AutoBots – Automated Mining and Ammunition Bots (Revisited)

7 days to die AutoBots - automated mining and ammunition bots (revisited), 7 days to die mining, 7 days to die ammo

Here is a download link to an updated and revised version of the Auto Miner and Auto Ammo Maker combined into one mod, but still with the two separate ‘automation’ units, called AutoBots (full credit to Snufkin who offered one of the most recent builds for the Auto Miner, but also to the modders down the line who have introduced similar features throughout multiple previous Alpha releases).

Pictures follow the outline and description:

The AutoBot Mod is certainly not made to replace existing Auto Production options as some players really appreciate what is already out there because it provides more time to spend on other activities. This AutoBot Mod is simply made to bring Automation up to date and offer a little more balance for players who prefer an experience closer to Vanilla presets.

Automated Mining Bot

The Automated Mining Bot only went through minimal updates primarily as follows:

  • Converting 10000 Gas into 1000 shale is no longer possible as this was exploited through a constant Chemistry Table to Auto Miner loop that saw 800 shale to 10000 stacked Gas build up a very tidy resource profit but ended player’s mining/wrenching careers.
  • The Gas icon disappeared from some releases out there due to recipe tagging features. This restores the icon.
  • The Workstation for the Automated Mining Bot has a different inventory color (gray) and is a different model from the Automated Ammunition Bot to better tell them apart.
  • Localization has been added.
  • It takes 10 seconds to ‘pick up’ the Bot for moving elsewhere.
  • Hit damage has been increased to 1200
  • The Automated Mining Bot unlocks at Advanced Engineering Level 4
  • It is compliant with A19 updates
  • Making the Automated Mining Bot requires a slightly different recipe

Automated Ammunition Bot

The Automated Ammunition Bot went through some fundamental recipe changes as follows:

It became easy to create HUGE quantities of ammunition by using the exploit in the Auto Miner and rather large quantities without it, to the degree that players were casually sharing 5K+ of AP ammo without putting the slightest dent into their own personal stocks.

One player could realistically supply the needs of every player on a populated server. Recipes have changed to bring in a different style of game play for those who prefer more of a challenge and are based on a simple formula:

1) Half of each individual projectile’s Gunpowder requirement
+/or replaced with
2) Half of each projectile’s Secondary/Primary Resource where needed to maintain balance or in place of Gunpowder where Gunpowder was not required
3) One third of the Coin cost based on the projectile’s Player Vending Machine cost.

With ammo stacking providing a potential 20% discount on resources, the above formula exceeds that discount to 50% for Gunpowder or Secondary/Primary Resource but also brings in the extra requirement to use coin. This will give coin a greater purpose for latter Game Stage and reduce money hording as well as offer some greater context to the brass requirement of many types of ammo. The formula is not perfect, and may need to be tweaked, but makes this update a Quality of Life feature for those bringing in the coin and resources without it becoming a free hand out.

  • Icons disappeared from some releases out there due to recipe tagging and format. This restores the icons.
  • The Workstation for the Automated Ammunition Bot has a different inventory color (green) and is a different model from the Automated Mining Bot to better tell them apart.
  • Localization has been added.
  • It takes 10 seconds to ‘pick up’ the Bot for moving elsewhere.
  • Hit damage has been increased to 1200
  • The Automated Ammunition Bot unlocks at Advanced Engineering Level 4

The Automated Miner with icon color and recipe.

7 days to die AutoBots - automated mining and ammunition bots (revisited) additional screenshot 1

The Automated Ammunition Bot with description and a different icon and color.

7 days to die AutoBots - automated mining and ammunition bots (revisited) additional screenshot 2

As with standard, a full array of mining options minus the shale to stop the dog chasing its own tail which gets longer with each nip.

7 days to die AutoBots - automated mining and ammunition bots (revisited) additional screenshot 3

And standard mining speed increases with attached augers that reflect their level.

7 days to die AutoBots - automated mining and ammunition bots (revisited) additional screenshot 4

As for the ammo, a Gunpowder and Coin requirement that gives batches of 500 for rounds. 500 for turrets ammo with calculations based on Player Vending Machine and Primary Resource costings. 100 for arrows and bolts.

7 days to die AutoBots - automated mining and ammunition bots (revisited) additional screenshot 5

This is a server side only mod and only needs to be placed in the server Mods folder. Players are not required to install it in their Mods folder.

The AutoBot Mod is compatible with existing Auto Miner/Ammo Mods because they have their own names and will not conflict. However, as with introducing any new mods to your server, this will add two new items and due diligence on a test server is prudent.


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: arramus, Snufkin

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January 27, 2022 3:46 am

Is there anyway you could and sand to the miner ?

October 16, 2021 12:47 pm

I keep getting the error “object reference not set to an instance of an object”

(This happens when i try to open both the ammo as the rss miner)
Do u know how i could fix this?

June 6, 2021 11:19 pm

Same problem here

May 31, 2021 9:00 pm

Do I need to install the mod before maxing Advanced Engineering perk?
Because for some reason the recipe is still locked to me. Is there a way to fix it? :3