Rabbit of Caerbannog Mod

7 days to die rabbit of caerbannog mod, 7 days to die animals, 7 days to die zombies

This mod adds a very powerful, feral rabbit. Run Away! Run Away! For those unfamiliar: Wikipedia

NOTE: The rabbit does not spawn rate is usually 1%, and increases up to 3% in the wasteland biome and in certain hordes. If something is set as a “cave” its 5%… which may be excessive if caves come back…

Special thanks and credit where it’s due to: These members of the 7 Days to Die User Forums

+1 Mumpfy: For creating the white rabbit texture.

+1 Mjoelnir.hh: For merging the texture into Textures.unity3d and providing help on how to use it.


Now does not rarely spawn in the random boss groups (no more horde group spawning). Basically this is less XML to deal with and makes it more compatible with other mods as a lot of them mess with the boss groups and would cause them to be renumbered. Doughphunghus is also not sure if a Caerbannog spawned in a horde if it would target you (or hop away) or maybe just kill the entire boss mob before you see it 😉

Download for A20
Download for A19

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Doughphunghus

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September 13, 2023 6:37 am

Is there an update for the killer rabbits on A21 version?

December 28, 2021 4:13 am

Doesnt work getting errors

January 2, 2022 2:07 am
Reply to  Inked4Evr

I don’t normally see replied here, to post issues I’ll normally see go here: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/17197-doughs-modlets

But while I’m here: I was able to get it working in the latest 7D2D version a20 b233 (Stable). What version of the game are you on. What is the error?

October 25, 2020 2:51 am

looks familiar to my mod from years ago, the holy hand grenade is supposed to be a entity (fleshy bits only) killer, no blocks get damaged. this reduced the lag and ram leak issues of blocks being blown away.

December 31, 2020 2:26 am
Reply to  Migamix

The grenade is from another modder named Khelldon, who’s mods I’ve been maintaining as they stopped modding this game, so I don’t know where the grenade model comes from. I dropped the damage a bit (because of lag), but yeah it cases lag on most systems because of the massive damage it causes. I do agree (if I think about it) that in the movie it only killed the rabbit and didn’t blow a huge hole in the ground 🙂