R6 Siege Desert Eagle Over Desert Vulture

7 days to die r6 siege desert eagle over desert vulture, 7 days to die weapons

Model swap of the desert vulture and all attachments (except flashlight).

DLX weapons fix inspired Sight/Scope that doesn’t use crosshair/overlay image. Might make a version that uses normal aiming if people would like to see that.

7 days to die r6 siege desert eagle over desert vulture additional screenshot 1

7 days to die r6 siege desert eagle over desert vulture additional screenshot 2

7 days to die r6 siege desert eagle over desert vulture additional screenshot 3

7 days to die r6 siege desert eagle over desert vulture additional screenshot 4


Credits: Your lord Adam, Ubisoft (for models), Xyth (for template project), DanyEr12LX

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