently i‘m running Rebirth which is a overhaul mod.
See V2 update, mod is now working.
Same errors, not able to login after install on dedi server. Once installed on client & server it works fine.
must be that your other mods require clients to have the same mods installed.
Installing it client side wont do anything, but also shouldn’t hurt, so if that works for you. thats great!
Does the mod work for you?
Yes, installing client+server and the mod works fine.
Next feature would be the same for NPCs (dogs get lost often) and Cars…