This tool helps you quickly retrieve the seed name from ONE of your 7 Days to Die world saves, As per my situation, i had struggled researching the seed name, while using an existing world for a 7days to die server, and modifiying the serverconfig xml, i’ve been needing the seed and happen to be forgetting what that could be.
So! without further a do, this tool helps by scannings the GeneratedWorlds folder for the matching world and extracts the seed from the map_info.xml file, from one of the saved worlds. Simply drag and drop your World save per each folder, onto the batch script, or manually input the folder path when prompted. it’s not multile or batch supported but lets say you have one world that you need to get the seed from.
Just drag and drop that world save in the example like in the worlds, Navezgame, and the save file, TechFreqs Narnia World and presto!
Instructions below!
====TechFreqs 7 Days to Die Seed Name Finder Tool == TechFreqsGetSeedFrom7D2DWorldSave batch script====
This tool is designed to help retrieve the seed name for your 7 Days to Die world saves. Working for 1.0+, and A20, A19 saves i’d assume.
It checks the matching ‘GeneratedWorlds’ folder for the associated world save and extracts the seed information from the map_info.xml file.
Listed in the C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\7DaystoDie\GeneratedWorlds directory
Whether you’re dealing with older or newer saves, this tool will help you quickly find your world saves seed name per each world folder.
Detects World Name: Automatically detects the world name from the save folder.
Finds Matching Generated World: Searches the ‘GeneratedWorlds’ folder for the corresponding world save.
Retrieves Seed Name: Extracts the seed name from the map_info.xml file if available.
User-Friendly: Simple batch script, once double clicked to run , then can be used with drag-and-drop functionality of the world save to find the seed name.
==How to Use===
1.) Download the Tool: Make sure you have the batch script file (e.g., TechFreqsGetSeedFrom7D2DWorldSave.bat) on your system in its own folder.
2.) Prepare the Save Folder:
Ensure you have a valid 7 Days to Die world save folder.
Check when you start up your game, clicking on the Continue Game Button, and see what Generated World Label was used under the name of the save you’d like the seed from. Exit game.
As for my example it was ‘TechFreqs Narnia’ under the ‘Mivexasi County’ Generated World label .
3. ) Then navigate to the save folder
which should be in the default location or wherever you store your game saves on the local disk, hopefully in its own organized world save and generated world folder structure.
4. ) Run the Script:
Drag and drop, INDIVIDUAL world save folders directly onto the batch file, or
Double-click the batch file and manually ,drag and drop the folder into the full path entry, to your world save folder when prompted.
and press enter.
ITS NOT A BATCH, just per folder, 1 folder at a time. Sorry didn’t specify that , typos exist for a reason.
Not a batch, just one save folder, thats within the generated worlds in the saves directory, (i.e East Nesice Territory) theirs about 5 saves in that folder for myself, so i can only drag and drop one at a time to see the seed name. its not just that generated world save folder but you get my point.
1 folder at a time per generated world save in the saves folder not a batch.
5. ) View Results:
The script will scan for the matching world in the ‘GeneratedWorlds’ directory and search for the seed in the ‘map_info.xml’ file.
If a seed is found, it will be displayed.
If no seed is found, it will notify you accordingly, that their is no label. perhaps it is a pregenerated GeneratedWorlds like ‘Navezgane’ which will have no seed name..
The script will show either the Seed Name if found or a message saying No seed label found.
The process is logged in the command window for your convenience.
6. ) Troubleshooting
“Error: No matching world found”:
Ensure the save folder corresponds to a world that has a matching folder in the GeneratedWorlds directory.
The world name in your save folder should match the generated world folder name.
“Error: map_info.xml not found”:
Ensure the world is a generated world (it must have a map_info.xml file).
If the world is not a generated one, no seed information will be available.
This tool is free to use, provided by TechFreq and thanks to ChatGPT for helping making the mod. Designed for personal use with 7 Days to Die.
This tool was created as a newbie myself for getting into modding or making a 7 days to die server, I’ve had trouble finding the seed name to input for the
serverconfig.xml for the dedicated server and have such a hardtime researching forums and etc. So this tool was made to make things a bit easier, and or if needed for that purpose
so that way theirs still manual editing for the serverconfig by using an existing singe player generated world save and needing the seed name for that world and with this tool
to make things easier for an easy, copy and paste and start the server type, type of seed finder tool.
Feel free to share and use for personal sake and checkout some of my copyright free music! at TechFreq on all music platforms and checkout more content at
if you appreciate my work and would like to donate, it’s not necessary, but it’s much appreciated, or feel free to listen to some of my music as that’s plenty good enough for me. and if it’s helped you for your needs feel free to share with others! thanks again
Credits: TechFreq
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.