Wasteland Only Valley

7 days to die wasteland only valley, 7 days to die biomes, 7 days to die maps

Eric’s friend Grand Spartan asked him for a world that only one biome: Wasteland. Some people watching the stream asked if they could have a copy of the world.

These files are a 7 Days to Die generated world where there is only one biome: Wasteland. He has also tweaked the generation to include all the ore types. Oil Shales are not present in normal wasteland biome.

How to Install

The world is available as a multipart ZIP file. He had to split the ZIP since GitHub only file smaller then 100 MB.

  1. Download all the files in the same folder and double-clic on the .ZIP file to extract.
  2. Copy the Wasteland Only Valley folder that you’ve just extracted in your 7 Days To Die\Data\Worlds folder. You’ll have to check with your Steam client to know where 7 Days is installed.
  3. Start 7 Days and create a new game using the Wasteland Only Valley.
  4. Play the game.
  5. Profit (Maybe, mostly horrible death by vaultures and bears. Don’t say you were not warned.).

7 days to die wasteland only valley additional screenshot


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Eric Beaudoin

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