WC Toilet Mod

7 days to die wc toilet mod

#The Toilet Mod

This mod is intended for players who tend not to pretend. Who like their survival experience a bit too hardcore. Kinda like 7 days of constipation.
Or for just some shits and giggles for anyone, who cares, you play the way you want to. They let bro cook too much and this happened.
So this mod is the result of a fun weekend tinkering spree with some sloppy toilet humor and
featuring simulation of bodily functions. Dysentery won’t just be a fart and a breeze anymore.
Enjoy and good luck trying to keep from soiling yourself when the horde comes!

## Features
### Metabolism
“You consume – you excrete, nature will be calling shortly.”

*Introduces a new bodily need system directly tied into the vanilla eating and drinking mechanic of the game.
*Food and drink units you have consumed will be partially converted into bowel and bladder content units displayed as yellow and brown digestion buffs in your character menu.
*Corresponding buffs will pop up on your HUD display at 3/4 and full organ capacity to notify on your current status.
*When food/drink bar is full, adds further pressure buildup in the corresponding matter.
*You will soil yourself at near 150% organ capacity. A quick swim and/or a Toilet Kit will take care of this issue.
*Soiled debuff will slow stamina regen and you get a 3% chance of getting an infection after every 5 seconds, meanwhile also draining both organs dramatically. They just give up at this point.
*Caffeine will make you grab for that toilet paper sooner. Twice that for Blackstrap.

### Toilets
“Porcelain thrones in times of need. Better take that tank water, maybe a bit stagnant but just leave the bowl contents. Survival Rule #54: No flushing.”

*Searchable toilets can be used to relieve yourself. When on top of a ceramic toilet you get the Toilet buff, letting you know you can now crouch down to do needed business.
*Anywhere over 10% bowel/bladder capacity, all waste will be drained over a short period of time. Urination makes a sound.
*(If you have Sittable Furnitures Deluxe mod installed aswell defecation sounds can also be heard. Well recommended for extra immersion.)

### Toilet Paper and Toilet Kits
“Not just any piece of paper you discover is suitable for sensitive contact; that ripped up cardboard ain’t gonna do the job…properly. We do not want papercuts!”

* Toilet Paper can be looted, traded or crafted in a campfire.
* Partially used rolls with some uses left found on lootable toilets and in trash, meaning other similar household tissue paper still in good condition.
* To make your own Toilet Paper: scrap paper must be mashed, washed and sterilized by boiling in a jar of murky water. It’ll be clean enough in the end.
* Three usable rations of toilet paper takes 6 paper and 1 jar of water to make. Don’t need a cooking pot, we’re using the hot stone method, takes a good minute to process and dry.
* Toilet Paper lets you relieve yourself anywhere, when over 20% Bowel/Bladder, drains 20 units of either waste material with each use.
* Toilet Paper on it’s own is okay for emergency but better to prep some Toilet Kits. When over 50% bowel cap, these let you drain 50 units of either material and clean yourself.
* Toilet Kits are improvised hygenic supplies made with some toilet paper, a jar of tank water, handful of potassium powder, aloe leaf and chrysanthemum essence. Cleans up soiling and creates a pile of refuse.

### Personal Matter
“One’s waste is another’s resource, huh? What a mess, please tell me you’re not one of those hoarders…”

*Refuse Pile is created in your inventory after using a Toilet Kit specifically. Can be placed and harvested for a 50% chance of either waste product, also reclaiming some paper.
*Feces – Made by putting poop into a jar of murky water for storage. Can then be pyrolized into some “brown” coal in a campfire.
*Urine – Can be used to make potassium nitrate, or if nothing else, coal filtered for a bit of nasty reclaim water.
*Both waste items can be applied to soil yerself and others, risking infection.

# Compatibility
*Should be compatible with most mods, a lot is yet proof of concept, experimental and untested.
Thank you for testing, and be sure to let me know about any issues.
Constructive criticism and new ideas are welcome.

## Technical Details
This mod uses XPath to modify XML files, and does not require sCore, Quartz or DMT.
It should be compatible with EAC.
However, the mod also includes new non-XML resources
(new icons).
These resources are _not_ pushed from server to client.
For this reason, the mod should be installed on both servers and clients.
After installation, it is highly recommended to start a new game.
But should start working just as well in an older save.

### Re-use of new assets
The icon images are derivative works of The Fun Pimps original images.
I do *not* claim any rights over these images, and do not require credit.
You may only re-use the images under the same terms and conditions that you would
use the original images from The Fun Pimps.


Credits: Wiruman

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Michael Scarn
Michael Scarn
September 25, 2024 7:01 pm

I’ve always wanted to poop in this game. 😀

September 25, 2024 7:13 pm
Reply to  Michael Scarn

😀 When I first played the game, I checked the toilets for this.

September 25, 2024 7:56 pm
Reply to  Artemisia

I’m sure many people have done this 🙂

September 25, 2024 5:17 pm

“Sittable Furnitures Deluxe” could not find a mod, did find Sittable Furnitures so I am not sure if you meant that?

September 25, 2024 7:03 pm
Reply to  Semirotta

The deluxe version is probably different, just google it.

September 24, 2024 11:18 pm

HOly…crap…I have literally been waiting and hoping someone would make a mod like this for this game, and others, I have always wanted a game to go this far with simulation and now you got that with this mod in 7d2d!

I was afraid at first it was just going to be visual or sound effects but its a full on mod with stats and utility! thank you!!!!

September 25, 2024 6:46 pm
Reply to  war

I am absolutely elated and you are welcome, thought it was about damn time, common sense given the possibilities in the xml files. Ended up being quite simple and compact. There was a mod for FO: New Vegas I think the only time i’ve seen something similar attempted. Hope everything functions well and happy poopin’ =)

September 26, 2024 2:19 am
Reply to  Wiruman

So far so good. I did edit the buffs file just to slow the gain rate of pee and poo lol, only because I use a more realistic timescale, that way I do not have to pee and poo every 5 minutes. It works great!

It actually made me want to craft a toilet to put in my base instead of having to find one in a house. This mod finally made at least one of the decoration furniture pieces have USE. I never bother crafting furniture let alone a toilet in the past, because…why, Now I had a reason. I love games where everything has a function.