War3zuk HD Plants Overhaul

7 days to die war3zuk hd plants overhaul

War3zuk HD Plants Overhaul, Adds new models taken directly from his War3zuk AIO Overhaul

Blocks, Adds new Plant models that were taken from his full overhaul… Items, Adds new craft-able foods & other stuff… Icons updated along with their code so it all matches…

Plants will auto spawn in the world when you start your game up so there shouldn’t be any need for a fresh game… This was tested to work but the game being the game War3zuk suppose it could go wrong & no plants spawn on an old save…

Also includes new plants added & also 1 old plant that was removed back in the old alphas which is the Snow Berry… There is a use for it in this but it used in many more recipes in his AIO Overhaul which he cant port over to this as it would get far to complex…

Also includes his Custom Farm Block, Vanilla Harvested plants runs of custom code, These are the plants that are already in the world on spawn which you can either pick-up or Punch, Hitting them is used when you have points in Living Off The Land skill, Pick-up is mainly there for protected areas like Trader Compounds… ALL Vanilla harvest-able plants & seeds once grown will downgrade to their HD counter part again this runs on custom code, This Mod basically removes every plant & its code from the vanilla game & then injects the new code for the plants to run off…

HD Seeds must be planted into a farm-plot & can be grown underground without sunlight… The Default Growing stages have also been removed & replaced, All planted seeds use the same code so they look uniformed when planted, They then grow to a Sapling & then to full plant…

Please use the support link if you find any issues as he only finished this in his main overhaul yesterday & then ported the code to the Modlet so it can be enjoyed in Vanilla…

Plant Timers are as follows as its different from Vanilla,

  • Seed Stage = (when planted) 63 Mins
  • Sapling Stage (2nd Stage) 63Mins

So from seed to plant it takes 126 Mins RT to grow which in game should be every 2 days… Assuming every 1 Hour is 24 hours in game…

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  • (new) Updated for V1.0.
  • Added New Hybrid Plant & its recipes… Plus new Joint with higher bonuses… Also fixed a small bug with the plant icon & a few other small changes… Fixed issue with vanilla plant seeds description that was missing from the original game code.


If you appreciate War3zuk’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.

If you need help, you can use this support link.

Credits: War3zuk

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by kid
by kid
April 16, 2024 7:35 pm

bonjours , le mods doits il être installer sur client/serveur ou seulement serveur ?