No Snakes
It was requested, so… yeah. Should remove snakes, but they’re damn good at hiding in boxes, so who really knows. DOWNLOAD (2 KB) Credits: WhackIt1
It was requested, so… yeah. Should remove snakes, but they’re damn good at hiding in boxes, so who really knows. DOWNLOAD (2 KB) Credits: WhackIt1
After working the fields of mods, I bring forth bounty (i.e. I copied and pasted from another mod I made and modified it). This mod …
After consulting with the ancient magic (i.e. asking other people for help) I managed to come up with a mod that should remove zombie dogs …
There was a mod that removed randomly spawning screamers already up, but I didn’t like how it changed the core game files instead of patching …
Way back in the day, I remember seeing a nonlethal Tazer round that was shot out of a shotgun. It was rad bro. After messing …
Clinoptilolite is a mineral used to reduce radioactivity (gross oversimplification, but you’re not here for a dissertation). I always found it weird that you got …
A simple mod that creates incendiary ammo for each of the weapon types. It use the same formula as Flaming Arrows so it should also …