Enabler Mod for Easy Custom Paint and Terrain Textures

7 days to die enabler mod for easy custom paint and terrain textures, 7 days to die building materials, 7 days to die textures

ocbMaurice would like to introduce a mod he has created last week that might be interesting to other modders. A mod that enables other mods to “easily” add custom block paint and/or terrain textures. It reduces the needed work to a proper unity3d resource file and the accompanying xml.

7 days to die enabler mod for easy custom paint and terrain textures additional screenshot

Haven’t tested it that thoroughly yet, so there might be a few bugs left. On the other hand it already supports automatic scaling for half/quad texture sizes.

Download Custom Textures
Download Custom Textures Demo

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: ocbMaurice

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