Another water craft Mod returns from Hiatus in A21
The ‘Working TFP Raft’.
The TFP raft model was extracted and rigged as a ‘working vehicle entity’ initially by DUST2DEATH and then ‘Raft float xml physics’ applied by Ragsy 2145.
The Raft can be placed in shallow water with level ground underneath much the same as the latest version of the ‘boating mod’. Once in the water level the Raft and off you go.
Normal keys W and Shift for forward momentum and Space bar and C control the up and down angles (same as a gyro) which you may need to adjust slightly as you travel on water. Although once levelled the Raft is much more stable than a boat. Steer the Raft with the A and D keys.
If you let go of W and shift (Turbo) then the Raft slowly comes to a stop, there is no reverse on a raft although pressing S will slow the Raft down more quickly this replaces Spacebar as the brake key.
To ‘anchor the Raft’ and stop it drifting away use C and Spacebar to level the Raft until it stops drifting, useful if you have a fishing mod installed.
The Raft is craftable in a standard workbench with no progression needed at the heavier cost of having enough resources.
The recipe’s are simple and use standard in game resources… Please feel free to alter the recipe if you wish and offer back a recipe or build system improvement with due credits given to the person that does do an alternate recipe and build system.
The Raft has 4 seating positions … two can be added via the vehicle mod system let him know if there are any issues with multiple passengers.
ChangeLog version 4:
- XML Updated to V1
- Seating redone for V1 Pose system
- Texture pass for V1 world lighting.
Additional Credits:
DUST2DEATH for the extracting the TFP Asset model and conversion in unity. TFP for the ‘Actual Raft Model’ asset in the game.
ActiniumTiger for Conversion of the blend file version to unity package for allowing physics updates for this V1 version.
V1 version is not backward compatible with A21 and A20
Install Information
Note: Gitlab ‘zip’ downloads will double nest the folders so you will have to go down a folder level to find the actual mod folder.
Example of what happens on Gitlab Downloads
When you have unzipped the downloaded file you would see this:
Double click and you will then see this
Above is the actual name of the Raft Mod folder (Ragsy_Raft__Modlet_V1.0) you can then drag this folder into your Mods folder.
If you are using the old Mods location it is located here: YourDrive :\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods
If using the new Mods folder it is located here: YourDrive :\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods
You can type %AppData%\7DaysToDie\Mods in the address bar in Windows Explorer or in the Search Box on your desktop and it will take you to the correct location.
7 Days to Die Forum community for wanting water based vehicles.
Guppy’s Modding Discord for their support along the way.
Happy Rafting in V1
Ragsy and Tiger !!
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: Ragsy 2145, ActiniumTiger
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
hello help how can I fix the problem of fishing in the raft does not stop everything else works fine
There are no working workbenches you will have to make one before you can make this or complete all tier II quests Although nothing is set in stone if you get one or not LOL
Is there anything stopping me from using this in alpha 19? Any changes in it that would break this mod or cause it to not work? I absolutely LOVE the idea of this.