Experimental V1.0 b332 is out!
Good evening Survivors!
Another round of fixes before you.
b333 Hotfix
- Next throw starts charging after the cooldown instead of being ignored
- Made the throw charging bar more opaque
- ItemClass collide with entity NRE if itemClass or MadeOfMaterial is null
- Unable to throw explosives if drag dropped into the selected toolbelt slot
- Clients in a p2p game are immune to zombie attacks
b332 Changelog
- Chimney Cap Large Smoke Ambient Sound
- Inventory UI Audio – Plant Fibers & Crops
- Inventory UI Audio – Various Resources Batch 1
- Moved player, chest and trader spawn point in playtest 20m closer to POI
- Updated several Simplified Chinese strings based on community feedback
- Initialize Harmony mod code first
- Wrong animations slotted into the ‘3P’ layer of the bow controller causing ‘missing listener’ error
- Trader in playtest spawning 1m above ground
- Bow animation delay
Source: Steam