Not Just the Standard Pace

7 days to die not just the standard pace

This mod allows terrain to affect the walking speed of the player. Inspired by FC’s BTW MineCraft Total Conversion.


Updated for V1.0.

Please Note

Due to changes in how POIs are now built, this mod will not work in and around POIs, including towns and other built up areas. Wyr3d believe the reason for this is that Devs are using helper blocks (such as topsoil terrain filler) rather than actual terrain blocks for some POIs and likely all the random world generation tiles. These blocks convert to the biome’s required topsoil, however they do not appear to obtain the MovementFactor value that his mod applies to those terrain blocks when they do so. Nor can he apply this value directly to the helper block itself, as this would result in that value being applied to every biome, resulting in effectively the same issue.

Basically, this mod should work as intended for the Navezgane map, but when it comes to the pre-generated, and player generated random worlds it will stop working where these helper blocks are in use (towns etc) Effectively, for biomes such as the snow area, movement across snow will revert to the standard pace (as per grass for this mod) when in these townships making travel easier. Just consider these areas well maintained by the trader faction (Hugh must have a snow plough) 😛


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Wyr3d

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