Multiplies the population of zombies in towns and wild by the following numbers.
Note: This mod can not work with Ravenhearst. Ravenhearst will have by default this mod already included, though balanced for the world of RH.
DOWNLOAD Increased Zombie Spawning x2 (9 KB)
DOWNLOAD Increased Zombie Spawning x4 (9 KB)
DOWNLOAD Increased Zombie Spawning x6 (9 KB)
If you appreciate JaxTeller718’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: JaxTeller718
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
Excellent mod. Can be edited for yourself. Need an update for game version 1.2
Yep, took me a while to figure it out but have got it working on mine for 1.2 now.
it works great, thanks for the mod. btw , im using some npcs mods along ,and they seem to spawn as equal as zombies , is there a way i could exclude them somehow?
Stačilo by mi vysvětlit, co ty čísla přesně znamenají. Pak si už poradím.
Provozuji TOTAL HODNĚ MOC BRUTÁLNÍ HARDCORE SERVER. Tento mod s 4x spawn, je skvělý. Snažil jsem se ho upravit na 20x. Bohužel nejde. Mohl bych poprosit o radu, jak množství zvednu?
мня немного раздражают зелёные зомби (внешний вид)
а вот количество белых чем больше тем лучше 🙂
пока (FPS=смерть) не разлучит нас 🙂
играю 1 карта = 1 жизнь (карта надоедает быстрей)
бессмертным быть скучно
Excellent Mod, Really livens up the game. Is there any way to increase the spawns inside POI’s? Its like the adventure is to stay outside now no point in going in a POI there kind of boring.
Nice to have A20 update, a 6x or 8x option also perhaps?
Works perfectly! Makes the game more exciting and interesting. Thank you. At first I thought it didn’t work but it definitely increases zombies in the game.
I love this mod because I’ve always felt that once you get a few weapons and a few levels, the game loses its challenge. Bumping up common spawns keeps the bullets flying and your character moving.
I even tweaked a few values further. Night time in the wasteland is now a nightmare! And I love it 😉
Works like a charm! Thanks!